Monday, October 29, 2007

When will the meek inherit the earth? Draft

When will the meek inherit the earth?

(Set black. Spotlight on single chair. Dad is seated. Wife and 2 kids
stand around chair pointing guns at dad.)

Dad: ok. I won't move.
Kid1: Increase business deal flow.
Dad: please don't.
Kid2: maximize return on investment
Dad: do all of you have to?
Wife: sell the value proposition
Dad: why do I have to work all the time?
Kid1: increase shareholder value
Dad: I don't understand how the think they can get a return since the
weather changes so much
Kid2: decrease cost per lead.
Kid1: increase conversion ratio
Wife: improve retained earnings
Dad: can I get some fresh air? A glass of water? A piece of toast?
Wife: you're not meeting your quarterly revenue targets
Kid1: you're sandbagging your sales forecasts
Kid2: your new lead volume is below expectations
Dad: give me a better territory, the lead list is stale, the market is
saturated, the objection handlers are weak and the value propositions
Kid1: a great cook doesn't complain about what's in the fridge
Kid2: a genius can make something out of nothing
Kid2: Execute!
Wife: Execute!
Kid1: Execute!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Netsuite - 25 things

1. They have a direct sales model like dell.
2. Direct sales team compensated only one 1 year deals
3. Direct sales team earns nothing on renewals
4. Every partner I talked to had fought or knew someone who had fought
with direct sales team
5. Deals lost always in excess of 60k - with commissions at 30%
6. Direct implementation team charged client 60k for 12k implementation
that had to be redone
7. System failed after importing 2 million leads
8. System support 5 decimal places - not 6
9. Weak multicompany
10. Find a partner system removed from website because it competes with
11. Due to recurring revenue model, partners bullied because they are
afraid to have their recurring revenue lost if they have their partner
status revoked
12. Skyytek is a franchise system of partners
13. Netreturn is master licensee for austrailia
14. Sirius satellite radio canada wouldn't sign due to hosting outside
15. One of the new partners in my class is fighting with netsuite over
240k customer - $60k commissions
16. Clients not wanting to renew because of poor direct implementation
are seeking partners to re-implement - but unhappy about spending again
17. Partners seeking partners to do custom ecommerce
18. Direct sales team discounts licenses upto 80%, and pads
19. Clients leasing 3 year deals, past 5 year on premsises software
maybe cheaper
20. Sage accpac and accpac crm really good, more expensive and missing
21. Mid market partners need ecommerce experts
22. Netsuite doesn't share partner directory with partners - dating site
23. Partners want an association of software as a service vendors for
netsuite, salesforce dot com, intaact, plex and sugarcrm - that company
reps are forbidden to enter and subscribers are forbidden to share
24. Canadian tax law forbids books to off premises, and remote acceess
means off premises - yet customers have been audited by ccra without
25. Big companies wanting Quickbooks migrations common

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

So many people realy don't know. They guess. Or they believe stories.

But many people think the meaning of life is a mystery and that it is a
question that doesn't have an answer.

Are we not the result of millions of years of evolution?

Are we not the result of life trying to make more life?

Are we not the lifes solution to date to the problem of staying alive in
the universe?

Are we not the result of billions of years disasters?

disdasters happen and we adapt and respond and thrive.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

planet in peril - Google Search

We have been Sold out for generations already

We have been Sold out for generations already

So much could have been done to make the world better

People with resources and power have only been making short term

How have I sold my childrens future?
A $30,000 car used up my line of credit.
Why I am responsible?
The car and gas companies spend billions.
But I bought it.
The car feels good.

King panda and the sad elephant need your help

Marcia / Alisa - please edit...

Cogangi and the centre for healing human cognitive development

King panda and the sad elephant need your help


Help king panda and the sad elephants teach kids about past human
civilisations, what happened to them, what they could have done
different, and what we can learn from them.

Help king panda and the sad elephants teach kids how to cook food that
feeds the planet.

Help king panda and the sad elephants teach kids how to make wise buying
decisions by exposing the means of production.

1. You are making a treasure hunt, see
2. The game is played by email.
3. The players prove their answers by forwarding additional emails they
have received by following clues.
4. Ask me what kid, pirate, captain or king panda would do. Or what the
sad elephant would do.

Friday, October 19, 2007

And in our wake, the waste of our consumption

And in our wake, the waste of our consumption

Pollution is not the right word
Posion is not the right word

When we ate eden, and babylon and ur
When we stripped them we made them deserts

When we ate rapa nui aka easter island,
We left the stone heads and not a single tree

But the exxon valdez spilling crude oil

Monday, October 15, 2007

How to organize admins

How to organize admins

Using odesk / elance / scriptlance

Makes teams of functional admins
0. Nut admins
1. Nagios monitors
2. Bacula admins
3. Retrospect admins
4. Firewall/vpn admins
5. Vmware admins
6. Ve admins
7. Lamp / Shell troubleshooters


I am on ship with bad guys
I am in a mech suit, so are they
I am faster and quiter than them
And I take all 300 of them out
I return to my orbiter
I discover the ship is the mech
I didn't take it out
The ship puts a virus in the orbiter
Which cooks us

Too scrambled but
9 nearly identical peep shows girls
Distract the officers and nco's
While the missing 10th
Is found in her landing pod near the castle
By a robot patrol
She takes all three out by suprise and speed

Forest walk in england
A birthday party
There is a long stone racetrack with curved embankments
I wander off the trail unaware of the time
One of the parents finds me and we head back
Crossing a stream and climbing over a electric fence that is turned off
We meet another dad who is going in wrong direction and bring him along

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Cell charger new car
Paint house
Finish garage
Corporations have souls
It is purgatory without love
I am without love
I want courage, nobility, sacrfice

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

3am dream -

Working late one night, all my staff had gone home except the new
sysadmin who was showing me what a good job he had done organizing and
cleaning up the server room. He had done a really good job putting
everything away. I offered a few suggestions and encouragements.

It had been dark outside for a while, and it was time to go, when the
phone rang. Normally, I would be nervous, wondering which client was
calling to complain about a server failure, but I had just reviewed the
monitoring system so I was sure everything was fine.

I answered the phone curious to see who it was. It was the building
maintenance guy, he sounded surprised to reach me, and explained he had
called the wrong number by mistake. I hung up and turned to the new
sysadmin who was waiting patiently and said it was strange for him to

Then there was a knock on the door. We looked at each other, but neither
of us was expecting anyone.

"Who's there?" I asked through the door.

No answer.

Who could it be? What did they want?

Maybe it was a mistake.

But my heart started to pound, and my stomach began to burn.

I looked through the spyhole and saw two huge guys I had never seen
before in front of the door.

Immediately I put the chain on the door, but before I could finish the
door exploded backwards and they were in the room staring at us.

I knew it wasn't good that they weren't wearing masks.
I knew it wasn't good that I had talked to the building maintenance
I knew they were here for something, and they were going to get it.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Tuesday focus - joshua's performance review

1. Ruby / squeak / java
2. Filemaker devs offer - free host, server scheduler scripts, profile
match in / match out
3. Freetriptrade
4. Netsuite
5. Slfa / fae / westpoint / ubc / bsia
6. Hr staff replacement
- can lloyd pay his way? With slfa
- is bill paying his way?
- is lou?
7. Year end financial performance
8. Hosting performance
9. Call centre
10. Eml lang
11. Video mag

Sunday, October 07, 2007

What one thing can I do that would solve all my problems?

Need more excercise
Need more acting
Need more laughing
Need more selling
Need more study about civilsation collapse
Need more study about consuming the world pure
Need more king panda
Need more adventure hunts with letters

Shopping channel
While riding a bike
Video magazine
In custome
To get clues

Debit cards suck - don't use them - I had $500 stolen on saturday and $500 stolen today

Debit cards suck - don't use them - I had $500 stolen on saturday and
$500 stolen today.

I have no idea how they got my PIN.

And I am liable!

Since I reported it I am won't be liable for the $500 the guy will
probably take out tomorrow - because they can't actually cancel my

Credit cards protect consumrs better.

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada