Saturday, December 11, 2010

Goodnight Dune

From a picture from College Humor
then from a post on 4chan that i can't find
then screenshotted to imgur -
then posted to

File : 1292042048.jpg-(61 KB, 550x472, Goodnight Dune.jpg)
Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)23:34:08 No.293808XXX

Goodnight Dune,
Goodnight spice plume,
Goodnight sand storm obstructing the moon.

Goodnight Maker and goodnight sietch,
Goodnight Arrakeen and the shield wall breech [sic].

Goodnight House Atriedes, goodnight CHOAM,
Goodnight blue-eyed Fremen who call Arrakis home,

Goodnight gom jabar
Goodnight Sardukar [sic]
Goodnight 'thopter (which is a flying car).

Goodnight Baron and goodnight Duke
Goodnight Gurney Halleck and goodnight lute.

Goodnight Chani and Muad'Dib too.
Goodnight me and goodnight you

Monday, November 08, 2010


how do I feel about going back to work?

My work is building sand castles

I worry the waves will ruin them

I worry no one will hire me

that people no longer want sand castles

that a tsunami is coming

that my children will go hungry

that my wife will have no roof over her head

that my feet will be bare

that my pockets will be empty

fear overtakes me

and I stop and face my fear

fear I say, I am facing you

and fear stares back

in the stories the hero wins easily

but here fear is strong

fear whispers

unemployment is growing

resources are dwindling

there is not enough

and I close my eyes and worship the sun

in the cold universe it burns

it shines

it lives

it is a miracle

it is my miracle

even in the winter

even on the longest night of winter

the sun still rises



beyond thanks

beyond hope

it just burns

and I look forward too seeing it again

my eye has not yet had its fill of seeing

and who knows

something wonderful might happen

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shelley was wrong

I dreamed of artificial life. robots that were alive and wanted to stay alive.

but they were mules - unable to reproduce - and I wanted to kill them - but they were too powerful.

their programming wouldn't let them retaliate or accept that it was deliberate but I always tried to make it look like an accident anyway.

in my dream I wasn't clear on my motives.

maybe I had loved the female robot but she loved only the broken but still overpowering male robot.

maybe she had loved me once. or had she only be following her programming?

Monday, August 09, 2010

cheatin' chili

how I made chili

1lb of steak, BBQ on the grill
cook medium rare
cut in bite sizes
put in fridge overnight

1lb of dry chili beans
soak overnight in 7 cups of water
drain and rinse

1/2 pound of sliced salami
cut in bite sizes

next morning

in big pot
put meat
put jar of pasta sauce
put lots of minced garlic
put chili flakes
put chili
put beef stock powder
put sugar
put chopped jalapeƱos
put lots of water

Sunday, August 01, 2010

joshua for office - platform

- graduated immigration like driver licensing

- demographically balanced health care spending - at the moment the elderly are over represented
-- adopt these healthy habits with these tools

- increased educational spending - teaching is the highest good
-- 0 to 6

- crime and punishment - rehabilitation or punishment
-- we are as strong as our weakest link
-- health care - hospital beds not prison cells

- taxation - fair contribution from all members of society
-- progressive taxation

- representation without taxation - proportional representation

- economic growth - is it sustainable?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

what can theatre do for me

what can I do for theatre
that's easier

I can produce, write, direct and act
can I put bums in seats?
no idea

Thursday, July 08, 2010

theatre of the oppressed - death of a salesman, a dolls house

a way out
life hack
namshub of enki
words of power
systemic issues anthropomorphized and exorcised
shared experience - that happens to you?!
shared experience - hush. sit still. you cant intervene. let your mirror neurons teleport you.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


depression is oppressive

this has been one the greatest bull markets

I don't deserve it

yes I do

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

damask drum

I am in a wood

I am facing my greatest fear

my greatest weakness

I want to dedicate my life to art and create

and my fear is not that Art doesn't want me

my fear is that I have no art

I am a priest but I am not holy

I am a drum but I make no sound

I am a voice that can not be tuned

I am a poem that is not sublime

I am a lover that no one loves

I am rejected

and humiliated

a Salieri aware of Mozart

I have known you a long time

I am mistaken after all

I am afraid that Art will not want me

I have two choices

to hide like a dream deferred and continue to spoil my life and those I love

or I can accept what I may be, what I believe, and surrender to the mercy of the universe

I ask for a sign

i feel guilty - the dream, the damask drum, the feelings - you want more?

yes. please send more.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Santa paravia en fiumaccio

1978 rev. George blank.

why do I like it?

I can easily win.

it is easy (I am not too bright).

it is rewarding.

how is it rewarding?

the program has rules.

I learn the rules and acquire serfs, merchants, nobles, florins, land, food, titles, and maps.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Cinderella or Rhodopis or Rumplestiltkin

this way or that edit

i am not very good at playing games
so instead I wrote this story.

I am not very good at writing stories so instead I made these notes.

I imagine these notes graphically as story boards that come alive in vivid detail for me - like changing the channels on the tv - these words change the scene, sounds and characters

a queen mother
a mother passes away
a father and daughter
a king and princess
the daughter grows older beautiully
animals plants and
mitochondria and hyrdogen
and stars and blackholes
they are her fairy god parent stars
and everyone she meets are helpers - that love each other as close family - like a beloved niece or nephew or aunt or uncle

or they don't. her and father lose the bulk of their wealth
until all they have left is one oil refinery

and then

her father marries a beautiful wicked witch
beautiful and smart And wise and cruel
she brings two evil step sisters

the three of them are sadists and delight in making the King's daughter uncomfortable

she retreats to the waste pile to escape

or not. she is accused of treason and thrown in jail.

emperor will release her if her father hands over the secret plans they recently completed that trumps the emperor's monopoly and high priced oil.

and then

the emperor holds a ball
and ladies in the King's family
and the step sisters won't let her out to go

and lock her in while they go off

or not. while in jail she negotiates with emperor for her freedom if she recreates the secret plans and sells those plans for her freedom.

and then

but she is not worried becuase her fairy god parents are with her

and what do they do?

or not. the emperor accepts and providers her with the latest Craig ventner equipped lab, and enough lab techs to fill a town.

and then

they take her to meet the emperor 2 times

the evil step sisters and the witch are chasing her when they find out

she has to hide

but before she can get away

she drops her wet shoes which are stolen by an eagle (who is a human that can fly - Horus Apollo) from the arm of the emperor's bodyguard

and then she hides

or not. the first trial runs converting straw into gold fail. the microbes cultures are dying. something is not working. but everything is the same. she is sure nothing is different. but why isn't working?

and then

the emperor sends his inspectors door to door with the troops and knocks on every door.

but he cant find her among the ladies of the house.

or not

she is guided by rumplestiltskin in exchange for her first born that her father had put a secret catalyst in her hair.

and then

the emperor sends the census people and counts all the illegal immigrants and he finds her after all

or not

the process works, straw is converted to oil. they marry creating a powerful economic alliance that lasted for hundreds of generations.

that were infected with rumplestiltskin virus.

and then

they love each other for ever and ever and the world is saved once again.

roll the credits

copyright 2010
Joshua Paul

diet for a new world order

what will save the world?

birth control? free death booths? veganism? bicyclism?

first - what is killing the planet?

cars? pollution? global warming? plastic? war? population? resource exhaustion? drought? top soil erosion? declining marginal returns requiring greater degradation for fewer resources?

where is human agency?

are these not all consumption?

isn't the issue that we are consuming more than can be sustainably produced?

isn't evertything gone? the clean air, water, earth and animals. they are gone.

a new diet is needed.

how much water per person per day?
how much energy per person per day?
how much waste per person per day?
how many calories per person per day?
how many days per person?

some people are taking way more than their share and killing the world.

and what can you do about that?

how can the peacock display plumage that isn't dripping in the blood of future generations?

evolution of culture. change or die.

resource waste must not symbolic of fitness but the opposite.

how can resource conservation be manifested as plumage for the peacock?

new currencies - new tokens.

peacocks need to be able display their water, air, earth and oil credits around their necks, wrists and fingers. and of course in their wallets.

isn't this what is needed to have future generations? a store of resources? and a demonstration of capacity to acquire and store resources?

Friday, May 07, 2010

what i know now

I know debt is a curse

I know usury is a curse

I know carl sagan

I wonder if I invest 1 million will someone else invest 9 to make plastic to oil plant

I know I don't have enough ideas to live a life of ideas

I know I like to talk and listen and relax

I don't know if 1 big is better than 2 small

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

when will the US cross the rubicon?

sooner or later the US will move from being a democracy to something

how do I know?

it's built in to the constitution. in times of crisis democracy is
suspended and the president has king like powers.

this is supposed to be used to protect the republic.

there are also historical precendents for republics concentrating
power in the hands of the few - Rome, Florence, the Catholic Church.
it happened before so it could happen again, but here's why it will:

1. voter turn out / dissatisfaction with democracy to solve problems -
lack of will to stay free at any cost

2. increase in number, severity and complexity of crisis - energy
shortages, water shortages, food shortages, land shortages, oxygen
shortages, growing populations, see jospeh tainter and Jared diamonds
works - ability to suspend democracy

3. bankruptcy of financial and democratic institutions - unable to

4. vast unimaginable wealth of the upper class (fortune 500 if you
prefer) is GOING to be protected - ie not used to heal the instutions
that created the environment that allowed them to prosper - money for
president to spend to protect their privilege

5. voter distraction - bread and circus (circii?) - are cheap - for
now. the circii are video games which have over taken movies in
revenue. people can live in the matrix - whether it's facebook or
world of warcraft. Actually movies are still important - lots of
people still live there. and bread? walmart is rolling back prices. as
long the oil spigot stays open food will stay cheap.

so how are upset and distracted voters, a disaster, a bankruptcy, and
the upper class a recipe for a new kingdom?

well just how far away is the kingdom anyway?

how much is the president, congress and senate accountable to the
people now?

they all take money in campaign contributions (
) - and everyone works for the people that pay us. why? we want to get
paid again, next time we need money.

doesn't it need just little push for it to go all the way?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

marines with pants down in the mall

two dreams

I am a space marine
in halo, storm trooper type gear
on alien world

dream one

my unit and I
find ourselves in a mall
under attack

some how we have no air support because no one is on the ship

some how we have no advanced warning because we posted no guards

some how we can't return fire because we are out of uniform and
weapons not ready

some how we are taking heavy fire because we haven't deployed battle

but how could we be in a mall that is filled with human females on an
alien planet?

there's a cosmetics counter over there

I am hit.

dream 2

armored unit with mobile artillery support.

i am in mobile artillery using computer enhanced vision

high speed light vehicles detected but no visuals

probable trajectories being computed

i select a combination of 4 kinds of rounds in my 2 pods to meet what
ever is coming of the hill

the light tracked vehicle appears out of nowhere comes over the hill
in the air

guidance systems locked I fire pod one

the enemy shudders as it races down the hill

a couple seconds later it explodes

later we have stopped for maintenance and I reload the pod magazines

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How to

How to consume less
How to Surf the web less
How to find customers
How to grow business
How to raise kids
How to stay calm
How to reduce stress
How to drink less coffee
How to be successful
How to set reasonable revenue and profit growth goals and achieve them
How to deal why bother it won't make life better
How to make life better

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thank you! Done.

What I need to change most with work?

Imagine the end.
Imagine what I want to do done.
Imagine it done in a way with few unintended consequences.
Imagine it done in a way that creates an asset.
Imagine it done in a way that requires minimal to no future inputs.

What do I need about my attitude?


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

The king and the peasant

One day the king was feeling restless so he asked his oracle what he should do and was told he should go to a certain miner's house far from the castle, so off he went.

The miner asked the king - why should I work?

The king replied - to feed your family.

The miner replied - but I could feed them by hunting before you made it illegal.

The King - the kingdom needs your labour to protect your family from the enemy.

The miner - before you provoked the enemy we didn't need protection.

The king - anyway you have to work pay off your debts.

The miner - I wouldn't have any debts if you didn't tax me.

The king - that's the way it is. If you don't like it you can go. There plenty of other hungry men who would gladly take your place.

Keywords: rich poor gap,never get ahead, poor generations, stuck


Reinventing the wheel

Summary: leveraging software IP assets, HR developer assets, client / vendor relationships, data center assets, network admins, design contractors, seo contractors, experience from building 6+ client sites, 1 internal site, Neo Code will develop 100 niche market affiliate ecommerce sites capable of generating $1000 per month each.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Imperfect vessel broken cup

I woke up from dreaming on Wednesday knowing that prisons were a
poison increasing the evil in the world.

My dream, like all my dreams, was real. I was there and I knew it. I
was in it but not of it.

My dream didn't tell me the solution only the fact.

Prisons and detention camps do not a higher pie make, nor do they make
the world safer or better.

The real dreams I remember vividly from this morning are dissolving as
I look for words to tell them. Perhaps as I love words and stories to
tears I have been born mute deaf, no what is the word for someone born
incapable if writing?

Rush hour
Travelling companion
Companion man
Companion similar age
We are students?
Mid twenties
He is ahead of me
We are just about to enter underground
The last windows are above us
Sunlight streams in
Must be morning
Clothing and architecture unfamiliar
But dusty and sand feel
Italy? Spain
Cell phone rings
A man I know as hard to believe us talking
I knew him
What he says is likely true
But how he knows things is impossible
Is he insane?
He is saying something about signs
I stop my friend from continuing
If I go underground my call will drop
He leans impatiently under the last window in up above and right near
the stairs
He pulls a book from his backpack and reads
The guy on the phone is hard to understand - sounds of fireworks in
the background
"I wanted to be there, but the fireworks got delayed, and I didn't
want to miss them"
Disgust - how can he really be a psychic and not now that?
"why call me?" I ask
"you are there."
He goes on about signs and things and Its impossible he should know
and I am find myself believing what he saying - but not in him - but
the words are true
I know what I have to do
And I get the book out of my backpack
The thick blue one
I start reading it aloud
The passage that he said
My companion is shocked
Will not make eye contact
He stays but not he is not with me
Why does he watch?
I try to get the commuters to stop and listen and turn back
I read to them quotes from the fanatics
I implore them
It is so obvious
Why can't they see it?
Why must they go?
Today there will be a bombing in the subway

It's dusk
I am outside
Under the sky turning orange
It is hot
There is little wind
I have pale skin and by myself
I am in a uniform but I am not a guard
I am surrounded by brown and black skinned people
The ground is dirt

Again no edits

I am outside
The sky is high
The sunset is warm and red
I am surrounded by prisoners
I am not a prisoner
I am observing
The prisoners are black and brown and poor
I am not black or brown or poor


I am in a yard filled with men
Old men, middle aged men, young men
I can see men as far as the eye can see
In the horizon a city sparkles in the dusk
I turn my head to look behind me
There the concrete cell blocks wait
The sounds
Laughing, shouts
perhaps someone is playing the guitar
everyone is talking

the sky is now dark blue
classical music is now heard over the loudspeakers
it gets louder
everyone stops what they are doing
all around me people are turning to face the city
the only sound is the music
everyone is quiet and in formation
hands at their sides
evenly spaced
looking straight ahead
invisible in the day when not illuminated
a sign now brightly lit with LEDs
hang huge logos of coke and mcdonalds

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is it - we are hungry. We are Cain.

Modern man: I am hungry. I have to eat. So I eat. I eat sunshine,
ancient sunshine, the moon, a comet, cosmic radiation from the big
bang, rivers, oceans, forests, species, ozones, languages and cultures.

200 year ago man: I too was hungry. I had to eat. So I ate. I ate
streams, lakes, forests, species, languages and cultures.

2000 year ago man: I too was hungry. I had to eat. So I ate. I ate
streams, forests, languages and cultures.

20,000 year ago man: I too was hungry. I had to eat. So I ate. I ate

A curse. Forever eating, always hungry, never full.

Wade Davis, Jared Diamond and Joseph Tainter help us understand
mechanisms but not the inspiration or passion or motivation for
culture eating, or why cultures push themselves to over exploit or why
cultures rush to add complexity.

We are born hungry.

The dog And the bone
Goldilocks and the three bears
Samson and Delilah
Sleeping Beauty

The stories examine the hunger and it's conseqeunces.

Monday, February 01, 2010

Re: Little riding hood with conflict

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 28, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Joshua <> wrote:

> On Jan 27, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Joshua <>
> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 26, 2010, at 11:07 PM, Joshua <>
>> wrote:
>>> That's right. Little red doesn't have enough conflict. A wolf
>>> attacking, grandma devouring, wolf axing story needs more than
>>> just blood and gore - it's needs a sense of inner conflict.
>>> Let's start with the wood cutter. How is he doing that fateful
>>> morning? He's hung over. He has been drinking more than usual
>>> because the forest isn't getting any bigger and he has figured out
>>> he has maybe another 3 to 5 years worth of logging left. Sure,
>>> there's still plenty of trees, but the ones that are left aren't
>>> worth cutting down. His missus, sensing his unease, points out
>>> that the butcher, the baker and candlestick maker are doing well
>>> and why couldn't he have studied harder for a better job?
>>> While he was fighting with his wife that he was not a loser, his
>>> dog got the bacon he was taking for his lunch. He kicked the dog
>>> into the basement, and banged angrily out of the house.
>>> Two thoughts crossed his mind: one, he should take the dog even
>>> though it had eaten his lunch - he had seen wolf tracks the day
>>> before, and two he needed to sharpen his axe.
>>> The anger helped him see things in black and white. It would serve
>>> that woman right, he thought, if I get eaten by that wolf. That'll
>>> make her suffer! And if I leave the house quickly she won't have
>>> more time to scold me while I sharpen the axe. It will be all her
>>> fault the axe is dull because I had to leave in a hurry to avoid
>>> her sharp tongue. Maybe I can think of a way that it's all her
>>> fault the forest isn't getting any bigger. And with those happy
>>> thoughts turning in his head, off he marched.
>> Now the wolf. Former alpha male. Hungry. Forced out of the pack.
>> Dazed with hunger. Will do anything for food. Must eat soon.
>> Regret. Not forced out, welcomed to stay, too proud. Don't want to
>> share suffering. Pain in hips harsh. Remembering lashing out in
>> anger at pups. Must go before hurting them. The pain drove him.
>> Wanted to bite the puppies. Want to kill them. Memory sharp and
>> shameful. Can't face the puppies. Reminded of the shameful rage.
>> Will keep looking for food.
> Sweet little red. She loved visiting granny and day dreaming. Maybe
> she would see fairies. Granny said fairies lived in the forest and
> if you were quiet you could see them. She had made a crown for the
> fairy queen and tied a string to it. When granny had asked what the
> string was for she told her it was to catch the queen. Granny had
> been upset, she should have kept that part a secret.
> Mom wanted her to take basket to granny but what else? Was it a
> whistle? The dog? The dog would scare the fairies away.
> Little red picked up the basket and slipped out of the house,
> wondering when she would see her first fairy.

And Old Granny, what was she up to? Regretting the things she didn't
do. She was in her thoughts as she made tea, did the laundry, and
tidied the house. Little red was coming that day. She would have to
put these thoughts aside when Little red was with her.

Granny sat on the sofa and sighed. Husband dead. Kids gone. Grandkids
to visit.

Sigh. She made a list of things.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Little riding hood with conflict

That's right. Little red doesn't have enough conflict. A wolf attack,
grandma devouring, wolf axing story needs more than just blood and
gore - it's needs a sense of inner conflict.

Let's start with the wood cutter. How is he doing that fateful
morning? He's hung over. He has been drinking more than usual because
the forest isn't getting any bigger and he has figured out he has
maybe another 3 to 5 years worth of logging left. Sure, there's still
plenty of trees, but the ones that are left aren't worth cutting down.
His missus, sensing his unease, points out that the butcher, the baker
and candlestick maker are doing well and why couldn't he have studied
harder and gotten and better job?

While he was fighting with his wife, his dog got the bacon he was
taking for his lunch. He kicked the dog into the basement, and banged
angrily out of the house.

Two thoughts crossed his mind: he should take the dog even though it
had eaten his lunch - he had seen wolf tracks the day before, and two
he needed to sharpen his axe. It would serve that woman right, he
thought, if I get eaten by that wolf. That'll shut her up! And if I
leave quickly she won't have more time to nag me while I sharpen, and
at the same time I can sharpen my grudge on the dull blade - it's all
her fault the forest isn't getting any bigger. And off he marched.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Google Docs lost my document - my data is gone

It's true. Google Docs lost my document - my data is gone. I am not sure how many of my documents are affected. But one of my most valuable documents is gone for ever.

I didn't have a backup.

I couldn't imagine Google would let me know.

I haven't lost or broken something I truly cared about for a while - and the all together too familiar feeling of grief comes washing over me.

Thank you Elizabeth Bishop for rehearsing me.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mixed blessings

it is lucky you came and it is unlucky you came
Rumplestiltskin is the father, but what is the mothers name?
Witches really do eat children, but not as often as they should.
Samson let Delilah cut his hair, but what blinded his love?
The 13th witch was not invited, but why wait 16 years for revenge?
The wicked step mother commands the huntsmen to remove his daughters heart?
Why does hansel and gretels own mother want to eat them?
How does hansel and gretel live with baking their mother?

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Big fuzzy panda's take over the world

In a surprise attack, panda commando's staged a daring midnight raid on the people's liberation army secret nuclear weapons cache. Communist party spokespeople are blaming the united states for secretly training and genetically modifying the pandas when they were in the San diego zoo. Pentagon officials are neither confirming or denying these allegations. However leaked documents from both DARPA and the Rand corporation suggest the entire panda leasing program was designed to lull the Chinese authorities into what the documents classify as a "reverse Trojan" operation. Unfortunately the leaked documents were in the possession of staff report Jim Baum-Sue, who has been missing for several days. So far the pandas have not communicated any demands other than to say that King panda will make an announcement shortly.