Sunday, November 12, 2006

You are my sunshine

Face, eyes, lips, nose, mouth, voice, laugh
Its you
Your presence
And spirit
Making you into you
The spring inside you
Filling the world
Shaping a tiny piece of the universe into you
Pulling bits of the universe into orbit around you
And for a tiny piece of time
Me too

Somehow I shaping you and you are shaping me
And we dance together in orbit
And you stir me

Thinking about how I shape you
I stop, knowing I don't know how to do my best

But you
Sweet light angel
Everyones darling favorite
Kindly give more smiles, laughter and gentle touches

And I am a monster
Begging and stamping my feet
"Don't go!"
But I am left behind in your dreams
When you wake up

I can't be left behind
I want you
Love you
Sacrifice myself for you
I hope you love me
More and more

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