Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Development of Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada


Public dreams society
Lantern festival trout lake
Vancouver bc
July 23 2005

7pm it is daylight
10.07pm it is dusk
Just a little of the suns light is visible over the lions
Sittting on the beach by the lifeguard chair
The drummers are drumming
And many people have lanterns
And the fireworks have started
red balls of fire in the sky
Friends yell greetings to each
Happily they hug their greetings
The lanterns reflect on the lake
10 foot fairies glide past on the path around the lake
There is paper bag and candle maze
And an endless parade of paper lantersn
A momma duck and her 3 ducklings
A cake and the eiffel tower
Pyramids squares and globes
Tin cans with holes punched in the shape of stars
And flowers on bamboo poles
And a metal fish on the end of fishing pole
And glass jars with more stars

Go and look through the paper telescope and see a heavenly pooh bear
And wishing wells with angels

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why sleepless

Why sleepless?
Today I embarrassed my staff
Overwrought at their dedication
Working over the weekend to complete a project
Was too much for me
I had just wanted to give a team member the applause he deserved
I don't understand why I was overcome
I don't know myself well enough

The sufi book on my bedside table
By idries shah
Has a tale fable story myth
About three wise man each needing to find
Deep Knowledge their own way
And how their disciples blinding copying
Never reach enlightenment

I see
So easily
When the time was right
the story illuminated my position

I have been despondent
Lamenting my ill fortune
Why must everything come to me the hard way
Why do I have to find the path no one has found before

For 3 years
I have been sustained by the teaching of one man
And through him we have all been blessed
Looking back now I can see the blessing

And now
I have 40 days
I must go alone? Into the wilderness
Or seek the dervishes and the wise men

How can I leave civilisation behind?
won't the city collapse without my shoulders?

I see
I do not need to fear
I can give them my trust assign the task
Knowing that whether they do it or not
I will get the task done
I know I can do it
Even if it does take me several tries
I will learn from my mistakes
And make it work

Monday, August 29, 2005


cakephp - rails for php??

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Re: Article ie 7: just say no


I wanted to make this article more friendly. I didn't want to be
antagonistic - but seriously, how frustrated has IE made you? On nt4 it
was a pain. On win2k it is a pain. And on xp it has been a pain. I just
don't have the energy - I have to move to other projects - like applying
os and sql server patches for my customers.

I just think msft should give up on the browser, like it did for mac os,
IE 5.2 was the last realease (do you that mac users - you can delete it
now - stop asking your tech staff to support it already). Msft needs all
it energy just to focus on shipping vista.

No one is good at everything. It is not humiliating to suck at making
browsers. It is time to grow up and acknowledge that every company has
limitations and oppurtunities. It is enough to have an amazing os and
great office apps, and a sql server, and a development ide and hosting
cluster. So forget about the browser - google (cough) I mean firefox can
have it.

Author: joshua paul

Article ie 7: just say no

After 2 decades of fixing computers, I decided
to adopt a zero tolerance policy towards non performing software
solutions. Non performing software solution is a fragrant euphemism for
stinky software - software that no one should have been allowed to

In the case of IE, unaffiliated computer scientists research in
demonstrating numerous buffer overflow vulnerabilities have been
unfairly demonized. Specifically these selfless researchers have been
characterized in the mainstream press as miscreants, when in fact they
might be public service giants.

Regardless of the opinions of the ethics of these scientists, the flaws
are real and serious, and patches have been released on a monthly, if
not weekly basis. It is the number of years, the volume and the severity
of bugs and security flaws that have eroded my belief that IE will ever
be safe.

Of course, resonable people would question adopting such a draconian
'one strike your out' system regarding IEs security vulnerabilities. But
of course I am being facetious - I have applied endless security patches
to IE for over 8 years.

For me the question of trying the IE 7 beta or not trying, isn't so
complicated as it maybe for other people. I simply can't afford to use
products that fail and require me to fix them.
If my toaster or my printer break, I don't spend hours trying to fix
them, or hours applying vendor supplied patches. Can you imagine a
coffee maker company sending you patches you have to install?

If my coffee maker or my toaster or my printer get viruses [virii] or
spyware (why they don't do they) I don't buy another appliance to
prevent my existing appliances from
getting infected. I also don't return it to the store for an upgrade,
ie. Product recall. And I if I did decide to bring it back once, I
imagine being happy if I had to it once a month, some time even once a
week, every month for the past 10 years since 1995 or 94 pr 96 when
win95 was released.

I just take it back for refund or I through it in the trash AND NEVER
BUY A PRODUCT FROM THAT VENDOR AGAIN. I think is reasonable. I do that
with software.

Just say no to the ie7 beta, stick to firefox.

Joshua Paul

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Frank Herbert

Face the dark, leap into the well

Face the dark, leap into the well

My fear is lack of billing
That developers are not villing enoufh
That they are not working hard enough
That they are not meeting their quota
And we will not make payroll

My fear is not enough work
That our clients will stop giving us jobs
And that new clients will stop coming

I am afraid that budgets are wrong
And we have to put lots of unbilled time into the project

I am afraid that deadlines are missed
I am afraid that we've done the wrong thing and ignored the spec

Frank herbert comforts me
Frank writes to me and guides me

I will not fear
Fear is the mindkiller,
Fear is the little death
That brings total oblivion
I will permit my fear to pass
Over me and through me
And where it has gone
I will turn the inner eye
Nothing will be there
Only I will remain.

Monday, August 22, 2005

African Studies Review: Emma's War: Love, Betrayal, and Death in the Sudan

I am not only a Merchant seeking Gold
Nor am I just a Scholar seeking Deep Truth
I am a Maker creating New from the Old
to Feed all 6 Billion of my Relations

World of the day and nightworld

Madame Ping in Diamond Age says there are only two industries, the
industry of things and the indsutry of entertainment

I say the root of all evil is the production of luxury products

The Coast Salish tooks slaves to produce luxury products for their

The Confederate States took slaves to produce cotton for Europe

The Banana Republics tooks slaves to grow bananas for Europe

But those words are night words

The day is flesh
And the night is spirit

The day is dry
And the night refreshes

Every day the body dies and decays and is eaten

Plato the cave - shapes and meaning from the ancient dead
Socrates ephaedra [sic] that letters and writing will destroy our minds

As rock has done
As waltz has done
As novels have done
as movies have done first silent and then talkies and finally
As video games are doing now

In the dark is the way
The older senses
The older brains surface as the cerebral cortex shutsdown (-h now)
And smell, and touch and taste and hearing rise in importance in
comparison with seeing

In the dark night of the movie theatre
We seek the fragrant oil laden popcorn to delight our noses
And revel in the tasting chewy licorice
But why the touching? And holding hands?

The night world provides meaning for the day

Selling new thing to people who never seen it before

No one has heard of online order processing for biz cards
No one has tasted it so no one will pay money for something until they
know it is good
Would you buy something you never tried?
For hundreds per month?

In the supermarket small samplers let people taste a small bit of a new
And the customer can buy as much or as little cheese as they want
1 store free for 3 months - is that a taster?
If you like it

1 store $29 per month
10 stores $225 / mo ($22.50ea)
20 stores $320 / mo ($16ea)
50 stores $700 / mo ($14ea)
100 stores $1000 per month ($10ea)

Cultural Digestion - a review of books

I came to this list after hearing about emma mccune...

i love application frameworks

article on php vs rails with links to app frameworks:

ruby on rails -
guide to ruby -

* cherrypy - *
django -

catalyst -

php on trax -
savant -

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Classic serialized fiction

Classic serialized fiction
Pulled from gutenberg
And delivered via email
Following customizable rules

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Re: Peter jennings dead

> Dan rather on assignment in beirut says of peter jennings he was
> courageous, in the way that the author of a farewell to arms, ernest
> hemingway, defined courage as grace under fire.

A fever for the whole body
A dizziness
A slow random walk
Just one more task before I can sleep
A pain in the feet
A smoldering in the belly
A blockage in the bowels
And a small square sharp hot poker in the right testicle
Maybe one more trip and then I lie down
A whole body sweat - I can hear the spirit voices whisper
A fire when I pee - only a trickle
A million things to write - so insistment I must write - no matter - my
horse I will ride it
A mild headache across my brow
And pus in my throat
Have courage! trivial things all
Do not be bothered by them
One more task, just one more trip, one more set of stairs, then, then
you can lie down
But first you can do one more task
And then you can sing yourself a song
Tell yourself a story
Count every blessing
Do not ask yourself like you want to do - how long will it be till every
memory of you is gone
It is an instant
That is already gone

The iceman national geographic sept 1993 4000 years ago
Ripped from the ice his genitals broken
His hip destroyed by eager policemans jackhammer
His skin growing a fungus
His royal pure copper axe handled without proper respect for the
hundreds of hours required to make this one (the many failed attempts)

In groundbreaking news ibm boldly goes where

In groundbreaking news ibm boldly goes where no one has gone before.

President bob applebum is quoted as saying in studying the web 2.0
standard closely, our nobel prize winning research scientists have
discovered the shocking truth about web 2.0, that it is best and most
cunningly implemented by shutting down all web based ecommerce
functionality and implementing these amazing and ground breaking
standards that compromise web 2.0 = lost email ordering 2.0, voice mail
hell 2.0, fax busy 2.0.

What is astonishing, is that our scientists discovered that these
technologies combined togther put the end user through a series a deeply
pathological states - fury - terror -  and finally suicidal despair -
that makes the customer your fully controllable mind puppet.

President applebaum cautionned shareholders that these statements were
purely hypothetical and that actual internal testing of these order
processing techniques had been extremely disappointing due to the
overwhelming tendency of the subjects to achieve near brain death
status. Applebaum confidently stated that "there is surely a non zero
probability that the terminal outcome in the two to five, which is when
we expect this technology to be commercially available."

Fine print this press release contains all the usual mumbo jumbo about
forward looking statements that basically says treat this as parable
since you aint gonna be able to take it to the bank sonny.

Peter jennings dead

Peter jennings dead

Dan rather on assignment in beirut says of peter jennings he was
courageous, in the way that the author of a farewell to arms, ernest
hemingway, defined courage as grace under fire.

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS / Performance PC Magazine
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Monday, August 08, 2005

Re: BBspot - Apple's Tiger Will Include BSOD Widget

you thinks that's funny huh? maybe you'll appreciate my press release - of course not quite in character - but...

George Bush, President of The United States speaks to Sunday school kids about why it is the right thing to do to outsource prisons to third world countries, specifically China and / or Mexico. In front of a group of 5 year old he laid out his 10 point plan:

1. investing in the third world is a noble thing - can't just give them money kids - they need to work for it
2. cut costs to keep prisoners serving their term
3. by cutting cost we can lower taxes and stimulate business investment
4. inmantes gain valuable new skills - a new language - either learn chinese or spanish - both growing economies with lower unemployment rates
5. prisoners will benefit from cheaper products from the prison canteen, such as cigarettes and um, other products
6. this is an excellent oppurtunity to transfer our advanced prison technology to china and mexico
7. of course we are also helping our real estate developers at home, by making prime real estate that was used for prison site available for fine country estate homes
8. by helping our real estate developers, we no doubt help our cities gain an improvement in their tax base due to an increase in property values, both in an increase in taxable properties thanks to new development, and the removal of the prison which depresses neighbouring property values
8. eliminate potential innocent American deaths from inmates escaping
9. Guards can be retrained from savings as high payed offshore site trainers or supervisors
10. Great chance to improve the prison conditions for some inmates, ie. Upgrade 1 wing, with 1 local for every foreginer

Of course the major stumbling is shipping the inmates. However, we've shown we're upto it with our recent world class facility in Guatanmo, so this should be a piece of cake.

Neo Code Software, Design - Develop - Deploy mission critical web apps for SMEs to Fortune 500s,
Publish Button, WYSIWYG Content Management System,
Neo Code Networks, FileMaker Lasso Hosting,
MSN ICQ 7690195 AOL neocodesoftware Yahoo joshuascottpaul
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668
Ask me about getting your own free webmail address at

Paul van nest civil war buff

Welcome to
The Civil War Round Table
Greater Kingston

why we should outsource prisons to china / mexico

- lower taxes - stimulate business investment
- cut costs
- inmantes learn chinese or spanish - growing economy
- cheaper cigarettes and food and tatoos and haircuts
- transfer advanced prison technology to china / mexico
- make prime real estate that was used for prisons available for real estate development
- improve tax base due to depressed property values from having prison in neighbourhood
- eliminate potentials innocent death from inmates escaping
- Guards retrained from savings as offshore site trainer supervisor or another industry
- Great chance to improve the prison conditions for some inmates, ie. Upgrade 1 wing, with 1 local for every foreginer
- Major issue is shipping inmates. Likely by sea using military vessels

Neo Code Software, Design - Develop - Deploy mission critical web apps for SMEs to Fortune 500s,
Publish Button, WYSIWYG Content Management System,
Neo Code Networks, FileMaker Lasso Hosting,
MSN ICQ 7690195 AOL neocodesoftware Yahoo joshuascottpaul
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668
Ask me about getting your own free webmail address at

Thursday, August 04, 2005
