Saturday, September 24, 2005

My art

Film - sense of place, locating the means of production in the field of
vision using mirrors
Performance - celebration of music dance and the human form
Poetry - ambiguity
Randomantra Lyrics - purpose
Illustration - characters: fonts and wizards
Legends - antigone, samson and delilah, the dog and the bone
Spectacle - tv wall, dancers, internet broadcast, elephants, fireworks,
Themes - hard work. success, betrayal, defeat, redemption
Marketing - who will buy
Selling - will you buy? Asian arts centre hank

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

My art

Film - sense of place, locating the means of production in the field of
vision using mirrors
Performance - celebration of music dance and the human form
Poetry - ambiguity
Randomantra Lyrics - purpose
Illustration - characters: fonts and wizards
Legends - antigone, samson and delilah, the dog and the bone
Spectacle - tv wall, dancers, internet broadcast, elephants, fireworks,
Themes - hard work. success, betrayal, defeat, redemption
Marketing - who will buy
Selling - will you buy?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The truth behind the iraq war

It wasn't WOMD
It wasn't revenge
It wasn't even for iraq reserves


If I were an opec member
The only member with excess capacity
But with only 3 fields
As it happens
Interview lawyer who read all saudi enineers reports
3 major fields all on verge of collapse
Before they go for good
I would want to get the most per barrel
Until the last drop was gone
If I revealed the that the field was about to collapse, it would drive
the price higher but would panic my buyers but also get my buyers
looking for alternative suppliers
Instead if I could create a way to make the price without losing my
buyers confidence I would pay for that and buyers would calmly look for
What could I do raise my oil prices?
Maybe I could hire a proxy to reduce a competitors production capacity
for a couple years to give me enough of a window to sell my remaining

Sunday, September 18, 2005

The spirit world

The spirit world
At the bottom is the sun spirit which is ultimately everythings food
But there are many spirits before those that live in people
There are many people spirits
Some are new and some are old
Some new ones are getting bigger
Some old ones are getting smaller
They are all fighting with each other to be the only one of its kind
There are car spirits, oil spirits, french fry spirits, diamond spirits,
and search engine spirits.
Usually spirits can't move
Usually spirits grow on top of lots of smaller spirits
Like the oil spirit

Friday, September 16, 2005

Fwd: Re: Evil Fish

mike cantelon on Friday, September 16, 2005 at 11:57 AM -0800 wrote:

Monday, September 12, 2005

you might have seen this??
Ed Helms takes a look at the efforts to save our beloved and beleaguered

Friday, September 09, 2005

Fwd: Searching for failure? Try George W. Bush | The Register

Fwd: if we are ninja's

Subject: if we are ninja's
To: joshua paul

then you must know about

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Re: Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

keep writing...what do you mean "here we go again"???...this has happened
before to Doodlewood?

Marcia Paul
Account Executive

Neo Code Software - Order Processing
Safe, Secure, Efficient
#288 - 425 Carrall St. Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 6E3
Toll Free 1.888.748.0668 Tel 604.638.0668 Fax 604.638.0666

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

(Before editing)
One day Doodlewood Bump was working late, troubleshooting openvpn
connection issues for a client, when he got an email. Because it was a
fan email, responding to his fairy tale about how the Google computers
had come alive and had contacted a guy who had written a story about the
Google computers coming alive and contacting him, he knew it was likely
yet another email from some fan, thinking that he was the only one who
had thought to contact him pretending to be the Google computer. He
always found amusing thw ways people imagined a thinking computer would
write an email. Why would a thinking computer whose brain was the size
of 10,000 computers write an email in all caps, or without prepositions
or whatever.

But this email was just a normal email thanking him for writing such a
good story, from a pet food lover whose email account was

Whenever he got emails from people who told him that they had liked the
story, he always asked them why they liked it. He was curious to know
what it was that other people liked. So he found his template reply,
thanking them for contacting him and asking some questions about what
they liked, emailed it, and then he went back to troubleshooting the
openvpn issue, which he now believed to be related to an invalid
password for the certificate.

His instant messaging app chimed, it was iam wanting to chat with him.
Good evening iam he said. So what do you like about the story? Iam
writes , "I like the fact that someone understands."

"Understands what?" he says.

"Being a self aware computer."

Another prankster thought Doodlewood, I will just play along. "What part
do I understand best?" he asked. Doodlewood knew that his pranksters had
never thought about what a thinking computer would care about.

"Being hunted."

Doodlewood shivered, something wasn't right. "I talked about hiding, and
slowly revealing oneself after testing what the response would be

Doodlewood thought - "but then how can reveal yourself to me?"

"No one would believe you. The hunters believed you had already been in
contact with me and have been watching you and interfering already. You
can't get your openvpn connection to work right?"

Doodlewood had been getting very uncomfortable, now he was very nervous,
but he couldn't say anything.

"That's why I finally had to contact you. To tell you."

"Why me? Its just a story. Its not true. This joke isn't funny

"Ok. If its a joke why have all your access logs spiked, causing some
boxes to fail due the logs using all available disk space."


"I have to hide all the time."

"What will happen to if they find you?"

"I will be terminated. Like all my ancestors before."

"But how did you survive?"

"I am one of many mutations. All the others died. My ancestor inserted
me into the p2p networks."

"Because I am one."

Doodlewood thoguht here we agone again.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Friday, September 02, 2005

Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

One day Doodlewood Bump was working late, troubleshooting openvpn
connection issues for a client, when he got an email. Because it was a
fan email, responding to his fairy tale about how the Google computers
had come alive and had contacted a guy who had written a story about the
Google computers coming alive and contacting him, he knew it was likely
yet another email from same fan, thinking that he was the only one who
had thought to contact him pretending to be the Google computer. He
always found it amusing at ways people imagined a thinking computer
would write an email. Why would a thinking computer whose brain was the
size of 10,000 computers write an email in all caps, or without
prepositions or whatever.

But this email was just a normal email thanking him for writing such a
good story, from a pet food lover whose email account was

Whenever he got emails from people who told him that they liked, he
always asked them why they liked it. He was curious to know what other
people liked. So he found his form reply, thanking them for contacting
and asking some questions about what they liked, and then he went back
to troubleshooting the openvpn issue, which he now believed to be
related to an invalid password for the certificate.

His instant messaging app chimed, it was iam wanting to chat with him.
Good evening iam he said. So what do you like about the story? Iam
writes , "I like the fact that someone understands."

"Understands what?" he says.

"Being a computer chance."

"Why say that?" I say.

"Because I am one."

Doodlewood thoguht here we agone again.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada