Wednesday, May 14, 2008

freedom - review of the last hours of ancient sunshine

here's my review of the last hours of ancient sunshine


ban the oil sands
ban the internal combustion engine
ban the garbage that can't be eaten
ban over population - the environmental footprint
ban tv
ban corporations

invest in power generation
invent in food production

no forgiveness on earth
eating the ancient sunlight
a tragedy a horror the ending already known
the blood of innocents
the cruel king
the devil's bargain
the prison owner's profit
the parents selling children to save the,
the surrender now and die later or die now

war against scarcity - driven out - we fight back
we can't move - there is no where to go
we have to fight
climate change always brings battles

but in the end we die
the bugs that have been waiting
for 200,000 years
get to eat us

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