Monday, November 08, 2010


how do I feel about going back to work?

My work is building sand castles

I worry the waves will ruin them

I worry no one will hire me

that people no longer want sand castles

that a tsunami is coming

that my children will go hungry

that my wife will have no roof over her head

that my feet will be bare

that my pockets will be empty

fear overtakes me

and I stop and face my fear

fear I say, I am facing you

and fear stares back

in the stories the hero wins easily

but here fear is strong

fear whispers

unemployment is growing

resources are dwindling

there is not enough

and I close my eyes and worship the sun

in the cold universe it burns

it shines

it lives

it is a miracle

it is my miracle

even in the winter

even on the longest night of winter

the sun still rises



beyond thanks

beyond hope

it just burns

and I look forward too seeing it again

my eye has not yet had its fill of seeing

and who knows

something wonderful might happen