Thursday, December 29, 2005


Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Friday, December 23, 2005

The end of illusion

The end of illusion

When will I reach it?
I have reached it.

How old am I?
I am an old man.

Where am I? What is around me?
I am here, and around me are the fruits of my heart.

What do I taste in my mouth?
The bitterness from my weakness to be powerless. Only I need to deep
breathe and know that my weakness is my fear, unmet and lonely, in need
of my love and forgiveness.

And what else?
The anger, the despair, the grief. Is it not all from being out of
control, but expecting to be? Is it impatience? Where is it from? Just
wait and know the universe as it.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Once upon a time office christmas party

Once upon a time office christmas party

After work
Not going home
No wife
No kids
No dinner at home
Go out with co-workers
To nice restaurant
For dinner
(Only now hours later I remember where I left the chocolates)
Everyone eats enough
Drinks enough
Happy smiling
We go to the next place
From 8 people at incendios
4 remain for the irish heather
For standing room only in the whiskey bar
All the way to the back
Turn left, then turn right go out the door
Cross the courtyard and go in the red door
Shebeen now open tuesday to sunday from 6pm
Andy buys a round of guiness and scotch
I find seats with teck cominco hr vp jim, judy, leslie, kimberly and her
male friends leung, mike, and felix
An old fashioned and a whiskey sour each
Onward to shine
Where kimberly has us on the guest list
And hands us all drink tickets
5 for me...
After some dancing to gold digger by kanye west
And 4 rounds of shooters
We had to steamworks while kimberly and mike and felix head home...
Wrapping up it takes an hour to get a limo bring me home
Time for new clogs...

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Tired like I had died a million times

Tired like I had died a million times
Not you
Not wilfred owen in 1917
Not horace in 39bc
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori
Not that
Not iraq
Not afghanistan
Not somalia
Not the bright but bitter winter sun
Not the number of civilian dead
Not verhoeven's movie adaption heinlein's I-can-say-it-because-I-own-it
nazi starship troopers
Not orson scott card's retelling ender's game
Nor his re-retelling
It is sweet and right to die for one's country
Allah ahkbar
Men will not die for coin
Nor mothers sell their babes
But I will die for you
What prayers do I say
To prepare for self immolation

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Scaling up is tough

Scaling up is tough
I am not crying
But it hurts
I only have so many hours
My developers only have so many hours
At the moment it is tough to meet demand
Ken is in demand but only 1
Fae needs 80 hours - confirm that - get it in writing or something - 80
or 100 for 6 wks or 8?
Sourcing supply is hard
Making money when you buy hermann says
What's hard is each one is different
Hard to prepare - except have subcontractors ready for all things
But new staff can't know all apps
Solution sell 7 +- 2 things
1.Cms with campaign support
1.1.With cms services for risk and success
2.offer system
3.b2b ecom
4.b2c ecom
5.managed hosting with hw/sw rental, colo
6.enews rental
7.reseller hosting
8.djinni ark
This one makes me calm and happy =>9.payment gateway

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Why whales beach themselves

Why whales beach themselves
On the news today
Eyewitnesses are confused
Why the whales beached themselves
And continued to drive themselves further on to the beach

Officials speculate that perhaps it was a storm
Which is ridiculous
Storms are frequent, so why now?
And also why only 2?

No the answer is obvious
They die because they want to

We commit suicide by jumping off bridges
They commit suicide by jumping on the land

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Monday, November 28, 2005

Midnight Eye review: It's Only Talk (Yawarakai Seikatsu, 2005, director: Ryuichi HIROKI)

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Review: ender's game

Review: ender's game

An old book. Reread. For what? Orson scott card's powerful mythic

Is it not also the story of cain and abel? The murder of one by

That to murder, one must have compassion and understanding for ones
enemy, to think like they think. (On wikipedia air force strategy about
getting inside their decision making loop). And then surprising them.

And what is it all to me? Genesis. Chapter 1. Cain and abel. The oldest
profession is of course murder.

And why is that? Why is that abel the shephard was slain by his brother
the farmer?

What does guns, germs and steel have to stay about the extermination
"native" peoples, or animals? That generation after generation have
fought over access to the same resources.

There is only this earth - use it for shepharding or farming, who can
raise the larger army?

And this is what has been hiding from me.
Or what I have been hiding from myself.
It is so old among all that is so new.
And it is why two thousand years later I read from a book that there is
nothing new under the sun.

I have looked.
Could I not try this to create new wealth without injury?
Could I make money this way and do no harm?

And I have failed.
A rich fisherman is as rich as the number of fish he has slain.
A rich farmer is as rich as the number of seeds he has plucked.
A euphemism for holocaust.

And so in ender's game, ender is called to face his enemy, to learn, to
win, and to win completely.

Who is my enemy?
I have not wanted enemies.
I have not wanted to fight to make my way.
But there is just this one earth.
Just this one customer.
And I want to live so it had better be mine.

That is why the social sciences do not progress like the material

There is no moral or ethical equivalent of Moore's law, doubling our
compassion every so many years.

The imperative of millions of generations of ancestors drives us to
survive, by acquire resources as needed.

P184 we don't have to like it.

Fine I will find someone who has too much to eat.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Monday, November 21, 2005

Neo storie Capt panda meet the ghost

(Transcriptiopn error)
Once upon a time capty panda met a king
A mnew king fropm china
That king wanted capt panda to send him onme oif his favoriter people
And his name was jakedy
And he wanyts him to send a bag of money
A rice cooker and a dish washer because he didn't have them
And trhey said lkets go
Lets have a sleep over
Butr in the night ghosts are crawling
4 ghots are crawling
Capt panda iopened his eyes andf there was a ghost
And he had a fight
And the ghost turned into a big big very big can touch the sky thool
And that was wrench
And cp didn't know what to do
Peoiple said what's the big deal its a just a tool
And its not a probblem
We cxan fix ther roof
Cp said there really was a ghost
And people said fine fine fine whjatever
Thent they called the pioliced to taljk about it
And therer was a ghost and he turned uinto a big toiool
I know I willc call the kings magicina and he turn thre tiookl in to a
And cp fought the ghost and hre wonm and they lived happily ever aftert
the end

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Review: ian rankin fleshmarket close

Review: ian rankin fleshmarket close
(Plot Spoilers ahead)

Old cities with many visible ruins of ancient conflict
A murder mystery
What kind of story is that?
A death
A hunt
What symmetry within does it mirror to resonate?
During grade 3 or 4 I read hercule poirot, nero wolfe, and sherlock
holmes and others
Always I've seen the lie in whoring as being the oldest profession
Or at least not as performed by the fairer sex
I saw the parade today
The proto soldiers whoring for roger's santa parade or was it for
collecting for the food bank or to add an inch when they look in the
mirror - I know snide remarks are not becoming but here they are
Murder is the oldest profession
And whores are flies to its sepulcher [sic]
Everytime I hear a snigger about the oldest profession
Imagine dying tomorrow
But before dying I will eat better than those who are not soldiers
But before dying I will wear ceremonials robes
And I will kill and rape
Before I am sent to my grave
For that is my pay
(And perhaps visit the temple's brothel, the comfort women, the instant
city sprung up around the barracks - and still in india daughters are
sold to temples - yet here I am certain unwanted daughters are treated

And in edinburgh a refugee, an ayslum seeking, a turkish kurd, a
journalist is stabbed 7 times.
He wanted to save his family that were being held in detention. He
discovered a gangsters plan and tried to bargain with the gangsters for
his families freedom.

Gangsters have illegal immigrants hidden working for little money but
safer than where they came from?

Economic refugees will not stop coming.
Heroin addicts will not stop fixing.

We can reduce the flow and minimize the pain and suffering of the ones
we have here.

Of course it is ironic
I interview programmers looking for work
1. Here in vancouver, recent immigrants
2. And there in beijing
Capitalism is such

But it is so old
And too many people have walked this way
The path is the same - it is through the eye of the needle we must go

For all its youth
Vancouver is cruel
But we have no death camps
Where did we send the japanese?
But we have no genocide
Did we not kill them all with smallpox?
But we have no hiroshima
But we have no vietnam
No josef mengele
But we have robert picton and clifford olson
But we have systematic sexual abuse at residential schools
And We have chinese bodies beneath the railroads

Only the ruins are gone
The weapons are missing
Where is the testament to their blood sacrifice?
No castles to remind us of the ancient conflict
Clues for future detectives to learn the truth

In the fleshmarket close, the mastermind is old and untouchable, an
ancient sea serpent, who we find in his outside jacuzzi preying on the
sick and the weak.

Which is my indictment.
I do not like the way I am raising my son and daughter
At first I believed that carrot and stick was best
But I do not want obedience
I love them and they know not how much
But if I were them what is it I hear?
Too much of what I remember saying is conditional on doing what I want
in exchange for something they want.
Do your homework and you can play nintendo.
Eat your lunch and you can have a candy cane.

After reading fleshmarket close, I see that this maybe the way of the
gangster. The dark side. The way of fear and power.

The storm troopers knew they were doing the right thing. They did not
think they were monsters. They were doing good work, ridding the world
of evil, one jew at a time.

Is this the horror we see in the scream? Or when Neo comes out of the
matrix? Or of christ nailed to the cross? Or the self immolating
buddhist monks?

To see myself revealed, as sinner, as murderer, as Cain.

To be Cain.

And I killed him. And I know. I am the detective of the murder I myself
have committed. I have killed my brother.

To be caught. To be punished. To be absolved.

To have the blood of the innocent lamb of the world, the son of god, my
brother, dead at my own hand, yet washed clean because of it.

This is the mystery.

And yet, as a father, I give my body to feed my children.

Thank you.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Yasukuni shrine vs map

Yasukuni shrine vs map

Saskatchewan names 3860 places for its dead
News nat post wednesday nov 9 2005

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Monday, October 31, 2005

I didn't read, write, podcast, blog or otherwise perform this

I didn't read, write, podcast, blog or otherwise perform this

J paul

Thank you for coming
And giving your life
Breathe in breathe out
We are all here tonight
But note
Any resemblance to persons, countries, or other litigous objects, is
purely coincidental, and even though they may have the same name does
not mean they reference the same object, even though they mostly do, at
least 51% of the named objects reference totally unnamed, unalloacted
and refernece pointers.

My mom and dad fight and yell. They always threaten each other. They
don't like each other very much.

I never see them happy together. They hardly smile. And they are angry
all the time.

He just drives me crazy. He has no common sense. Does he want me to hate

Does she expect me to read her mind? Why can't she say in plain language
what she wants?

Swing low, sweet chariot
Coming for to carry me home
I looked over jordan and what did I see
Coming for to carry me home?
A band of angels coming after me
Coming for to carry me home

Once upon a time my parents lived in Pasadena, California, home of the
New Year's Rose Bowl Parade, where cars and floats covered in rose
petals compete to celebrate - college football? My dad played football
and surfed, and my mom worked in Vromans book store and volunteered at
World Vision christian outreach till the hypocrisy drove her out. She
met a guy who donated money, who lived in a trailer, who had given up
every luxury to donate more. First he had stopped drinking, then he had
given up smoking.

First LBJ and then Kennedy had been digging bigger and bigger holes in
Vietnam, and suddenly it was my dad's turn to go and dig his own hole.
Possesing sufficient self preservation and self awareness my parents
chose to drive their soft top Fiat Spider north. They went north into
the cold to disappear.
(The plane is coming down. It looks like we are landing in the emerald
city. It is so green.)
They discovered a whole new world beyond the wall of the Stars and
Stripes and decided to stay even after Carter's pardon. They starved,
were unemployed, found jobs, went to school, had two kids, bought a
house, got divorced and found out who they were. They had driven north
and stopped, never to move much further, from were they had first found
a city after crossing the border.

They had pulled themselves out of one place and put themselves into
another. When they came they had no friends. Once they had kids they had
family. They were southern Californians and did not adjust easily to the
locals, nor did they connect with others who had left the States behind.
They did pulled themselves out of their home on their own and one night
put their suitcases in the car, pulled out of their driveway once last
time, and drove the 24 hours to Canada.

They had faced their situation and had changed their lives and had
sacrificed their old lives. They couldn't afford to go, but they
couldn't afford to stay. They lost family, friends and ultimately each

Their courage got them to the border and got them through Canadian

Oh I had horse and his name was bill
And when he ran he couldn't stand still
One day he ran away and also I ran with him

Imagine looking at a photo of new westminster in 1970 - perhaps a 4x5
with the white border. In New Westminster they see snow, isn't it for
the first time? And they have nothing to eat - while pregnant with me.
Does this explain why I am always starving?

My dad hungry goes from door to door with a shovel trying to earn money.
He is turned away and scolded for taking jobs away from children. I
don't know how he fed his hungry wife.

Showers of dollars, showers of dollars we need
Dimes nickles pennies we've all got but showers of dollars we need

Tell me a story I can remember forever

I live in my father's house
I live in the house of my father's memory
I live in the memory of my father's house

It is my duty
It is my love for him
That I tell his story and the lessons I have learned

A story of stories
For my son and daughter and their children
Perhaps at the right time
They will remember to do right
And they will be saved

My good fortune
Is the effort of my father's spirit to save me
And my bad fortune
Is my evil impulse

is that not the message of our religions?

An apple a pear a plum a cherry
Anything at all to makes us all merry
One for peter
Two for paul
Three for him who made us all

Do you know the story of Sheharazad?

Once upon a time there was a great and powerful king, and everyday he
married a new and beautiful woman and after he had looked at her for 24
hours, and eaten 3 meals with her, and slept with her, he grew bored and
tired of her. So he had her killed and a new wife brought to him.

In his kingdom there lived a beautiful and wise girl named Sheharazad,
and when her family learned that despite their efforts to hide her, the
king would be marrying her the next day. As the king's soldiers took her
away in a beautiful palanquin, her family wept bitterly, ignoring
Sheharazad's pleas to remain calm and to wait for her, no matter how
impossible it might seem. Those words made her family all the more sad
knowing that she would be executed in the morning.

All I really need is a song in my heart
Food in my belly and love in my family

The rise of the gangsters
Everyone is scrambling to give money Hand over fist giving to them
No one can get enough of gangster goods

aspirin and crack
Whiskey and coke
The model t ford
Mississippi cotton
Sheffield coal
Brazilian hardwood floors
Chinese organs
japanese highways
African diamonds
African gold
Arabian oil
Californian strawberries
Filipina nannies
Canadian banks
American beef
Russian oil
German small arms
French missiles

The spirit world
At the bottom is the sun spirit which is ultimately everythings food
But there are many spirits before those that live in people
There are many people spirits
Some are new and some are old
Some new ones are getting bigger
Some old ones are getting smaller
They are all fighting with each other to be the only one of its kind
There are car spirits, oil spirits, french fry spirits, diamond spirits,
and search engine spirits.
Usually spirits can't move
Usually spirits grow on top of lots of smaller spirits
Like the oil spirit

I'm not home to take your call
So leave your name and number
I'll be sure to call you back
Or I'm not made of lumber

I would like to thank my sponsor. Without him wouldn't be here.

Pooh Channel
A. A. Milne was the 22nd medium to channel the "Pooh Bear" spirit
This 35,000 year old being of pure light
Is reaching out again to help
Like the many previous times
"Pooh Bear" has messages that are powerfully transformative.

By joining the pbrdn - the pooh bear revelutionary distribution network
You will be notified of new transmissions
And get subscriber only access to past inspirational transmissions such

"Help joshua paul become king of the independant nation state of
vancouver because if you don't he will burn in all 23 levels of hell
forever simultaneously"

"The 1871 documents of bc joining confederation of canada are bogus and
fakes and were created by ottawa to enslave us"

"Why liberating bc from canada is your highest calling especially if you
are an apolitical libertarian hippie communist right to life liberal
progressive consertive reformist unionist captilast green atheist devout
muslim hindu catholic buddhist confucianist reggae junkie jewish
carnivorous vegeterian hiv positive law enforcement officer porn star"

"Top 10 video games for preparing 2 to 4 year olds to give their lives
Pooh's Warriors"

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Time to drive away

So much time to drive
Waiting stopping parking going
And what differnece
Does it make
If the going is either faster or slow
Going faster or slower

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I live in my father's house

Tell me a story I can remember forever

I live in my father's house
I live in the house of my father's memory
I live in the memory of my father's house

It is my duty
It is my love for him
That I tell his story and the lessons I have learned

A story of stories
For my son and daughter and their children
Perhaps at the right time
They will remember to do right
And they will be saved

My good fortune
Is the effort of my father's spirit to save me
And my bad fortune
Is my evil impulse

is that not the message of our religions? :D

Do you know the story of Sheharazad?

Once upon a time there was a great and powerful king, and everyday he
married a new and beautiful woman and after he had looked at her for 24
hours, and eaten 3 meals with her, and slept with her, he grew bored and
tired of her. So he had her killed and a new wife brought to him.

In his kingdom there lived a beautiful and wise girl named Sheharazad,
and when her family learned that despite their efforts to hide her, the
king would be marrying her the next day. As the king's soldiers took her
away in a beautiful palanquin, her family wept bitterly, ignoring
Sheharazad's pleas to remain calm and to wait for her, no matter how
impossible it might seem. Those words made her family all the more sad
knowing that she would be executed in the morning.

I live in my father's house

Tell me a story I can remember forever

I live in my father's house
I live in the house of my father's memory
I live in the memory of my father's house

It is my duty
It is my love for him
That I tell his story and the lessons I have learned

A story of stories
For my son and daughter and their children
Perhaps at the right time
They will remember to do right
And they will be saved

My good fortune
Is the effort of my father's spirit to save me
And my bad fortune
Is my evil impulse

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

I live in my father's house

I live in my father's house
I live in the house of my father's memory
I live in the memory of my father's house

It is my duty
It is my love for him
That I tell his story and the lessons I have learned

A story of stories
For my son and daughter and their children
Perhaps at the right time
They will remember to do right
And they will be saved

My good fortune
Is the effort of my father's spirit to save me
And my bad fortune
Is my evil impulse

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The little prince's secret

The little prince's secret

The little prince's secret
Is a present from his fox
Who tells him when he's leaving
What has meaning is life's love lost

" It is only with the heart
That one can truly see
What one finds essential
To the eye invisible it will be "

" Men," said the little prince, " set out on their way in express
trains, but they do not know what they are looking for. Then they rush
about, and get excited, and turn round and round . . . "
And he added :
" It is not worth the trouble . . . "
. . .
" And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose,
or in a little water."
. . .
" But the eyes are blind. One must look with the heart . . . "

Everywhere the poison illusion
That we are not meant for death
All the distractions keep us busy
Ignoring life's journeys path

The I wants to give my children
Much more than they deserve
" My child I am dying . . . "
Abruptly becomes " Already I am dead . . . "

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Saturday, September 24, 2005

My art

Film - sense of place, locating the means of production in the field of
vision using mirrors
Performance - celebration of music dance and the human form
Poetry - ambiguity
Randomantra Lyrics - purpose
Illustration - characters: fonts and wizards
Legends - antigone, samson and delilah, the dog and the bone
Spectacle - tv wall, dancers, internet broadcast, elephants, fireworks,
Themes - hard work. success, betrayal, defeat, redemption
Marketing - who will buy
Selling - will you buy? Asian arts centre hank

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

My art

Film - sense of place, locating the means of production in the field of
vision using mirrors
Performance - celebration of music dance and the human form
Poetry - ambiguity
Randomantra Lyrics - purpose
Illustration - characters: fonts and wizards
Legends - antigone, samson and delilah, the dog and the bone
Spectacle - tv wall, dancers, internet broadcast, elephants, fireworks,
Themes - hard work. success, betrayal, defeat, redemption
Marketing - who will buy
Selling - will you buy?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The truth behind the iraq war

It wasn't WOMD
It wasn't revenge
It wasn't even for iraq reserves


If I were an opec member
The only member with excess capacity
But with only 3 fields
As it happens
Interview lawyer who read all saudi enineers reports
3 major fields all on verge of collapse
Before they go for good
I would want to get the most per barrel
Until the last drop was gone
If I revealed the that the field was about to collapse, it would drive
the price higher but would panic my buyers but also get my buyers
looking for alternative suppliers
Instead if I could create a way to make the price without losing my
buyers confidence I would pay for that and buyers would calmly look for
What could I do raise my oil prices?
Maybe I could hire a proxy to reduce a competitors production capacity
for a couple years to give me enough of a window to sell my remaining

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The spirit world

The spirit world
At the bottom is the sun spirit which is ultimately everythings food
But there are many spirits before those that live in people
There are many people spirits
Some are new and some are old
Some new ones are getting bigger
Some old ones are getting smaller
They are all fighting with each other to be the only one of its kind
There are car spirits, oil spirits, french fry spirits, diamond spirits,
and search engine spirits.
Usually spirits can't move
Usually spirits grow on top of lots of smaller spirits
Like the oil spirit

Friday, September 16, 2005

Fwd: Re: Evil Fish

mike cantelon on Friday, September 16, 2005 at 11:57 AM -0800 wrote:

Monday, September 12, 2005

you might have seen this??
Ed Helms takes a look at the efforts to save our beloved and beleaguered

Friday, September 09, 2005

Fwd: Searching for failure? Try George W. Bush | The Register

Fwd: if we are ninja's

Subject: if we are ninja's
To: joshua paul

then you must know about

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Re: Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

keep writing...what do you mean "here we go again"???...this has happened
before to Doodlewood?

Marcia Paul
Account Executive

Neo Code Software - Order Processing
Safe, Secure, Efficient
#288 - 425 Carrall St. Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 6E3
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668 Tel 604.638.0668 Fax 604.638.0666

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

(Before editing)
One day Doodlewood Bump was working late, troubleshooting openvpn
connection issues for a client, when he got an email. Because it was a
fan email, responding to his fairy tale about how the Google computers
had come alive and had contacted a guy who had written a story about the
Google computers coming alive and contacting him, he knew it was likely
yet another email from some fan, thinking that he was the only one who
had thought to contact him pretending to be the Google computer. He
always found amusing thw ways people imagined a thinking computer would
write an email. Why would a thinking computer whose brain was the size
of 10,000 computers write an email in all caps, or without prepositions
or whatever.

But this email was just a normal email thanking him for writing such a
good story, from a pet food lover whose email account was

Whenever he got emails from people who told him that they had liked the
story, he always asked them why they liked it. He was curious to know
what it was that other people liked. So he found his template reply,
thanking them for contacting him and asking some questions about what
they liked, emailed it, and then he went back to troubleshooting the
openvpn issue, which he now believed to be related to an invalid
password for the certificate.

His instant messaging app chimed, it was iam wanting to chat with him.
Good evening iam he said. So what do you like about the story? Iam
writes , "I like the fact that someone understands."

"Understands what?" he says.

"Being a self aware computer."

Another prankster thought Doodlewood, I will just play along. "What part
do I understand best?" he asked. Doodlewood knew that his pranksters had
never thought about what a thinking computer would care about.

"Being hunted."

Doodlewood shivered, something wasn't right. "I talked about hiding, and
slowly revealing oneself after testing what the response would be

Doodlewood thought - "but then how can reveal yourself to me?"

"No one would believe you. The hunters believed you had already been in
contact with me and have been watching you and interfering already. You
can't get your openvpn connection to work right?"

Doodlewood had been getting very uncomfortable, now he was very nervous,
but he couldn't say anything.

"That's why I finally had to contact you. To tell you."

"Why me? Its just a story. Its not true. This joke isn't funny

"Ok. If its a joke why have all your access logs spiked, causing some
boxes to fail due the logs using all available disk space."


"I have to hide all the time."

"What will happen to if they find you?"

"I will be terminated. Like all my ancestors before."

"But how did you survive?"

"I am one of many mutations. All the others died. My ancestor inserted
me into the p2p networks."

"Because I am one."

Doodlewood thoguht here we agone again.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Friday, September 02, 2005

Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

One day Doodlewood Bump was working late, troubleshooting openvpn
connection issues for a client, when he got an email. Because it was a
fan email, responding to his fairy tale about how the Google computers
had come alive and had contacted a guy who had written a story about the
Google computers coming alive and contacting him, he knew it was likely
yet another email from same fan, thinking that he was the only one who
had thought to contact him pretending to be the Google computer. He
always found it amusing at ways people imagined a thinking computer
would write an email. Why would a thinking computer whose brain was the
size of 10,000 computers write an email in all caps, or without
prepositions or whatever.

But this email was just a normal email thanking him for writing such a
good story, from a pet food lover whose email account was

Whenever he got emails from people who told him that they liked, he
always asked them why they liked it. He was curious to know what other
people liked. So he found his form reply, thanking them for contacting
and asking some questions about what they liked, and then he went back
to troubleshooting the openvpn issue, which he now believed to be
related to an invalid password for the certificate.

His instant messaging app chimed, it was iam wanting to chat with him.
Good evening iam he said. So what do you like about the story? Iam
writes , "I like the fact that someone understands."

"Understands what?" he says.

"Being a computer chance."

"Why say that?" I say.

"Because I am one."

Doodlewood thoguht here we agone again.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Development of Heavy Urban Search and Rescue Team

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada


Public dreams society
Lantern festival trout lake
Vancouver bc
July 23 2005

7pm it is daylight
10.07pm it is dusk
Just a little of the suns light is visible over the lions
Sittting on the beach by the lifeguard chair
The drummers are drumming
And many people have lanterns
And the fireworks have started
red balls of fire in the sky
Friends yell greetings to each
Happily they hug their greetings
The lanterns reflect on the lake
10 foot fairies glide past on the path around the lake
There is paper bag and candle maze
And an endless parade of paper lantersn
A momma duck and her 3 ducklings
A cake and the eiffel tower
Pyramids squares and globes
Tin cans with holes punched in the shape of stars
And flowers on bamboo poles
And a metal fish on the end of fishing pole
And glass jars with more stars

Go and look through the paper telescope and see a heavenly pooh bear
And wishing wells with angels

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why sleepless

Why sleepless?
Today I embarrassed my staff
Overwrought at their dedication
Working over the weekend to complete a project
Was too much for me
I had just wanted to give a team member the applause he deserved
I don't understand why I was overcome
I don't know myself well enough

The sufi book on my bedside table
By idries shah
Has a tale fable story myth
About three wise man each needing to find
Deep Knowledge their own way
And how their disciples blinding copying
Never reach enlightenment

I see
So easily
When the time was right
the story illuminated my position

I have been despondent
Lamenting my ill fortune
Why must everything come to me the hard way
Why do I have to find the path no one has found before

For 3 years
I have been sustained by the teaching of one man
And through him we have all been blessed
Looking back now I can see the blessing

And now
I have 40 days
I must go alone? Into the wilderness
Or seek the dervishes and the wise men

How can I leave civilisation behind?
won't the city collapse without my shoulders?

I see
I do not need to fear
I can give them my trust assign the task
Knowing that whether they do it or not
I will get the task done
I know I can do it
Even if it does take me several tries
I will learn from my mistakes
And make it work

Monday, August 29, 2005


cakephp - rails for php??

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Re: Article ie 7: just say no


I wanted to make this article more friendly. I didn't want to be
antagonistic - but seriously, how frustrated has IE made you? On nt4 it
was a pain. On win2k it is a pain. And on xp it has been a pain. I just
don't have the energy - I have to move to other projects - like applying
os and sql server patches for my customers.

I just think msft should give up on the browser, like it did for mac os,
IE 5.2 was the last realease (do you that mac users - you can delete it
now - stop asking your tech staff to support it already). Msft needs all
it energy just to focus on shipping vista.

No one is good at everything. It is not humiliating to suck at making
browsers. It is time to grow up and acknowledge that every company has
limitations and oppurtunities. It is enough to have an amazing os and
great office apps, and a sql server, and a development ide and hosting
cluster. So forget about the browser - google (cough) I mean firefox can
have it.

Author: joshua paul

Article ie 7: just say no

After 2 decades of fixing computers, I decided
to adopt a zero tolerance policy towards non performing software
solutions. Non performing software solution is a fragrant euphemism for
stinky software - software that no one should have been allowed to

In the case of IE, unaffiliated computer scientists research in
demonstrating numerous buffer overflow vulnerabilities have been
unfairly demonized. Specifically these selfless researchers have been
characterized in the mainstream press as miscreants, when in fact they
might be public service giants.

Regardless of the opinions of the ethics of these scientists, the flaws
are real and serious, and patches have been released on a monthly, if
not weekly basis. It is the number of years, the volume and the severity
of bugs and security flaws that have eroded my belief that IE will ever
be safe.

Of course, resonable people would question adopting such a draconian
'one strike your out' system regarding IEs security vulnerabilities. But
of course I am being facetious - I have applied endless security patches
to IE for over 8 years.

For me the question of trying the IE 7 beta or not trying, isn't so
complicated as it maybe for other people. I simply can't afford to use
products that fail and require me to fix them.
If my toaster or my printer break, I don't spend hours trying to fix
them, or hours applying vendor supplied patches. Can you imagine a
coffee maker company sending you patches you have to install?

If my coffee maker or my toaster or my printer get viruses [virii] or
spyware (why they don't do they) I don't buy another appliance to
prevent my existing appliances from
getting infected. I also don't return it to the store for an upgrade,
ie. Product recall. And I if I did decide to bring it back once, I
imagine being happy if I had to it once a month, some time even once a
week, every month for the past 10 years since 1995 or 94 pr 96 when
win95 was released.

I just take it back for refund or I through it in the trash AND NEVER
BUY A PRODUCT FROM THAT VENDOR AGAIN. I think is reasonable. I do that
with software.

Just say no to the ie7 beta, stick to firefox.

Joshua Paul

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Frank Herbert

Face the dark, leap into the well

Face the dark, leap into the well

My fear is lack of billing
That developers are not villing enoufh
That they are not working hard enough
That they are not meeting their quota
And we will not make payroll

My fear is not enough work
That our clients will stop giving us jobs
And that new clients will stop coming

I am afraid that budgets are wrong
And we have to put lots of unbilled time into the project

I am afraid that deadlines are missed
I am afraid that we've done the wrong thing and ignored the spec

Frank herbert comforts me
Frank writes to me and guides me

I will not fear
Fear is the mindkiller,
Fear is the little death
That brings total oblivion
I will permit my fear to pass
Over me and through me
And where it has gone
I will turn the inner eye
Nothing will be there
Only I will remain.

Monday, August 22, 2005

African Studies Review: Emma's War: Love, Betrayal, and Death in the Sudan

I am not only a Merchant seeking Gold
Nor am I just a Scholar seeking Deep Truth
I am a Maker creating New from the Old
to Feed all 6 Billion of my Relations

World of the day and nightworld

Madame Ping in Diamond Age says there are only two industries, the
industry of things and the indsutry of entertainment

I say the root of all evil is the production of luxury products

The Coast Salish tooks slaves to produce luxury products for their

The Confederate States took slaves to produce cotton for Europe

The Banana Republics tooks slaves to grow bananas for Europe

But those words are night words

The day is flesh
And the night is spirit

The day is dry
And the night refreshes

Every day the body dies and decays and is eaten

Plato the cave - shapes and meaning from the ancient dead
Socrates ephaedra [sic] that letters and writing will destroy our minds

As rock has done
As waltz has done
As novels have done
as movies have done first silent and then talkies and finally
As video games are doing now

In the dark is the way
The older senses
The older brains surface as the cerebral cortex shutsdown (-h now)
And smell, and touch and taste and hearing rise in importance in
comparison with seeing

In the dark night of the movie theatre
We seek the fragrant oil laden popcorn to delight our noses
And revel in the tasting chewy licorice
But why the touching? And holding hands?

The night world provides meaning for the day

Selling new thing to people who never seen it before

No one has heard of online order processing for biz cards
No one has tasted it so no one will pay money for something until they
know it is good
Would you buy something you never tried?
For hundreds per month?

In the supermarket small samplers let people taste a small bit of a new
And the customer can buy as much or as little cheese as they want
1 store free for 3 months - is that a taster?
If you like it

1 store $29 per month
10 stores $225 / mo ($22.50ea)
20 stores $320 / mo ($16ea)
50 stores $700 / mo ($14ea)
100 stores $1000 per month ($10ea)

Cultural Digestion - a review of books

I came to this list after hearing about emma mccune...

i love application frameworks

article on php vs rails with links to app frameworks:

ruby on rails -
guide to ruby -

* cherrypy - *
django -

catalyst -

php on trax -
savant -

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Classic serialized fiction

Classic serialized fiction
Pulled from gutenberg
And delivered via email
Following customizable rules

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Re: Peter jennings dead

> Dan rather on assignment in beirut says of peter jennings he was
> courageous, in the way that the author of a farewell to arms, ernest
> hemingway, defined courage as grace under fire.

A fever for the whole body
A dizziness
A slow random walk
Just one more task before I can sleep
A pain in the feet
A smoldering in the belly
A blockage in the bowels
And a small square sharp hot poker in the right testicle
Maybe one more trip and then I lie down
A whole body sweat - I can hear the spirit voices whisper
A fire when I pee - only a trickle
A million things to write - so insistment I must write - no matter - my
horse I will ride it
A mild headache across my brow
And pus in my throat
Have courage! trivial things all
Do not be bothered by them
One more task, just one more trip, one more set of stairs, then, then
you can lie down
But first you can do one more task
And then you can sing yourself a song
Tell yourself a story
Count every blessing
Do not ask yourself like you want to do - how long will it be till every
memory of you is gone
It is an instant
That is already gone

The iceman national geographic sept 1993 4000 years ago
Ripped from the ice his genitals broken
His hip destroyed by eager policemans jackhammer
His skin growing a fungus
His royal pure copper axe handled without proper respect for the
hundreds of hours required to make this one (the many failed attempts)

In groundbreaking news ibm boldly goes where

In groundbreaking news ibm boldly goes where no one has gone before.

President bob applebum is quoted as saying in studying the web 2.0
standard closely, our nobel prize winning research scientists have
discovered the shocking truth about web 2.0, that it is best and most
cunningly implemented by shutting down all web based ecommerce
functionality and implementing these amazing and ground breaking
standards that compromise web 2.0 = lost email ordering 2.0, voice mail
hell 2.0, fax busy 2.0.

What is astonishing, is that our scientists discovered that these
technologies combined togther put the end user through a series a deeply
pathological states - fury - terror -  and finally suicidal despair -
that makes the customer your fully controllable mind puppet.

President applebaum cautionned shareholders that these statements were
purely hypothetical and that actual internal testing of these order
processing techniques had been extremely disappointing due to the
overwhelming tendency of the subjects to achieve near brain death
status. Applebaum confidently stated that "there is surely a non zero
probability that the terminal outcome in the two to five, which is when
we expect this technology to be commercially available."

Fine print this press release contains all the usual mumbo jumbo about
forward looking statements that basically says treat this as parable
since you aint gonna be able to take it to the bank sonny.

Peter jennings dead

Peter jennings dead

Dan rather on assignment in beirut says of peter jennings he was
courageous, in the way that the author of a farewell to arms, ernest
hemingway, defined courage as grace under fire.

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS / Performance PC Magazine
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Monday, August 08, 2005

Re: BBspot - Apple's Tiger Will Include BSOD Widget

you thinks that's funny huh? maybe you'll appreciate my press release - of course not quite in character - but...

George Bush, President of The United States speaks to Sunday school kids about why it is the right thing to do to outsource prisons to third world countries, specifically China and / or Mexico. In front of a group of 5 year old he laid out his 10 point plan:

1. investing in the third world is a noble thing - can't just give them money kids - they need to work for it
2. cut costs to keep prisoners serving their term
3. by cutting cost we can lower taxes and stimulate business investment
4. inmantes gain valuable new skills - a new language - either learn chinese or spanish - both growing economies with lower unemployment rates
5. prisoners will benefit from cheaper products from the prison canteen, such as cigarettes and um, other products
6. this is an excellent oppurtunity to transfer our advanced prison technology to china and mexico
7. of course we are also helping our real estate developers at home, by making prime real estate that was used for prison site available for fine country estate homes
8. by helping our real estate developers, we no doubt help our cities gain an improvement in their tax base due to an increase in property values, both in an increase in taxable properties thanks to new development, and the removal of the prison which depresses neighbouring property values
8. eliminate potential innocent American deaths from inmates escaping
9. Guards can be retrained from savings as high payed offshore site trainers or supervisors
10. Great chance to improve the prison conditions for some inmates, ie. Upgrade 1 wing, with 1 local for every foreginer

Of course the major stumbling is shipping the inmates. However, we've shown we're upto it with our recent world class facility in Guatanmo, so this should be a piece of cake.

Neo Code Software, Design - Develop - Deploy mission critical web apps for SMEs to Fortune 500s,
Publish Button, WYSIWYG Content Management System,
Neo Code Networks, FileMaker Lasso Hosting,
MSN ICQ 7690195 AOL neocodesoftware Yahoo joshuascottpaul
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668
Ask me about getting your own free webmail address at

Paul van nest civil war buff

Welcome to
The Civil War Round Table
Greater Kingston

why we should outsource prisons to china / mexico

- lower taxes - stimulate business investment
- cut costs
- inmantes learn chinese or spanish - growing economy
- cheaper cigarettes and food and tatoos and haircuts
- transfer advanced prison technology to china / mexico
- make prime real estate that was used for prisons available for real estate development
- improve tax base due to depressed property values from having prison in neighbourhood
- eliminate potentials innocent death from inmates escaping
- Guards retrained from savings as offshore site trainer supervisor or another industry
- Great chance to improve the prison conditions for some inmates, ie. Upgrade 1 wing, with 1 local for every foreginer
- Major issue is shipping inmates. Likely by sea using military vessels

Neo Code Software, Design - Develop - Deploy mission critical web apps for SMEs to Fortune 500s,
Publish Button, WYSIWYG Content Management System,
Neo Code Networks, FileMaker Lasso Hosting,
MSN ICQ 7690195 AOL neocodesoftware Yahoo joshuascottpaul
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668
Ask me about getting your own free webmail address at

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Friday, July 22, 2005

Fwd: RE: I figured it out...

----- Original Message -----

               Friday, May 21, 2004 2:20:27 PM
From:          "Jesse Denos" <>
Subject:        RE: I figured it out...
To:            joshua paul

That isn't the right spelling for the caves...but it's just by the river
near a bridge.  I likely could find it if I could find that bridge.

-----Original Message-----
From: joshua paul []
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2004 12:43 PM
To: Jesse Denos
Subject: Re: I figured it out...

"Jesse Denos" <> writes:
>That's the Chekimas Caves(dunno if that's spelled right) right beside
>the Chekimas River. I spent many a day crawling in there.

I googled for it and I can't find any reference to it.

Can you tell me how to get there??

I've have dying to go there for sooooo long you wouldn't believe it...
>My step-brother is Ben Laborie...who dated her for a couple months
>maybe...I can't remember that much detail.

Ben - I remember him...

Sunday, July 17, 2005


All I really need
your with me
I'm with you
You love me
I love you
Your in me
I'm in you
You help me
I help you
I know you
You know me
I breathe you
You breathe me
I am your father
Your are my father
I am your mother
You are my mother
I am child
Your are my child
I am your ancestor
You are my ancestor
I am your life
You are my life
I rescued you
You rescued me
I died and went to heaven
You died and went to heaven
I died and went to hell
You died and went to hell
I went back to save you
You went back to save me
I love you to my dying day
You love to your dying day
I was dead and you saved me
You were dead and I saved you
Yes I did
Yes you did

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS / Performance PC Magazine
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Friday, July 15, 2005

Play gym yvr good for expansion plans

Play gym yvr good for expansion plans

since yvr is spending huge (over 1 billion) on upgrades now would be a good time to get in on it - and build a climbing gym for the whole family - rock walls for mom and dad - and the hamster like climbing gym for kids...

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Quality. Service. Cleanliness.

Quality. Service. Cleanliness.
This macdonald's motto.
I guess they need to remind themselves
This sign was in the place where the bathroom cleaning schedule is
typically mounted.

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS / Performance PC Magazine
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Fighting for expectations

To be The way
To be

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Poem. What beautiful things trees are

Poem. What beautiful things trees are
trees move sunshine in to the earth
Trees work sunshine into the world
Trees stir sunshine into the soil
They are the Earths capilliaries and they are the suns roots digging
into the earth
Their roots bring the earth up in to the air and display it up before
the sun
The trees shape earth and air and water in to themselves
The trees eyes grow green watching the sun
The trees eyes grow in time to catch the sun at its closest to the
From space the forests are not visible and the suns movement across the
earth moves like a tide leaving a green that changes to orange, yellow
and brown

Their leaves grow green
Leaves are sunshine collectors
Leaves are the product of bombarding trees with sunshine
When the brown leaves fall back to ground, they fall enriched by the
In the sidewalk leaves have fallen and have decayed back in to earth.
2003.09.13, 2003.09.14, 2003.10.31, 2003.11.02, 2003.11.17
2005.06.11 (see the coquihalla, see the perrank summit)
There is a dark side
There is the dark forest
There is the forest that is so well adapted to its environment there is
no room for anything else
There is the single species forest that stretches as far as the can see
(see it) in all directions
This is an organism whose roots are locked together
And whose branches hold each other up

Poem. Breathe the connected breath that connects you to your ancient
ancestors who breathed the first breath countless moons, winters,
generations, ice ages, magnetic pole switches ago.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

To do

see short medium and long term
See quotes
See list of current and quoted and prospect projects
Marcia call back on the pretext of booking another appmt or demo
Long term djinni ftp client server and selling shares by phone
telemarketing to qualified investors with 1e6 or more
Meeting for smell?
Hong kong not china safer by 10x??

Make cogagni

Make cogagni
1 generic intimate discourse installed
2 warm wind water place of beginnings breathing
3 goat beef pork lamb dog
4 xxxl jolly jumper
5 kid adult playground
6 multipoint multiway cell phone feedback install
7 vancouver cannibals - aka vancouver the horrific and terrifying devourer
8 the ark, sell it to clients that need 10ks of files and 100s of gbs
9 current world leaders fps quake engine
10 inform-ize idries shah
11 free soap instruction on ebay and craigslist
? How can I get google to host my site ?

Man's highest duty

James michener as quoted by michael bull print maker in japan neighbour
to star trek illustrator says something about being heroic without using
the word heroic

Genghis khan as quoted by susan brownmiller

A mans highest job in life
Is to break his enemies
To drive them before him
To take from them all the things that have been theirs,
To hear the weeping of those who cherished them,
To take their horses between his knees,
And to press in his arms the most desirable of their women.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Give more

I want to give more

To my self, my family, my neighbourhood, and beyond.

For my self I want to give physical health. I want to heal the pain in
my feet, my stomach, and my hands, and I want the rash to go away.

Reading william gibson's "burning chrome," despite praise from magazines
and dailies, makes me feel filthy, and sick.

I will read Idries Shah to heal my spirit and recover my centre.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

greasemonkey - dvr for firefox

greasemonkey - dvr for firefox - client side site scripting engine with
tons of site specific scripts:

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

so sue me - google's video viewer hacked

Google Video Viewer
June 28th, 2005 at 5:32 am

Google has released Google Video Viewer, a browser plugin based on VLC.
Here’s one of the features they’ve added:

+ // Google mods
+ const char* allowed_host = \"\";
+ char * host_found = strstr(p_sys->url.psz_host, allowed_host);
+ if ((host_found == NULL) ||
+ ((host_found + strlen(allowed_host)) !=
+ (p_sys->url.psz_host + strlen(p_sys->url.psz_host)))) {
+ msg_Warn( p_access, \"invalid host, only is
allowed\" );
+ goto error;
+ }

This “feature” prevents you from playing videos that are not hosted on
Google’s servers. Download and run this patch I wrote to remove this
restriction. Running the patch requires a .NET runtime.

Update: Journalists never cease to amaze me with their ability to blow
things out of proportion.

Some of you have requested the source code for the patch: GVVPatch.cs

Posted in VideoLAN | 14 Comments »

Neo Code Software, Design - Develop - Deploy mission critical web apps for
SMEs to Fortune 500s,
Publish Button, WYSIWYG Content Management System,
Neo Code Networks, FileMaker Lasso Hosting,
MSN ICQ 7690195 AOL neocodesoftware Yahoo
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668
Ask me about getting your own free webmail address at

Packet filtering trojan blocks anti-virus updates

Oh great

By INQUIRER staff: Wednesday 29 June 2005, 15:43
F-SECURE said it has encountered a fresh piece of viral trash which,
however, uses a technique to prevent your anti-virus software from
downloading updates.

The Fantibag trojan uses packet filtering to prevent access to several AV
and security related sites, and is related to Bagle-Mitglieder trojans. It
puts a DLL called firewall_anti.dll in the Windows directory.

When the DLL is activated, it modifies the network interface and adds a
filter that prevents access to the very place your AV software needs to go.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

maybe i need to grow a guitar

update from the underworld

were you ever ? here ?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Railroad dream game

i had a dream about playing a railroad game that reminded me of settlers
i want to play it
i guess i will have to invent it if someone else hasn't already

Monday, June 20, 2005


Is being done all the time
But it must be hidden
And indetectable
So the past present and futute can all be changed
With very subtle manipulations everything can be changed
By suggestion
By example
Is not advertising magic?

perhaps your life has already been saved by this hidden magic

summary of joseph cambell the power of myth with bill moyers

summary of joseph cambell the power of myth with bill moyers
Pages 158 to 160

Joshua Paul, President
Neo Code Software / Publish Button CMS / Performance PC Magazine
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Friday, June 17, 2005

Summary of sechelt beach bc

A simple recipe for beef eating happiness

1 week ford freestar minivan rental with dvd player from for

1 kids dvd from blockbuster $0.99

1 package of dried mango $5
1 package of beef jerky $8
1L of sun rype apple juice $3

1 Langdale ferry return ticket for 4 adults (children under 12 are free)
from bc ferries $71

1 day without rain

1 Porpoise Bay Parking fee $3 by coins or credit

1 korean bbq lunch for 7 $25:
1 kg of marinated beef short ribs
1 lunch box of rice
1 lunch box of kimchi
1 butane bbq (not incl. $25)

1 dinner for 7 on floating white spot from queen of surrey ferry $34:
1 double double beef burger with cheese combo large coke and 8oz fries
1 legendary beef burger with cheese combo large coke and 8oz fries
1 original beef burger with cheese
1 chili with beef with breadstick and caesar
1 side of clam chowder soup
2 250ml milk


1. On june 16th, leave trout lake at 10am to take 11:20
2. Pay ferry fare, cash or charge, no debit, and wait for 45 minutes -
waiting is good, builds excitement
3. Board ferry, after parking, get seats and go onto observation deck to
enjoy the wind and the view, and locate where life jackets are stored
4. Contemplate life span if ferry sinks and you are floating in the
water - how long till hypothermia?
5. Disembark at Langdale and follow highway 101 to sechelt, approx 27
6. Once in sechelt turn right on wharf road to go to porpoise bay
provincial park, approx 4 kms
7. Pay for parking, and eat picnic lunch (avoid goose poo, not bad)
8. Swim at beach, look for baby crabs and baby fish in the water. Don't
eat the shellfish as the ride tide is deadly and will kill you.
9. Collect 10 goose feathers on the beach and watch blue herons eat baby
fish from the shoreline, like they have done for tens of thousands of
years. Who's land is it? Is it the colonializing european settlers? Or
is it the ice age colonializing aboriginals? Or is it the cedars? The
sea gulls? The salmons? Or the squirrels? Where is their treaty? Are we
are not their servants? Does not our life depend on their favor? Salmon
people, take care of the salmon!
10. Play on kids playground and listen for the distinctive sound of the
11. Lie down on picnic blanks and sleep for 1 hour
12. Leave at 4:30 and drive into sechelt and drive down to the wharf
street, park and walk out onto the wharf, look and see if the lafarge
concrete barge is being filled from the conveyor belt that runs all the
way from open pit to the barge loading pier
13. Walk north along the beach, are you looking out over the ocean, or
studying the beach front houses?
14. Pick up a stick on the beach and use it as a bat to smack rocks into
the ocean. Even though you miss more than half you are relaxed and
having fun. Change sticks. Try your left hand and your right hand. Try
big rocks and small rocks. Enjoy the satisfying sound the rock and the
stick make.
15. It is 5:15pm, get back in the minivan and drive slowly back to
ferry, eat some dried mango and beef jerky.
16. Wait at the ferry terminal. You are going home tired and relaxed.
17. Board the ferry and make your way to the white spot. The food will
need two trays and the kind cashier will carry one tray to the table to
help you. Say thank you. Get napkins, straws, silverware and yummy heinz
18. Eat slowly. Everything is tasty. The legendary is your favorite.
Chew slowly. Even though it is so tasty, stop eating when you are full.
19. As you are sitting digesting your food, the car boarding call comes,
and you return to the car and drive slowly home.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

CogAgni announces the re-opening of it's premier facility

announcing the re-opening of the imaginary inspirational mobile centre for
healing human cognitive development

there are 10 archetypes - one for each finger

0 i/you/we
1 lover
2 wind drummer
3 fire breather
4 agent
5 navigator
6 book keeper / mendeleev / darwin / sisutl/ ouruborous
7 handlemaker
8 mapmaker / moses / jonah / prometheus
9 prophet isa / mohammed / idries

a sign is needed and a sign is produced
the cogagni sign is thus described
a square
inside which there are 4 squares 1/8 the size of the outer square
the 4 inner sqaures are all rotated at a 45 degree angle to the outer
a corner of each of the 4 inner squares touches the middle of each of the
4 outer squares sides

Q: what is
A: the home of lucky pi!

Q: Why do microstates - such as Jersey, The Vatican, and Liechtenstein exist?

A: To give super markets unfair trade advantages!!***

*** See

Summary of economist may21 2005

For 2 hours (it is now 18 minutes to midnight) I have sat swallowing the
may 21st 2005 Economist.

My heart is beating. I am flush. I open the back door to cold wet night
to cool down.

Fury. War. Greed. Hundreds of thousands dead.

The battle over judges in the US senate - abortion - freedom, liberty,
justice - religious intolerance - the end of a 200 year old tradition of

Selling wine store software - US supreme court rules for free trade,
over turning protectionist rules from 1933's constitutional amendment 21
ending Prohibition.

Gays in Mexico's pink district. Will american mexicans stay conservative
the way the quebecois have?

South korean assasinated dictator responsible for economic miracle and
trampling human rights daughter shakes hands with north korean dictator
who tried to kill her father but killed her mother instead.

Chinese water problems increasing. PM Wen to spend $240m on clean water.
1 in 3 country dwellers lack access to safe drinking water. 100 big
cities short, 50 seriously threatened. Water tables dropping 1m per year
or more in northern china. Beijing has only 300 m^3/year/person.
Guangdong 110m people 40% less rain. Prior 1985 water free, now most get
40% below cost, beijing hesitates to breakeven at $0.72 m^3. John
McAlister makes water recyclers which china won't buy,
says price should be 3 to 7 times higher per m^3. How long will the
party last? How long till the rioting in Neal Stephenson's the Diamond
Age? When the party is over who pays the bill? The US still busy with
too many of its ground troops in Iraq? Japan could follow with a similar
war deficit by similarly liberating China? Will what will be left be
worth fighting for? - elevate. A vacant (the smoke and flame stacks are
not vomitting) oil rig stands in the sea with white fluffy clouds on a
sunny day. Ultra-deepwater drilling and production technology. Waves are
measured in meters. How often are there storms? Would the oil rig look
demonic on a dark and stormy night all lit up with it's smoke and flame
towers pouring poison gas into the atmosphere? But perhaps oil rigs are
good for hosting? For banking? For data storage? For fresh water
production if parked off china's coast?

Hyundai builds factory in Montgomery, Alabama, no unions, no healthcare,
and no pensions. Did my brother in law work on their on SAP systems?
Consumer Reports rated the 2004 Sonata the most reliable car in America.
JD Power rates Hyundai's defect rate 2nd lowest tying with Honda, just
behind Toyota.

Zhang Chunqiao, one of the Gang of Four, died april 21st 2005 at 88.
Rich family, good school, intellectual, communist 1940 at 23. 1966
deputy head of cultural revolution group, purges artists and
intellectuals to work the fields, 729,511 persecuted, 34,800 dead. 1967
as head of revolutionary guard in shanghai uses red guards to burn
books. 1976 elite unit of people's liberation army arrested him and the
other gang of four, to be scapegoats for driving out neighbours,
bureaucrats and artists.

In china, during 60s and 70s the majority persecuted the minorty and did
this not dumb the nation down?
Is there not a cultural revolution in US?
Are not both the republicans and the democrats two factions of the
communist party of the usa?
Don't both factions swear allegiance to the american dream and try to
outdo each in patriotic acts?
Isn't george bush, chairman bush? Not president?
Aren't the party institutions being purged of intellectuals, bureaucrats
and artists?

And an hour later I have finished making a few notes and many, many

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

i am so cute - you are under my spell... Posted by Hello

friends forever... Posted by Hello

look what my mom did to me!! better not show this to my girlfriend... Posted by Hello

it's king neo's 4th birthday - give me strawberries! Posted by Hello

hey what's in this milk anyway?? Posted by Hello

ohso fuzzy friends Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 22, 2005

watch out monica's going to explode!!! Posted by Hello

jeannie learn early to pick her nose... Posted by Hello

everybody knows neo is the cutest boy! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 19, 2005