Monday, June 26, 2006

Civic issues - golden rules

Common sense - do unto others

Noise - its noisy enough - lets not let cars and bikes have exhausts
that are too noisy

Civic fines - should be self financing - hire more judges or judge-lite
for justice-lite - fines should be expensive - based on income - speedy
tickets, etc

Innocent until proven guilty - empower citizens with mobile phones with
video, audio and stills to submit evidence. Once enough violations have
been recorded it will fined after evidence is reviewed by legal
secretary. It is a public inbox. Anyone can put something in. Anyone can
see the status and number of things in the inbox. But the contents are

Health - medical care should be delivered by triage. Expert schedulers
tried to diagnose not cure. Pharmacists and nurse practiotioners that
can prescribe

Health - dental care - dental nurses performing routine jobs - like
filings etc.

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