Wednesday, November 19, 2008

since the issue is population control

since the issue is excess population

the solution is:

- birth control
- rewarding fewer or no children
- penalizing families with more than two children
- offering incentives to the elderly to "retire" early

Monday, November 17, 2008

disaster is the result of exponential population growth which causes

disaster is the result of exponential population growth which causes

1. expenses grow to exceed expenses
2. populations grow to exceed ecosystems
3. human societies concentrate power in fewer hands
4. global warming is a result of excess population
5. war is a result of excess population
6. civilization collapse is a result of excess population
7. pollution is a result of excess population

so why is there is excess population?

so that after the coming collapse there will be enough individuals to
carry on the species

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pirate King Panda

Bad Boy
Originally uploaded by tofz4u
this is a rare photo of king panda when he was a pirate - he was a scourge of the seven seas - he took no prisoners - and sent many ships to davy jones locker. but thats another story.

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Subject: I've shared a map with you: house paul and trout lake
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 01:05:55 -0800

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the one good book giving tradition

Hey all - lets enjoy this holiday by celebrating the first even one good
book giving festival!

Why give one and only one book this holiday between families?

1. good the environment
2. good for the economy
3. good for learning
4. good for the future
5. good for sharing reading as a family
6. good for cooperative reading
7. good for reading alone
8. good for travelling

Entry in the Encyclopaedia Pan Galactica for "the one good book giving

and so as christmas season comes closer
let us examine the tradition known as the one good book giving festival
this year, families all around the world are participating in the
ancient one good book giving tradition.

the one good book giving tradition is characterized by families giving
each a book wrapped in "wrapping paper" as a physical object to
symbolize non physical relationships - such as emotional bonds.

this ancient tradition dates thousands of years back, to the year 2008,
in the first 250,000 years of our species.

not much information is available about life at this time, except that
is the year many ancient societies abandoned the old tradition of
consuming vast amounts of resources to symbolize emotional in the
production and destruction of consumer goods.

finally societies found a more environmentally sustainable practice in
the tradition of families giving one good book to each other as a better
way to symbolize emotional ties.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



the arc of greatness - movie
what's the difference between good and great
people - coach
customers - make each customers feel special, be the customer
innovation - don't need to managed - common vision - great the right people on the bus
-- how do i feel a bout greg - self managing? self disciplined? self motivated?

-- grow assets
-- make great web applications software
-- make information free with premium features
-- buy the world healthy
-- work myself out of a job
-- beg borrow buy

-- what can i do with what i got
-- IT Brokering
-- put together a tips booklet / ebook - hire a ghostwriter (elance, guru)
--- writing, design, layout and press release, summary, talking points, overview, bio
--- monitoring
--- top 10 freeware software for you pc
--- disaster recovery / business interruption
--- how to grow your business with custom software development
--- how to avoid getting stung by contract developers
--- top 10 mistakes companies make with their IT departments
--- top 10 mistakes companies make with software development
-- retail location improvements
--- walk in - traffic - signage on the parking lot and in the building
-- ip telefony - $9000 job, $5k profit
-- free troubleshooting for business market - 1st visit with BEST pitch
-- near free / free tickets for CTs - for what? - $120/3 people
--- they need hosting - ie. replace ACE, and linux admin
--- reselling low cost ecommerce to CT's - looking for higher cost higher margin
--- virtual machines $150/month
--- needed a computer troubleshooters specific ( launching - a basic product)
-- low cost backups for hosting - NOT FREE - NOT EXPENSIVE
-- sell it during the assesment

marketing invest - no longer yp
-- julie
-- PR
-- books - $1200 - 2500 per book - press release
-- SEO
-- props - visual - testing

1. proactive - adults - values
2. end in mind - values and goals
3. first things first - urgent vs important
4. think win / win - 3rd alternatives - win / win OR no deal
5. listen to be understood - get connected first with the whole person
6. synergize - value differences - run with it
7. sharpen the saw -

fonality > adtran > commpartners
18,500 vs 14,000 vs 21,000 vs 17,000 vs 43,000
fonality is 6,900
can't leave money on the table
the works with 15 phones is $5,500, base is $995

adtran - edge router, QoS, NAT traversal (1:1, 1:many)
managed switch, CoS 802.1p, VLAN trunking 802.1q (1 cable : 2 vlans (phone, pc))

conference > vendor booth > show speaking
- backup, business interruption, redundancy

my car service manager
goal - owner - service and parts transaction revenue, car financing revenue

goal - publisher - increase service number and value of service appointments for car dealers through lower cost cost customer contact, improved customer scheduling, advance customer payment and upselling

goal - consumer - convenient car service management for improved car performance and long term value through optimal customer contact, improved customer scheduling, advance customer payment

inspirational sites:

publisher features:
manage customer account
manage customer contact vectors
manage customer drop off and pick up
manage vehicle account
manage vehicle service schedule
manage vehicle service schedule messages
manage vehicle service pricing

consumer features:
manage customer account
manage customer contact vectors
manage customer drop off and pick up
manage customer budget
manage vehicle account
manage vehicle service schedule

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Black holes the mother / father of all creation

"Anyway, remember this as well: even though black holes can cause death and destruction on a major scale, they also help galaxies themselves form! So we owe our existence to them."

from --