Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Lyrics for youtube video of great political and social import saving the world from overpopulation

If you want to be lucky, live long, win the lottery, avoid dying in a
horrible crash, survive cancer, find a 4 leaf clover, and live happily
ever after, you MUST forward the email to just TWO people that you love.
This is scientifically and inpendantly true - if you google for "Lyrics
for youtube video of great political and social import saving the world
from overpopulation" you will find hundreds of scientific papers from
leading journals about people who have won cartons of cigarettes, oil
fields in siberia, human organs, and a panda, just to mention a few.

Note - if you try and exploit the system by changing the email in any
way, or by sending it to more than two people, you will break the chain
of goodness and will cause gasoline prices to rise, a recession in the
USA, water shortages in china and austrailia, fish stock collapses in
canada, and countless other environmental disasters. and probably cause
the crash of oil tanker.

All I really need
Is a song in my bum
Food in my bum-bum
And loooooove in my bummy-bum-bum

Obviosuly such a deep, and clearly transcendental (chew-chew) meditation
needs no explanation or clarification, but I will provide one anyway,
since you asked ever so politely and because I am not feeling to grumpy
this morning.

As long as humans persist in following the path of good and evil, of
duality, of right and wrong - death and destruction for many generations
will follow.

What I mean to say is that consumption creates garbage that lasts

The sooner humanity can wake up and smell the snake eating its own tail
brand of instant individually wrapped premixed coffee the better.

We can sustain our large populations only by loving to live off our own

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