Friday, June 30, 2006

Quote to say to those Italian World Cup Winners from True Romance by Quentin Taratino

You know I read a lot. Especially things that have to do with history.
I find
that shit fascinating. In fact, I don’t know if you know this or not,
were spawned by niggers.

All the men stop what they were doing and look at Cliff, except for
Vic who doesn’t speak English and so isn’t insulted. Coccotti
can’t believe what
he’s hearing.

Come again?

It’s a fact. Sicilians have nigger blood pumpin’ through their
hearts. If you
don’t believe me, look it up. You see, hundreds and hundreds of years
the Moors conquered Sicily. And Moors are niggers. Way back then,
Sicilians were like the wops in northern Italy. Blond hair, blue eyes.
once the Moors moved in there, they changed the whole country. They did
so much fuckin’ with the Sicilian women, they changed the blood-line
ever, from blond hair and blue eyes to black hair and dark skin. I find
absolutely amazing to think that to this day, hundreds of years later,
Sicilians still carry that nigger gene. I’m just quotin’ history.
It’s a fact. It’s
written. Your ancestors were niggers. Your great, great, great, great,
grandmother was fucked by a nigger, and had a half-nigger kid. That is
fact. Now tell me, am I lyin’?

Coccotti looks at him for a moment then jumps up, whips out an
grabs hold of Cliff’s hair, puts the barrel to his temple, and pumps
three bullets
through Cliff’s head.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Rumplestiltskin moderne v2

Once upon a time, maybe 25 years in the future, a beautiful girl named
ariadne lived with her father in an abandoned apartment building they
had converted into a windmill.

Before she had been born, a jehovah's witness had knocked on the door
and had told her mother that she would have daughter. She gave her
mother an ordinary gold pendant necklace and she would return one day
with its pair.

Her mother got sick and died during the war of oil and watee. The bombs
that fell made lots of people sick. Many people died, but not her or her

A sufi boy, a relative of the jehovah's witnesses family, that had time,
came to the girl and her father and recommended they build a mill.

After building the mill, the boy came to work in the mill to feed his
family. Everyday he taught her how to sing, dance, play music and tell

As she worked in the mill she sang and dance, and loved her work.

Slowly her flower flour became famous till one day the king heard about

A few things you should know about kings that people rarely tell you. A
kings job is fighting and killing and doing whatever it takes to protect
his kingdom from being taken by other kings, and at the same time trying
take kingdoms away from other kings. All this fighting and killing is
terribly expensive and so the king is always looking for gold to pay for

One thing you should know about this king was that his name was othello,
and yes you guessed it, his lieutenants name was iago. But king othello
was unmarried and when he was fighting or raising money to fight, he was
looking for women worthy of his droit de seigneur.

So when the miller heard the king was interested in the famous flower
flour, he became afraid that his daughter would refuse the king, and the
king would have her jailed or killed.

Knowing the kings greed for gold might distract him his daughters.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Civic issues - golden rules

Common sense - do unto others

Noise - its noisy enough - lets not let cars and bikes have exhausts
that are too noisy

Civic fines - should be self financing - hire more judges or judge-lite
for justice-lite - fines should be expensive - based on income - speedy
tickets, etc

Innocent until proven guilty - empower citizens with mobile phones with
video, audio and stills to submit evidence. Once enough violations have
been recorded it will fined after evidence is reviewed by legal
secretary. It is a public inbox. Anyone can put something in. Anyone can
see the status and number of things in the inbox. But the contents are

Health - medical care should be delivered by triage. Expert schedulers
tried to diagnose not cure. Pharmacists and nurse practiotioners that
can prescribe

Health - dental care - dental nurses performing routine jobs - like
filings etc.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Rumplestiltskin moderne

Once upon a time, maybe 25 years in the future, a beautiful girl named
ariadne lived with her father in an abandoned apartment building they
had converted into a windmill.

Before she had been born, a jehovah's witness had knocked on the door
and had told her mother that she would have daughter. She gave her
mother an ordinary gold pendant necklace and she would return one day
with its pair.

Her mother got sick and died during the war over oil. The bombs that
fell made lots of people sick. Many people died, but not her or her

A sufi boy, a relative of the jehovah's witness, that had time, came to
the girl and her father and recommended they build a mill.

After building the mill, the boy came to work in the mill to feed his
family. Everyday he taught her how to sing, dance, play music and tell

As she worked in the mill she sang and dance, and loved her work.

Slowly her flower became famous till one day the king heard about it.

A thousand roads to tomorrow

There are many roads the romans built still standing. Roads they built
for quickly moving armies - roads let them multiplex armies. They could
use the same army multiple times - and have a bigger one than many
fragmented ones.

The germans used railways to move armies to different fronts.

The americans use airplanes and air craft carriers.

But are they american any more?

What could they be if not american?


And me?

Would endless, vast amounts of money, that I earned playing by the
rules, that my money helped change, that my parents, and my parents
parents worked to acquire, would any of that change me?

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Enough kingdom of loathing

Enough kingdom of loathing
I think I have had
But everyday I sit down to play more
Just 10 minutes I say
But its 90 minutes before I move
Glued to my chair
Like a rock
A tree
A lichen

The illusion of doing something
I can't do mail - I don't have fast filemaker
(Move to fm8 or always on term srerver)
I can't do ebay - I don't sell anything - nothing to check
I wish I could check orders

Oh and losing 14k is too much

Friday, June 23, 2006

The future of the Apple //e = Daleks?

It all starts with killing people.

I read some where that the military used to establish base technology
that consumers used, so vast was their funding, but now, given the size
of consumer spending, the military is working on weaponizing consumer

Who doesn't know the base internet systems were created by DARPA to
survive an nuclear attack? That work has provided me with basis for my
livelihood - my applications all live on that infrastructure.

So what application is DARPA building today (that could potentially
create the infrastructure my children will profit from)?

Before I get to that, I wondered what will I need to buy my kids that
will have impact on them, that my parents buying me (and then making me
pay for) an Apple //e? What is the next big thing?

The answer is robotics, according to info released at this week at the
pittsburgh robobusiness conference and exposition.

What does the next big thing look like? Stanford recently won the
autonomous vehicle challenge with their VW Toureg. Now weaponize it. By
2015 1/3 of ground systems have to be unmanned. We need to realize we
will have fewer ground troops and less ability to send home body bags -
so we need more robots to assist spreading the few troops we have over
the whole planet.

Imagine one integrated giant robot soldier that is everywhere all the
time. Its eyes are satellites. Its fingers are iRobot packbots. Its legs
are Stanford Touregs. Its hands are UAVs that can throw stones.

This giant robot soldier can maintained multiple simultaneous fronts.
The military can keep the giant in Iraq forever - to test and perfect

I saw disney's nee pixar's the incredibles. In real life the bad guys
win - and the superman killing robot machine is being built or its
prototype is already built and mr incredible will not stop it.

So I will buy my kids a robotics construction set so they can be super
too - which is Syndrome's goal.

What will the kids create? The terminator. It won't be an android - but
it will be a terminator nonetheless. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are
perfect for testing its effectiveness. Against such an enemy - IEDs,
planes as missiles - what parent wouldn't approve the terminator?

The problem with terminator is once - or now - that he (it) is built -
now that fire has been stolen from the gods - now that the apple from
the tree of knowledge of good and evil has been eaten - now that
pandoras box is open - now that frankensteins monster lives - or fritz
langs metropolis's robot live - how are we going kill them when we have
to face them?

Build in a 7 year itch and when they hunt us down tell them a star that
burns twice as bright burns half as long?
Blot out the sun to shut down their ability to generate electricity?
Mutate to breed mr incredibles or neos?
Clone and enhance to make aeon fluxs?
Or build better dumb hardware and live like tank girl.
Or breed faster and send more suicide bombers.
Or hack captured units.
Or build counter units.
Or build a virus.

All roads etc etc etc.

Life - some life - will adapt.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

You don't know kaiser soze

Verbal kint says the greatest trick the devil ever did was making the
world believe he doesn't exist.

What does LA confidential have to do with anything? Or with Rampart LAPD
officers doing what other officers have done before?

Fat cops stealing apples from kids.

I don't give a fuck.

What's that supposed to mean?

Othello: our mission is clear hold baghdad, and bring democracy to iraq
- just like the president asked.

Do I need to tell you any of this?

Do I need to help you imagine what you would do if you were in this

Which position?

The Saudi royal family? Can His Highness play the part of the Duke?

George Bush? Can he play Othello?

Osama bin Laden? Can he play Iago?

And Desdemona? Halliburton? Or Iraq? Or Tony Blair?

But I don't have the womb to bear the telling to term.

Since when hasn't the lure of being a government official been looting
and pillaging?

Since the tea party?

Does the story follow?

Where does the myth break down?

The bay of pigs? Martin luther king?

For me it was the gulf of tonkin.

You can pick any point - but I was born here because of that.

When my dad got drafted he didn't know that he been born to kill - and
that he could get his own.

He wasn't a natural born killer looking to get paid for the chance to
rape and kill and steal.

Not fit to serve his country. Dulce est decorum est pro patria mori.
Stupid shit.

I think my grandpa may have said that - except the latin.

My grandpa looked good in uniform. He died weighing almost what he
weighed as teenager when he wore his navy uniform.

To what point the rambling?

I am self aware enough of my psychosis and have enough compassion - that
I can't steal the baby's candy.

Yet I am not oblivious enough to be content to suck my thumb, or follow
sports, decorate my house, tone my body or save the whales.

Uh huh.

I can see the Yu Baba making the illusions so the parents stay thinking
they are pigs - and I too easily settle into the illusion as well.

I can make illusions to too free them - but the point is to break the
illusions in the first place.

What illusion is that?

The illusion that we have been cheated out of our trillion year old
birth right.

What birth right?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What a difference a day makes v2

To reduce stress I have asked bernie at casa del caffe to blend 3/4
decaf with 1/4 espresso. I know I will be calmer.

In addition, no major fires - yet. The cancer will kill me slowly - but
I have some hope that jim pick, ihor, alex and adrian combined will have
some positive effect on hosting.

With the ability to put out fires taken care of - I need a reliable way
to create accounts. I need to write the order up for adrian or who ever
to execute.

Alex? Or ricky.

also thinking about the final solution to the worlds problem. Malthus
has not been defeated. Too many babies are ultimately responsible. How
the very old and rich fit in I am not sure.

I still belive that the root of all evil is the production of luxury

20% of the population consuming 80% of the resources - how is that a
population problem? Even in Malthus' time equations were likely similar
- with soldiers stallions eating more than the masses of the poor.

However when downsizing a company to increase profitability - it is
always better to layoff 6000 staff than 1 ot 2 vice presidents.

Which brings me to comments made in 2003 by john kenneth galbraith in a
sept/oct interview in the ivey business journal - and comments made in
2006 by warren buffet at the annual berkshire hathaway shareholders
meeting. The comments are critical of the rise professional manager.
These comments echo "no taxation without representation," in that they
are bureaucrats that set their own pay - and have taken over the
machine. (Brought to me by bill who I am not sure saw the irony in
handing me this article - as he has set his salary)

Galbraith wrote his book pre-enron - but revised it.

and what is to blame?
is the stock market a cancer demanding ever increasing resources to
satisfy like a mystery religion and its blood sacrifice of innocents?


Huge organisms have huge impacts on their imapacts. Coke and unions,
elephants and farms. There is no doubt. But due to their size, huge
energy inputs are required to sustain them, making them more susceptible
to environment change than smaller organisms.

So we created frankenstein's monsters to do the heavy lifting for us -
creating identical burger joints around the world so we can eat what we
want wherever we want too.

However their immense power comes with immense cost - they are severly
constrained to their tight environmental niche.

Maybe they are djinni that can't be put back in their bottles. We are
addicted far to much to the electronic prong at the base of our skulls.

I know where the managers fit into the equation - and how the stock
markets are the bottle - and how stock markets are the road to
prosperity that leads to destruction.

All roads lead to destruction.
All destruction leads to new roads.
The trick is to do the building and destroying yourself faster than your

So stock markets allowed owners to manage and distribute the risk of
ships, insurance and railways. You accept this much risk for this much
potential reward. No responsibility is attached to the investor - we
will leave that in the corporation - limit our liability - and hire
managers to sweep that away.

But the liability doesn't get swept away - and the managers stuck with
liabilities the owners deny owning hide them as the system requires them
to in order to meet compensation targets agreed to by owners. I raise
stock price to x you pay me y. You don't care how much liabilities I
create in the company because they cost you nothing.

And the managers fit because as an owner I need a broker to sell my
assets. The managers really exist to facilitate the trading of stocks
and to guarantee their value. Managers that fail to preserve value are
replaced. Managers that preserve and increased value are rewarded
because they allow me to sell my asset. Because they are independant
prospects feel falsely confident in the values. Without the manager
there is no illusion of ownership without work - and so professional
managers are required if owners are to retire - which they have.
Consider the oxymoron - shareholder activist. It is inconcievable that
an owner would NOT want to be active. But being destroys the illusion of
the virgin production of wealth - which the stock markets promotes.
Automagically double your money is 7 years!

So how is the stock manager the all powerful corporate capitlism's
djinni bottle? Managers are bound by quarter by quarter performance.
They have all the power in world - as long as they met or beat the
analysts forecasts.

How does it all add up to destruction?
There are no owners.
Because it divides ownership up into smaller and smaller units - many
are essentially meaningless.
So other companies with owners that own something come along - the
ownerless companies can get eaten.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What a difference a day makes

To reduce stress I have asked bernie at casa del caffe to blend 3/4
decaf with 1/4 espresso. I know I will be calmer.

In addition, no major fires - yet. The cancer will kill me slowly - but
I have some hope that jim pick, ihor, alex and adrian combined will have
some positive effect on hosting.

With the ability to put out fires taken care of - I need a reliable way
to create accounts. I need to write the order up for adrian or who ever
to execute.

Alex? Or ricky.

also thinking about the final solution to the worlds problem. Malthus
has not been defeated. Too many babies are ultimately responsible. How
the very old and rich fit in I am not sure.

I still belive that the root of all evil is the production of luxury

20% of the population consuming 80% of the resources - how is that a
population problem? Even in Malthus' time equations were likely similar
- with soldiers stallions eating more than the masses of the poor.

However when downsizing a company to increase profitability - it is
always better to layoff 6000 staff than 1 ot 2 vice presidents.

Which brings me to comments made in 2003 by john kenneth galbraith in a
sept/oct interview in the ivey business journal - and comments made in
2006 by warren buffet at the annual berkshire hathaway shareholders
meeting. The comments are critical of the rise professional manager.
These comments echo "no taxation without representation," in that they
are bureaucrats that set their own pay - and have taken over the
machine. (Brought to me by bill who I am not sure saw the irony in
handing me this article - as he has set his salary)

Galbraith wrote his book pre-enron - but revised it.

and what is to blame?
is the stock market a cancer demanding ever increasing resources to
satisfy like a mystery religion and its blood sacrifice of innocents?


Huge organisms have huge impacts on their imapacts. Coke and unions,
elephants and farms. There is no doubt. But due to their size, huge
energy inputs are required to sustain them, making them more susceptible
to environment change than smaller organisms.

So we created frankenstein's monsters to do the heavy lifting for us -
creating identical burger joints around the world so we can eat what we
want wherever we want too.

However their immense power comes with immense cost - they are severly
constrained to their tight environmental niche.

Maybe they are djinni that can't be put back in their bottles. We are
addicted far to much to the electronic prong at the base of our skulls.

All burned up - the twisted wreckage of dream

11pm need some time on my own
Follow up on some dreams
Why am I so pressed for time?
What is wrong with my life > job?
Answer - my computer isn't small enough.
My hiptop is good - but email has no memory.
The applications aren't good enough.
In short - the knife is too dull - the cook is fine.
But is that ever true?
Visited - and Read
reviews. I don't want japan only hardware or more than $2k prices. And I
want backlit keyboard like the hiptop and my 17" powerbook. So far the
sony vaio vgn ux 180 for $1799, shipping mid july fits the bill. Readily
available. 3rd generation unit. Known brand. Standard parts. Now wait
for refurb units? Also need to see how it can be used as a cell phone -
not voip.
Will it really help me be more productive or will I just be able to
waste more cycles faster.
Also can I hold the sony vaio vgn ux 180 in front of me while I am lying

Still need the battery powered wireless bluetooth / wireless vga /
wireless usb kvm. I should patent it and go to taiwan and find someone
to make it. Draw it. Patent it - or design it. And then mail it to lots
of places. But I don't know if it can be patented. But I can call the
ubc patent librarian or the other patent helper.


At the same time playing My cogagni character
completed the pagoda quest following the spoiler at I spawn multiple kolmafia v8.0 clients
now, and run all my multis at the same time - more or less. It takes
some time figuring what they need or what they should do.

I don't know why. Because its hard. Because I want to collect the things
in the game. Because I want to see what happens. Because I want to go
certain places. Because money can't buy everything. Or because $10 can't
buy everything. Because I like running a machine that makes things even
if they are virtual things. Because there's a clear path to follow to
win - and I want the feeling of winning at something even if it is
artifical especially because figuring out how to win at Neo Code is so
hard or so tedious (is that the right word to mean requires patience?).

Finally I remember the joy of renting the jet ski at harrison hot
springs, and want to know how much they cost to buy used. The thrill of
controlling so much power was exhilirating. The memory of holding on
despite aching muscles and twisting the jet ski back on itself are so
exciting I want to repeat them. has them for
sale from $2900 including trailers for 10 year old units in good
condition - and they are new from $6900.

However I read about the many deaths associated with them due to their
lack braking and lack of turning when there is no throttle. This becomes
a problem when people are driving too fast and too close to each other
and can't steer out of a collision causing death. This is a problem of
allowing the units to be rented without sufficient education testing.
There is no test procedure to insure renters a qualified to operate the
lethal jet ski.

I also looked at selling the ibm netfinity servers on ebay - and review
the ebay analysis tools and hot prodcut reports from andale and others.
I posted them to my account. One of the companies is from
victoria, and they have a free tool for buyers to compare current
product prices to historical averages. These tools would be good to see
if sleeping socks, candles, baby clothes are a hot product. These
reports are subscriptions for $25/month. Or perhaps I can see about
sourcing these from korea.

What I want is less stress from Neo Code. And that means less
variability, more homogeneaity. This means having a products and
services list and sticking to it because providing support for
everything isn't working.


Hosting - pain is risk management

Hosting - filemaker 7 or 8 - pain is web stats > commercial app or
opensource web config
Ex. Ahi

Hosting - colocation - pain is backup and bandwidth accounting > get
cacti or use web stats which reads ftp and email - as above
Ex. Transparen

Hosting - publish button - pain is setup / migration
Ex. Bsda

Hosting - ecommerce - pain is setup / uptime
Ex. Imprint


Site moves - pain is order detail confirmation and staff to implement
Ex. Bsda

Software install - pain is scheduling and staff to implement
Ex. Mac appraisal

Custom software development - pain is client and staff management
Ex. Slfa & portables

Actually - pain is HR.

I can solve these by outsourcing the pain.

Redundant Firewall - use a product with support and install etc. How
much is allstream firewall?

Or hosted exchange email?

But how do I get redundancy - now dependancy is moved from internal
staff to outside supplier.

Move to utilities.

Hosted email - exchange.
Hosted backups - ?.
Hosted firewall - allstream or upstream.
Hosted spam - mxlogic.
Hosted boxes - 2 providers - or godaddy?

Move the stuff to outside supplier that I can - and just do the stuff I
have to do.

Take provider sla and add margin to it.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Song - I gotta girlfriend prettier than you

I gotta girlfriend prettier than you x4
But she makes me cry all day

She's always nagging day and night x4
/*Makes my so miserable*/

She's never happy with what I've done x4
What am I supposed to do

Many times I tried to leave her x4
But she begs me to stay

One more chance I can give x4
To see if she can change

Now she's gone she ran away x4
I feel so much happier

Song - I gotta girlfriend prettier than you

I gotta girlfriend prettier than you x4
But she makes me cry all day

She's always nagging day and night x4
What am I supposed to do
/*Makes my so miserable*/

She's never happy with anything x4
Always finds some reason to complain

She's always chasing other guys x4
Makes me cry all day

Many times I tried to leave her x4
But she begs me to stay

One more chance I can give x4
To see if she can change

Now she's gone she ran away x4
I feel so much happier

Song - I gotta girlfriend prettier than you

I gotta girlfriend prettier than you x4
But she makes me cry all day

She's always nagging day and night x4
Makes my so miserable

She's never happy with anything x4
Always finds some reason to complain

She's always chasing other guys x4
Makes me cry all day

Many times I tried to leave her x4
But she begs me to stay

One more chance I can give x4
To see if she can change

Now she's gone she ran away x4
I feel so much happier