Thursday, November 11, 2021

when entering bear country

 when in go into the woods you want to prepare to keep safe from predators. if you are going to bear country you take bear spray and bear bangers. if there are mosquitos you use mosquito repellant.

when you are human country - which most everywhere - you need to know how to protect yourself against attack which means how they can attack so you prepare to defend.

the first hunter you defend against is yourself. acquire the best resources. store in yourself the best food. defend your resources carefully. control. breathe. suicide and poor diet and excercise are big human killers. beware.

the second hunter is the pack or family. they will cast you out or murder you. betrayal. leave your family. beware.

the third hunter is the guild. they will train you as weapon and use you in battle. their enemy's sworn soldiers will kill you in battle. dodge the draft.

the fourth is judiciary. you can be imprisoned and executed.

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