Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

What is theatre? Spectacle?

I never answered this before. It is time.

We live alone. There is no we. Only I.

I want to know you, other.

I want to know what I can't know.

See what I can't see.

Experience something I can get nowhere else.

And when I sit in the theatre and watch, I am alone, though the theatre is full.

I can not speak.

Nor can I move.

Like a prisoner.

Like a whisper.

Like a genie in a bottle.

That fantasy world never leaves the stage.

It is kept locked up.

Irony? Symmetry?

While the play speaks you obey.

But then you leave, and the theatre is nothing.

You keep the theatre locked up.

Theatre is your prisoner.

You are the warden that plays prisoner.

You delight in the illusion of breaking the fourth wall. What delicious - degradation? I know not.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

rumplestiltskin wizard draft

rumplestiltskin wizard draft
copyright 2009 joshua paul
written 2009.09.02

once upon a time there was a magician who knew how to save the world from being killed by people.

to save the world from dyan the wizard needee a special child. this child would save the world.

the wizard looked everwhere to find a woman that was special so she could be the childs mom.

one day in kingdom ruled by a greedy despot he found a woman that could have the baby that would save the world.

but he needed time and money to preapre the woman the the procedure. there was a lot of work to do.

so the wizard persuaded the greedy king the the woman could turn straw in to oil.

for what ever reason the greedy dictator believed the wizard and had the woman thrown in jail and told to turn straw in to oil or die.

the wizard visted her in jail and said he would help her if she would give him some of her blood. finally she consented and they an exchange oil for blood.

the wizard worked and worked. the blood was good. the immense sacrifices made along the way would not have been made in vain.

again the wizard visited the woman in jail and this time he asked for one of her eggs in return for his help. after much protest they made an exchange - an egg from her ovary for oil.

working feverishly he cloned the egg and created several embryos finally selecting one and made the required changes to her blood.

finally the wizard return to the woman for the last time. if she completed this task the greedy dictator would have his oild and would marry her. she was brave and practical. she would have her revenge when he was old.

but the wizard's price was great. carry the genetically engineered foetus to term and give birth. and then when the baby was 3 years old give him to the wizard. the wizard needed to wait 3 years for the changed blood he would put back in her body to make enough milk to finish the changes.

she wanted revenge so she made the deal and submitted to the procedure.

3 years past. the rage and anger she feld had hardened but her love for the child was deep and profound.

the child was a wonder. walking, talking, reading. but most of all the child was kind and generous. the though of the wizard coming was too painful to think about.

so the queen took precautions. bodyguards for the infant were selected. security systems were state of the art. everything was done to prevent a kidnapping.

but when the day came fail safe plan after fail safe plan failed. security crumbled and the toddler and the queen laid bare/

and there stodd the wizard. he had spent spent the last 3 years assembling an army to retrieve the child.

(but all the sacrifices and lives lost were for nothing because when the queen cried she would kill the child rather than let him go forcing the wizard to lay down his arms)

the queen cried she would rather kill the child rather than let him go. the wizard said he would rather blow himself up and everyone with him.

so they decided to get married.

there was a great wedding and the child's future was safe.

and the queen had her revenge on the wizard as well.

Friday, August 07, 2009

take off

Every time lately I have got on a plane Thanatos had boarded with me. I wish the plane will crash on tale off or landing. Improbable as it is I imagine the plane bursting into flames and cold metal biting into my bloody flesh. I imagine being strapped into my seat, the sound of my beating heart drowning out the screams and the sirens.
I imagine relaxing and smiling as death embraces me harshly. I breathe deeply to relax through the pain and not cry out.
I don't have to struggle any more.
The insurance will tale care of my family.
I want to be free.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


hypereating - david kessler - the end of over eating - bill clinton - fda head?

eating for stimulation

fat - sugar - salt

new learning
new behaviour
i don't want it

like smoking

neural pathways

hot stimuli changed to cold stimuli

Friday, May 29, 2009


Evolution broken
Traits maladptive
Environmental bankruptcy
Economic bankruptcy

Fish stocks
Oil stocks
Affluent consumer stocks
Investor stocks
Arable land stocks

Thursday, May 14, 2009

the ballad of robert Dziekanski

[ the solo's are missing for the different characters and need to be added ]

[ what will robert sing? ]

[ the 4 rcmp uniformed officers are checking tickets ]

[ the lights go down - and come up on the chorus ]

[ the chorus could be angels with wings - like the angels in Wings of Desire ]

chorus: we are here today - the day robert Dziekanski is going to die

chorus: we are here in the vancouver airport, waiting with him - it's 1am - he's got just 30 minutes to live

chorus: he doesn't know that he is going to die

chorus: he got off the plane from poland 10 hours ago and he hasn't had anything to eat or drink

[ robert walks on and off ]

chorus: we dedicate this work to him. to his mother. to poland. to vancouver.

[ moment of silence, heads bowed ]

chorus: the 4 rcmp officers are here too.

chorus: they don't know that they are going to kill him.

[ the 4 officers are talking off stage, on stage, beyond the 4th wall ]

chorus: the camera man is here. he is coming back from china.

chorus: if it wasn't for him none of us would exist.

[ do the lights go out? is the chorus wearing camera's around their necks? ]

[ or do they just pause and bow their heads ]

chorus: we are not going to tell this story in the usual way.

chorus: we are also not going to tell it like it happened - this is make believe after all.

chorus: we could tell it as a tragedy - for a tragedy it is.

chorus: we have all the elements the ancient greeks loved and thought so highly of.

chorus: we have unity time - unity of place - unity of action.

chorus: a perfect triangle.

chorus: the players don't know their time has come.

chorus: the clock is ticking and the events are ready to unfold.

chorus: the airport, the arrival area - an arrival and a departure.

chorus: the action is a betrayal, a killing, the many against the one, us versus the other, the state versus the individual, brother killing brother, the armed versus the unarmed, the watchers versus the watched.

chorus: we could tell the story like that - but why? this airport is a cabaret!

[ the lights go down on the chorus ]

[ the lights come up on a big show number of "life is a cabaret" !!! ]

[ let's have some fun! what does vancouver have to offer? burlesque and drag queens and so much in between!! ]

[ the lights go down on the dancers and go up on the chorus ]

chorus: robert, you can come on stage now.

chorus: we can't hear him. imagine he is speaking polish.

chorus: but all we hear is nothing. no one hears him. his ignored.

chorus: robert - go and look for your mother. search the stage.

chorus: don't give up robert. keep looking. you have been looking for 9 hours.

robert: i want my mom.

robert: i want my mom. where is my mom?

robert: she would be here... why isn't she here.

robert: mom!

robert: mom - how come no one is helping me.

robert: don't leave me here alone.

robert: no one understands me.

robert: no one cares about me.

robert: i am soo alone.

robert: mom - come and get me please.

robert: please - i am begging you - come and get me out of here.

robert: i need you.

robert: i miss you.

robert: where are you?

robert: when are you coming?

chorus: robert - that's enough. we understand.

chorus: you understand don't you?

chorus: did you ever let go of your mother's hand only to lose her?

chorus: his mother came to get him.

chorus: she stayed at the airport for 3 hours before going back to kamloops.

chorus: she never sees her son alive again.

[ zofia at a customer service agent booth ]

zofia: can you please page my son

zofia: he is supposed to be here hours ago

zofia: please page him - his name is robert Dziekanski

zofia: no - you pronounce it Dziekanski - Dzie - kan - ski

zofia: robert Dziekanski

chorus: but robert can't hear that page

chorus: he is the secure area - and pages are not played there

chorus: and even if pages were played there

chorus: it wouldn't have been his mothers voice

chorus: now - we will re-enact what is shown on the video tapes

[ re-enactment ]

[ robert is dead ]

[ lights black except the spot on him ]

officers: we are sorry

officers: it was wrong

officers: we wish we could do it all over again

officers: but since we can't

officers: we are working hard to make sure this doesn't happen again

officers: we are speaking out

officers: we don't want anyone else to die

officers: we don't want anyone else to kill someone and live with that

officers: we don't want anyone else to lose their son or their daughter

officers: we don't want to use electric discharge weapons anymore

[ they put the weapons down ]

Thursday, April 30, 2009

i am terrible comedian


- it's my birthday - i don't want a free lunch at denny's, or a $5 discount from the cbc gift shop, i want to push the launch missile button in the government vs rebel attack of the day - in pakistan , or sri lanka, or israel. there going to push the button anyway - so why not me?


- cannibalism. is it soo bad? is it wrong to joke about eating fresh virgin vegan heart?


- selling your children into slavery. what's wrong with it? a news story recounted how a harried professional mom kicked her kids out of the car after they were fighting and drove off. i have a better idea - get a free paid vacation to thailand or cambodia where you can sell your daughters into slavery. now you will never have to listen to them argue again!


Friday, April 17, 2009

the yes, lets game
Yes, Let's: Each improviser in a scene makes a suggestion that is loudly accepted by the others on stage with the words "Yes, Let's". When used as an exercise, this game teaches acceptance of suggestions by other improvisers and the value of a positive attitude on stage.

Exactly what I need to play with my family at home.

When I am asked to do something - I will wholeheartedly embrace it as something we can do together.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Fables of Adventure Capitalism

ables of Adventure Capitalism

There was a war.

It ended.

Peasants and merchants once again produced surplus amount of OPM that the elites coveted.

The elites asked for the surpluses. The peasants and merchants wanted to know why they should give them to the elites that already had so much. The elites were quick, like Ponzi. They said they didn't want all of it – they would hold it for them and make more money for them so they could retire.

So the peasants and merchants mistaking arrogance, greed and narcissism for wisdom handed over their surpluses to the elites in exchange of health care, retirement and employment insurance. The elites took the surpluses and spent it. To make it look like it was working they needed more money from peasants and merchants. And they made more extravagant promises.

Unfortunately – spending surpluses proved to be extremely addictive and euphoria inducing and they went on a binge.

They burned huge amounts of surpluses.

And then all the surpluses wer gone and they woke up.

And the peasants and merchants saw that their life savings were gone.

The elites were quick, like Madoff.

The elites said we need more money.

The money is burnt, if we don't get more you will all lose your jobs.

Actually it was the elites that would lose their jobs.

Fields need to be filled – can't fire peasants.

Bread needs to be baked – can't fire bakers.

Who's left to be fired?

After the last depression, peasants and merchants got together and made their own banks – they called them credit unions – what made the different was that they were democratic and did the will of the owners – the people.

Answer me this – how many credit unions need to be builed out?

The answer is none.

The reason – they don't have any surpluses to burn – it's all their own money.

Are credit unions not the ideal model to replace all financial institutions that obviously have flawed economic models – putting the interests of the elites over the owners.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Re: Police

John - thanks for emailing me back!!!

I really appreciate it.

Good interview on the CBC - maybe a week or two ago!

I think more pressing at the moment is the end of prohibition with respect to the chicago-style killings in the lower mainland.

the government needs to step in and take away a major revenue source of these criminal gangs.

the government needs to look at using existing government agencies - suchs as the bc liquor stores, and bc doctors and pharmacists - to replace these out of control drug dealers.

as long as the sale of drugs is not under government control, huge untaxed streams of cash will go to fund the criminal organizations and their killings.

Minister, SG SG:EX wrote on 2009-03-24 9:18 AM:

March 24, 2009

Mr. Joshua Paul

Dear Mr. Paul:

I am responding to your January 23, 2009 e-mail, addressed to the Honourable Wally Oppal, Attorney General, regarding your concerns about the screening of applicants to police agencies in British Columbia.  I apologize for the delay in my reply.

I agree it is important for citizens to have confidence that applicants are properly screened before entering the police service.  Police officers are hired by, work for, and can be fired by their respective police agencies.  All recruits in British Columbia receive initial recruit training at the Justice Institute of British Columbia or at the national training facility in Regina for the RCMP, and all officers are subject to background checks and thorough hiring procedures.

In addition, processes exist to ensure police officers are held to account for their actions.  Police agencies have high standards regarding code of conduct and ethics, and internal review processes and policies are in place to ensure that complaints are recorded and investigated as required.

There are a number of ways that police officers are held accountable for their actions.  I assure you that police officers are not above the law and can be charged with a criminal offence.  Police officers, like all individuals, are subject to the rule of law and must act within the provisions of the Constitution Act, the Criminal Code of Canada, and other laws. 

All police agencies offer and promote training on policing in culturally diverse communities, and actively recruit members from varied backgrounds.

Thank you for writing with your concerns about this important topic.

Yours sincerely,

John van Dongen
Solicitor General

pc:     The Honourable Wally Oppal

--  Toll Free 1.888.748.0668 Fax 1-866-336-7246 Suite 238 - 23 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 1R3 CANADA,  

Sunday, March 22, 2009

neocodeprincess panda jeannie

neocodeprincess panda jeannie

png jpg gif of stencil of panda with pistols with colour neocodeprincess
panda jeannie copyright 2009 <a
href=""></a> fair
use rights granted creative commons

12:56:20 neocodeprincess: Hello Joshua Paul
1:56:48 joshua paul: :D
1:56:53 joshua paul: good work
1:57:20 neocodeprincess: Thanks:-)
1:57:31 joshua paul: can you sign?
1:57:34 joshua paul: i mean
1:57:35 joshua paul: sing
1:57:38 joshua paul: on youtube
1:57:48 joshua paul: or do you draw?
1:57:58 neocodeprincess: Yes I draw
1:58:05 joshua paul: nice
1:58:29 joshua paul: can you draw a panda?
1:58:49 neocodeprincess: Here in my computer?
1:59:10 joshua paul: on paper?
1:59:12 neocodeprincess: or in a pice of paper?
1:59:17 neocodeprincess: yes sure:)
1:59:39 joshua paul: please bill me for that
2:00:05 neocodeprincess: Okay...When will you be needing the illustration?
2:01:35 neocodeprincess: or right away?
2:04:01 joshua paul: in the weekly budget i gave you
2:04:14 joshua paul: pdf coming
2:04:25 joshua paul: so you can see what to draw
2:04:34 joshua paul: and email coming so you know what to do
2:04:40 neocodeprincess: Okay
2:04:41 joshua paul: you can actually just take these pdfs
2:04:59 joshua paul: and upload them to free flickr, picasa, photobucket
sharing sites with the user name neocodeprincess
2:05:19 joshua paul: just make sure to add the copyright 2009 to them
2:05:52 neocodeprincess: yes okay
2:06:01 neocodeprincess: will take note
2:06:22 joshua paul: i have sent you three things to do
2:06:31 joshua paul: eventually say
2:06:32 joshua paul: josh
2:06:33 joshua paul: stop
2:06:34 joshua paul: no more
2:06:35 joshua paul: :D
2:06:44 joshua paul: or not
2:08:45 neocodeprincess: So I have to upload the image in these three
sites? Kiva, Linkedin, and mozy?
2:10:09 neocodeprincess: Oh I see
2:10:21 neocodeprincess: Sorry...there are three images to be drawn
2:10:46 joshua paul: or posted
2:10:52 joshua paul: as is to internet
2:11:00 joshua paul: or just pick one image to draw
2:11:04 joshua paul: or don't do it at all
2:11:29 neocodeprincess: okay...I'll just pick one image to draw:-)
2:11:42 joshua paul: i am curious which one you will pick
2:13:34 neocodeprincess: I think they are all the same... just differed
on colors..Will pick the last image
2:14:14 joshua paul: glitter glue
2:14:20 joshua paul: my daughter used glitter glue
2:14:23 joshua paul: for that one
2:14:34 joshua paul: it's pretty too
2:15:18 neocodeprincess: You're daughter drew this?
2:15:23 neocodeprincess: :-)
2:15:30 joshua paul: i got the image from flickr
2:15:34 joshua paul: it's from paris
2:15:37 joshua paul: i printed it out
2:15:46 joshua paul: and asked my daughter to color it
2:15:50 joshua paul: she is six years old
2:15:51 joshua paul: :D
2:16:00 neocodeprincess: ah okay:-D
2:34:31 neocodeprincess: Will have the images submitted by Wednesday Joshua
2:34:36 neocodeprincess: Would that be fine?
2:34:45 joshua paul: what ever works for the budget
2:34:56 neocodeprincess: Okay
2:35:06 joshua paul:
2:35:14 joshua paul: i posted it there
2:35:17 joshua paul: but also here
2:36:47 neocodeprincess: My first week to call for emergency response
test will be tomorrow..Monday...Can I extend it by next week?
2:36:55 joshua paul: and here
2:36:55 joshua paul:
2:37:01 joshua paul: sure
2:37:05 joshua paul: just move the date?
2:37:13 neocodeprincess: Yes I will...thanks
2:37:42 neocodeprincess: By the way...will you be needing my cellphone
2:38:05 neocodeprincess: or not for now?
2:38:05 joshua paul: and here
2:38:06 joshua paul:
2:38:16 joshua paul: you just send your cell to
2:38:28 joshua paul: you can cc: me
2:38:39 joshua paul: ask chris for emergency sms messages
2:38:42 joshua paul: about server down
2:38:44 joshua paul: to go to you
2:38:50 joshua paul: so you can call them
2:38:56 joshua paul: call chris and oliver
2:38:59 joshua paul: i have to go now
2:39:01 joshua paul: it's very late
2:39:05 joshua paul: i must sleep
2:39:07 neocodeprincess: Okay
2:39:07 joshua paul: good night
2:39:12 neocodeprincess: Yes, it is
2:39:14 neocodeprincess: Good night
2:39:19 neocodeprincess: :-)

Monday, March 02, 2009

part X thanksgiving

❀ ❀
neo code
a series
part X
copyright 2008 jpaul
ME: still 37 years old. canadian-
american. suburban two kids and a wife,
two cars, a mortgage, beer belly, a
computer scientist.
YOU: thanksgiving searcher.
t h ank s gi v i ng
what if the sun was
my father
and the heat from his
made solar winds so
that he protected
me from radiation
allowing me to
be alive
what if the sun
was my father
and the light from his body
fed my planet
which fed me
allowing me to
be alive
what if the ocean was my mother
and i missed her so much
my mother made an ocean in her
belly for me to be born
allowing me to be alive
what if the ocean was my mother
so that when my heart breaks
she is with me, running down my
cheeks in salty streaks
reminding me that i am alive
what if the ocean was my mother
and she kept me warm when my
father the sun was away
and she kept me cool when my
father the sun made it too hot
allowing me to be alive
what if the ocean was my mother
and she gave me everything i asked
she gives food and clothing
allowing me to be alive
what if the trees were my aunts and
giving me shelter when i needed it
feeding me when i was hungry
protecting me when i was in
allowing me to be alive
what if the trees were my
aunts and uncles
breathing in carbon dioxide
changing it into oxygen
allowing me to be alive
what if it was all true
true in every way that ever
then i would need to give
thanks to them
for allowing me to be
wouldn’t i?
wouldn’t i need to thank the
wouldn’t i need to thank the
wouldn’t i need to thank the
how should i thank the sun?
should i set fire to the last
hours of ancient sunshine?
should i fill the sky with smoke
to obscure the sun?
how should i thank the ocean?
should i fill her with plastic
should i inject her with
creating anoxic dead zones
larger than the state of texas?
how should i thank the trees?
should i chop them all down?
thank you
i will keep thanking the sun,
the ocean and the trees
all the days of my life
until every memory of me is
and every atom that was ever
6 degrees seperated from me
is sucked into the mother /
father black hole at the centre
of our galaxy
copyright 2008 jpaul
return to joshua paul

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i quit

i quit

i just want to produce musical theatre / film

like what?

-1 the life of bryan

0. the slipper and the rose

0.1 ella enchanted

1. bugsy malone - from bugsy malone - brought back by coca-cola

1.1 the wizard oz

2. -

3. moulin rouge

4. chess

5. la traviata / carmen

6. blues brothers

7. hair spray

8. snow white and the seven dwarfs

9. charlie and the chocolate factory (wilder)

10. die zauberflute

11. shall we dance (gershwin)

12. mary poppins

13. singing in the rain

now i want to add:

- rumplestiltskin
- antigone
- hung bo and norboo
- high techs / internets
- singing / dancing / fighting / capoeira / black belts / trampolines / cirques de soleils
- cyber punks
- civilistion collapses

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

rumpelstiltskin - alternate - short - oil

retold by joshua scott paul

Once upon a time, a poor oil and gas producer named loman miller, was out drinking with his Bilderberger buddies. One by one they all got to bragging about their children, and loman, who was so proud of his daughter Jeannie, bragged that his university educated daughter would be a good wife for the president, as she had invented a way to synthesize straw into oil.

One of his friends or enemies told the president, who had Jeannie quietly and efficiently kidnapped on grounds of national security and had her put in a top security facility with all the latest equipment put at her disposal - for her "safety."

The president came to visit her, "Synthesize this straw in to oil for the good of the nation in 30 days, or you and your father could be abducted by enemies of the state and executed." The president continued to mock her, "Of course if you succeed I would be happy to ask your father for your hand in marriage," she was told with a sneer.

First one week passed, then two weeks passed. The third week passed. A few more days flew by, till it was the night before - and still she couldn't synthesize straw into oil.

From out of nowhere a little man appeared. He looked her up and down and said - 'what will you give me if I synthesize this straw into oil?'

Jeannie said 'I have nothing to give you.'

'Give me that gold necklace around your neck,' the little man told her.

'But that was my mother's necklace. It is all I have to remember her by. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie pleaded.

'What good is the necklace if can't save your life? Do you think the executioner will not slip it from your neck after he shoots you in the back of the head? Would your mother want you to keep the necklace and lose your life instead?' asked the the little man.

'What if you run away after I give you the necklace?' she asked.

He gripped her neck with surprising speed and strength - 'I could take it now,' he said and then let go.

'Take it then,' she said slipping it over her head.

He put the necklace around his neck, and set to work configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers, and as he worked he began to sing a lullaby. And the lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums soon put Jeannie to sleep.

The dawn broke, and the president came and saw that the straw had been synthesized into oil.

"A fluke. It could happen to anyone. Put this into my strategic petroleum reserves, and move her in to a larger facility. This time give her more straw!" The president turned to Jeannie, "Synthesize this straw in to oil for the good of the nation in 30 days, or you and your father could be abducted by enemies of the state, tortured and executed. Your not getting away that easily. You will need to do it again. I don't know how you did what you did, but you won't be able to do it a second time!"

First one week passed, then two weeks passed. The third week passed. A few more days flew by, till it was once again the night before - and still she had nothing done.

From out of nowhere the same little man appeared. He looked her up and down and said - 'what will you give me if I synthesize this straw into oil?'

Jeannie said 'I have nothing to give you.'

He said 'Give me that gold ring on your finger.'

'But that was my mother's wedding ring. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie pleaded.

'What good is the ring if can't save your life? Do you think the executioner will not slip it from your finger after he shoots you in the back of the head? Would your mother want you to keep the ring and lose your life instead?' asked the the little man.

'What if you run away after I give you the ring?' she asked.

He gripped her hand with surprising speed and strength - 'I can take it now, just like I could have taken the necklace last night. And I didn't run away last night did I?' and then let go.

'Take it then,' she said slipping it off her finger.

He put the ring on the necklace around his neck, and set to work configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers, and once again he began to sing a lullaby. And the lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums soon put Jeannie to sleep for a second time.

The dawn broke, and the president came and saw that even more straw had been synthesized into oil.

"Put this into my strategic petroleum reserves. Now move her in to the largest hangar we have and this time make sure you give her all the straw you've got!"

Just like every other time she was told "Synthesize this straw in to oil for the good of the nation in 30 days, or you and your father could be abducted by enemies of the state, brainwashed, tortured and executed."

First one week passed, then two weeks passed. The third week passed. A few more days flew by, till it was the night before - and still she hadn't been able to synthesize straw into oil.

In the hangar Jeannie busied herself configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers. She couldn't give up. But nothing was working. The straw was being turned in to mud.

Something was missing, but what?

She's seen straw synthesized into oil twice - she knew it was possible. but she just couldn't make it work. there were too many combinations. she couldn't figure it out.

for millions of years humans have survived disasters, jeannie thought to herself, she could survive this small disaster. not an ice age. not a meteor. not a solar flare. not a disease or a volcano or a tsunami. just converting grass into gas. just a few more tweaks and she'd have it. but it's impossible. its too far away.

jeannie, too exhausted to cry slides her back down the side of the machine and puts her head in her arms.

As she was starting to go to sleep a familiar voice says to her 'what will you give me this time, if I synthesize all this straw into oil?'

'I have nothing left. You have taken everything, I have nothing left to give.' she said.

He looks her in the eye and says 'Give me your first child.'

'I couldn't do that. I will not do that. I would rather die than give you my child. What kind of mother would sell her child's life to save her own? Have mercy.' Jeannie pleaded.

'Who knows,' the little man says, 'maybe you will never have a child, what harm can come of it? Anyway you are going to die if you don't give me a child. At least if you give me a child - you will have had a child - a child to pass on your destiny - and your child may have a chance at a better life than you. How can you deny that child their chance at fighting inequality?' said the little man.

'What if I run away after I give birth?' she asked.

'I will hunt you down and kill you, I will kill your child, I will kill every last one of your family, I will kill your friends, and I will kill everyone who ever knew you, until every last memory of you is gone.' he says.

'Take it then,' she said, 'if i have i child it will be yours.'

He then set to work configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers, and he began to sing a lullaby. And soon the lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums soon made Jeannie sleepy. But this time she was ready, and she stayed awake and recorded everything, and finally at long last all the machine was done.

The dawn broke, and the president came and saw that all the straw had been synthesized into oil.

"Good. Put this into my strategic petroleum reserves. Now you will marry me."

Within the year, the president and jeannie had married and a beautiful baby boy was born.

Remembering her promise to the little man, she doubled spending on white house security.

One day the little man appeared and said "Lady, I have come for the child."

But she refused, begged for mercy, and finally threatened to kill the child rather than have the child taken from her.

"I will have mercy on you, with one condition - you have 3 days to guess my name."

Immediately Jeannie dispatched every resource at her disposal out looking for clues, hints and threads.

The next day the little man came and she guessed. But every guess was wrong...

Jeannie redoubled her teams efforts, increasing the bounty placed on the information leading to locating the little man's name.

The next day the little man came again and again she guessed. Again every guess was wrong...

Jeannie redoubled her teams efforts, doubling the bounty placed on the information leading to locating the little man's name.

And finally, improbably, because this is a story, one of her security teams was able to locate the missing link and find out his name.

The little man pranced in, eager to collect his bounty when she bent down and whispered his name.

His fury was so great at hearing her say his name, that he tore himself in two.

The End.
copyright 2007
joshua scott paul

Sunday, January 18, 2009

just some negative thoughts

just some negative thoughts

1. i shouldn't surf until kids are asleep
2. i shouldn't shout at the kids from the sofa while surfing
3. shouting at them to stop fighting is dumb, painful and depressing and hurts their feelings
4. flying from vancouver to seattle in a q400 dash 8 is depressing. the seats are small. there's no sink to wash your hands. your carry on luggage stays outside. (Danish aircraft (Dash-Q400) crashes during landing -, and
5. carson city, nevada has been surviving for a while. it is depressing. less depressing than the lower east side of vancouver where i work, but whats similar is the feel of legislated poverty
6. the reason i went is to confront my doubts and fears about making a deposit on a heat to electricity machine.
7. the heat to electricity machine exists in a corrugated metal machine shop off the highway with detritus scattered around.
8. inside there are cars, machines, engines, and strangely a PET bottle sorter. we get our picture taken with the 1993 top fuel drag racing car
9. like north korean demonstration villagers, staff have been brought in to fire up a machine so we can see it run and prove that it is alive
10. there are 2 new machines in various states of readiness waiting to go to customers, and one old machine called frankenstein.
11. frankenstein is like an old zoo animal, or a tired, tawdry alien, that is being tortured. compared to the two customer units, frankenstein sprouts analog gauges and a profusion of extra little pipes like a disease.
12. i feel oddly guilty torturing this old machine to prove that it is really able to eat heat and shit electricity
13. the 4 stage natural gas boiler outside is woken up, and we gather around to listen to the pings and clanks as each stage fires up accelerating the water temperature increases
14. the warning siren sounds once, and the machine shakes itself and hisses to life, growling louder and louder as the electricity climbs to 31.4kwh
15. and that's all. there is no climax. no show. the machine runs. the villagers are bored having had to do go through these machines before. i am showed the analog gauges proving its able to extract power. i am showed the computer that confirms what the analog gauges showed. there is a much awe and excitement as an usher showing people to their seats in an 2nd run movie theatre
16. next stop is the factory where two units are being built. 5 more are laid out. but as i here the workers discuss, the vital components are coming arriving soon.
17. each unit is different from the next unit as the are very much a work in progress - improving as more and more units are made
18. next to the main production facility an empty warehouse is being prepared to make the large units. maybe none have been made yet.
19. a bunch of generators for 50kw units wait on pallets in a corner. in another corner the large heat exchangers for the 500kw units wait.
20. i keep repeating to myself that something good could happen.
21. i have called 3 or 4 companies. so far not a good fit. i know i haven't called enough places to give up but i was looking for a good sign.
22. however i will figure out how to extract heat from the oil sands water or the nuclear reactor water.
23. or i will find companies that have the heat and sell them power

Sunday, January 11, 2009

if war was a game how would kids play hamas and the israel defense force?

if war was a game how would kids play hamas and the israel defense force?

take 900 kids and call them palestinians and tell them to play dead.

take 13 kids and call them israelis and tell them to play dead.

game over.

wasn't that fun for everyone?

Thursday, January 08, 2009



i watched a south korean brothers at war movie about the korean war - online -

to say that it glorifies war is enough.

brothers are killing each other, each others wives, and each others children.

as they did then, so do they do now.

what i have written, so incomplete, so shallow, so missing the point.


a monkey / ape gone off it's head - something like that from Ronald Wright's 2004 Massey Lectures.


- did our ancestors die on the battlefields so we could let merchants ruin our planet?

- we fought for freedom so we could be enslaved by fascists dressed up as capitalists?

- captilalism must be rescued from the monarchies of oil and military that hold it hostage

ps - what started so well - - how did it go so wrong?

pps - why is relegated to the archives and not writ large?