Monday, August 09, 2010

cheatin' chili

how I made chili

1lb of steak, BBQ on the grill
cook medium rare
cut in bite sizes
put in fridge overnight

1lb of dry chili beans
soak overnight in 7 cups of water
drain and rinse

1/2 pound of sliced salami
cut in bite sizes

next morning

in big pot
put meat
put jar of pasta sauce
put lots of minced garlic
put chili flakes
put chili
put beef stock powder
put sugar
put chopped jalapeƱos
put lots of water

Sunday, August 01, 2010

joshua for office - platform

- graduated immigration like driver licensing

- demographically balanced health care spending - at the moment the elderly are over represented
-- adopt these healthy habits with these tools

- increased educational spending - teaching is the highest good
-- 0 to 6

- crime and punishment - rehabilitation or punishment
-- we are as strong as our weakest link
-- health care - hospital beds not prison cells

- taxation - fair contribution from all members of society
-- progressive taxation

- representation without taxation - proportional representation

- economic growth - is it sustainable?