what will save the world?
birth control? free death booths? veganism? bicyclism?
first - what is killing the planet?
cars? pollution? global warming? plastic? war? population? resource exhaustion? drought? top soil erosion? declining marginal returns requiring greater degradation for fewer resources?
where is human agency?
are these not all consumption?
isn't the issue that we are consuming more than can be sustainably produced?
isn't evertything gone? the clean air, water, earth and animals. they are gone.
a new diet is needed.
how much water per person per day?
how much energy per person per day?
how much waste per person per day?
how many calories per person per day?
how many days per person?
some people are taking way more than their share and killing the world.
and what can you do about that?
how can the peacock display plumage that isn't dripping in the blood of future generations?
evolution of culture. change or die.
resource waste must not symbolic of fitness but the opposite.
how can resource conservation be manifested as plumage for the peacock?
new currencies - new tokens.
peacocks need to be able display their water, air, earth and oil credits around their necks, wrists and fingers. and of course in their wallets.
isn't this what is needed to have future generations? a store of resources? and a demonstration of capacity to acquire and store resources?
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