-----Original Message-----
Subject: Fwd: Doodlewood bump's story version 1
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 23:10:34 -0700
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20043a 9?u 18AI Aa?aAI ?AEA 11:06:28
Subject: Doodlewood bump's story version 1
To: joshua paul
Doodlewood bump was fixing computers When he got a cry for help. Some
people called the new republic had had their treasure stolen from them
and they needed his help to get it back or the terrible things would
Define new republic = cache building end of timers, they believe that
hastening the end times will shorten the dark ages. Portray themselves
as collectors. Actual contents and purpose of caches are unknown.
Define treasure =
1. billiard ball size nuclear fuel - why would the nr die without this?
2. Where is the reactor?
3. Is for weapons
Why him? Why not the police?
They had gone to the police, and the police had started looking into it,
when they had been charged with crimes (terrorism) which they didn't
commit, and after spending a lot of money, the charges had been dropped,
and counter charges had been made, but in the meantime, they didn't have
their treasure and they were dying without it.
Define dying =
1. They live underwater and need the reactors to for fuel
2. Their enemies are using the treasure to kill them
Doodlewood bump was sceptical at first, but after sufficient research he
believed them and started to help by building some tool (gyroscopes -
the make great presents - and they feel good - get one to review).
After doing a lot of research doodlewood discovered that it was
ex-police guys that had taken it. Then he found out where they had
hidden it.
They had one shot to get the treasure back with the tool. It worked. Now
that doodlewood bump had gotten them the treasure back he asked them to
grant him a favour.
During researching where their treasure was doodlewood had found out
that an evil genius had stolen the ex-police officers treasure. He had
discovered that the evil genius had demanded that they steal the new
republics treasure in exchange for their treasure.
Define ex-police treasure = new vancouver
After trying and failing to get their treasure back from the evil genius
they give up and steal the new republics treasure.
Define failing = children dying
The new republic knows they need to get their treasure before the evil
genius gets it, contact doodlewood for help.
So doodlewood gets the new republic to help the ex-police guys get
treasure back. The ex-police promise never to do bad things again.
Then the new republic uses their treasure to save the world.
Everyone lives happily ever after.
Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS / Performance PC Magazine
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada
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