Getting ready for bed
Warm and cozy
I had been playing an iPad game monument valley a puzzle game
I was up putting. Dishes away looking at the glowing Christmas tree I had got from Ikea
Family had decorated it with decorations passed down From generations
I felt cozy
Everything was right
Family safe
House was safe
Cars were safe
Business safe
Then my collapse senses perked this is what the elites felt before the collapse
Then I thought how smug my ancestors must have felt trading with people's that didn't have access to resources like they had had - Christmas trees, coal and oranges in stockings. Some call it the womb lottery - as is inequality started in the womb - look into space - the universe is almost all darkness.
Then I remembered the YouTube video of 2050 years of population growth - from 0 CE extrapolated 30 years in the future. Bright lights sparking slowly and then faster and faster. Each light 1 million people.
How right? Have children. Spread the blessing. Make your family bigger. I have mouths to feed. I am a father, I have a wife and two children. Multiplied across the face of the earth.
For a science fiction book like Hari Seldin in asimovs foundation :
Rule - elites acquire resources by taking risks - ie. close quarters combat with a large herbivore using stone tools
Rule - elites are not long term thinkers - they focus on maximizing survival
Rules - necessary but keep them chained and never turn your back
And the farmers?
Take care of the elderly. Take care of parents. Make family larger.
Rules - farmers acquire resources by breeding
Rules - farmers do not want to risk their family
Rules - farmers planning is family planning
Rules - necessary but have to keep their breeding in check