Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dreaming again

If I could go anywhere
Live anywhere

Where would it be?

Of all the places I have been.

In north america:
metro vancouver,
metro los angeles,
metro toronto,
metro san francisco,
metro chicago,

In europe:

My heart says florence
And my head doesn't understand why

What I love to do

Explore new places
Find buyers and sellers
Eating and drinking
Buying and reading books
Making games
Solving IT problems
Studying and researching hosting server architecture
Telling story
Answering questions
Reading about past human civilization collapse

Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry missed xmas from me to you

Merry missed xmas from me to you

Ah so poignant and sentimental is this ecard

And personal

Now to see this ecard

1. Go to youtube and search for "ding, fries are done" and play it

2. On youtube search for "galiano complaints choir" and play it

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Emperor bump
Control reproduction
The mafia court of appeal where police have been sloppy - kill police or
kill the guilty is innocent
Monarchy - replace bush with the queen - who is the better monarch?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Online applications to make you more productive this holiday season!

As the holiday winter break fast approaches, you are no doubt curious about how to improve your productivity at work with what time you have left. Never fear - Josh’s list of online apps is here with free features to delight and amaze.

These days the number of great free web applications is truly amazing.

I want to share with you some free tools that will let you store files, backup your computer, send huge files to people, and give you secure remote access to your computer.

No doubt you have a account - no longer is it restricted to be used for email.

Now that Google has increased the available space from 2gbs to 5gbs (enough for a DVD) it is big enough that you can use it as a hard drive to store files.

The easiest way to do this is to use the Firefox ( web browser, and install an addon called gspace - available from This will give you a web interface to upload and download files to your free gmail space. It’s free, and works on Macs and Windows.

This is good for big project files you want to take home (and can’t find your usb key) - but not a good way for daily backup. To handle daily backup of your key files - which should be less than 2GBs - there is - to sign up click here - to get an extra 256MBs of backup space. Mozy installs itself on your computer and lets you select a private key to encrypt your data and which files to back up. That’s it. Of course when disaster strikes and you need to restore you have several ways to do it. It’s free and works on Macs and Windows.

We have looked at storing big files in gmail, backing up your computer, now let’s look at emailing big files. These days file sizes are getting bigger, and we still need to share them with other people. However, network administratos frown on sending large attachments through email, as it slows down everyones email, and uses up valuable email server disk space. So what can you do?

Use! Another free service, it allows you to upload files of any size, as an email attachment in their system. You then specify the subject, body, and the recipients and the servce then sends the emails with a link to download the files. Fast free and painless. Because it’s web based it is completely cross platform, running on Macs and Windows.

Finally - have you heard about The free remote access solution to your computer? Have you ever needed a way to get to your computer at home from work? or to your work computer from home? Need something that punches through even the toughest of firewalls? (I know a dubious feature - but is very secure.) Then you need to check out Note - even though you sign up for the free version, they still sign you up for the paid version. To correct this be sure to update your subscription preference to free and you will be able to keep using the product for years to come.

Hopefully - this list of free web goodness will put a smile on your face, and some cheer in your heart, just in time for the season of giving!

Spirited Away - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What's the game?

King panda's adventure
The journey to bring peace and prosperity to the kingdom
The battle against the evil storm trooper republic
The triumph of truth over torture
The sinkin of the great ship
How I became king
The republic against the rebels that use the force
King panda and the secret police
King panda and the money cartel

Friday, December 14, 2007

What is money good for

What is money good for
What is religion good for

Give up your life
And work for me
And I will give you a million dollars


Give up your life
And work for me
And I will give you heaven

How many miles to babylon?

What I know to be true, is that humans, like angels and spirits are able
to travel through multiple worlds. Humans, by and large, are unaware of
it. We are too busy brushing our teeth, or forgetting to take out the
garbage until the last minute, to notice that when we have entered
another world.

Some humans are better able to sense the boundaries of worlds, and fewer
still can see the doors. Some can travel when they are asleep, and some
when they are awake.

I can see the doors, when I dream and when I am awake. I can see the
possibilities of the worlds ripple around me, bits and pieces of many
different worlds poking into this one, just as this one pokes into

I learned many bitter lessons when I was a child that the doors between
worlds close behind you and you can't go back through the one you came

I learned as a boy to try every door to see if I can go back, and I have
found a few. When I was younger, I wrote them down, I memorized them, I
carried the book and mapped my progress so I could always get back to
where I was before. I didn't want to be trapped, I needed away to

And now, I don't travel. The doors are there, but though there are
probably infinite worlds, each is filled suffering and death, and
brother killing brother.

I have looked and looked and looked. There is no way back to the

And the knowledge of this has become a heavy fist around my intestines.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Princess and pirates more mini games

Rock papper scissors pirate and princesss version
Two hand pointing and counting left 6
Simon says

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sales lessons learned from Sybil [sic]

1. Show up when called
2. Be ready to show the best selling products you have to sell
3. Wrap what you are selling nicely - put it on a pedestal
4. Have a catalog with pictures of other things you sell
5. Have an order form ready to take an order
6. Accomodate the client - even if it means going out of your way
7. When it comes time for money, give some features for free other
people want
8. Then include 1 feature the buyer wants for free

- catalog
- product bundles
- features we can promo
- shared hosting vs virtual
- offline payment vs paypal payment gateway
- 1 included stores to 10

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Where am I today?

Heart - can't be fooled. Still sad. No matter the toys, or sacrifices,
it is implacable. I can't distract it. Not with sex, dreams, or food.

I know what you are going to say.

I have sad myself already, for years and years, but the crying won't

Mind - planning makes process improvement at Neo code proceed.
I have 2 board games, and a keyboard concept to patent.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Cannon is singluar and the plural.

In 1464, the Battle of Bamburgh, Edward IV's had 3 cannon, 'London,'
'Newcastle' (made of iron) and 'Dijon' (made of brass).

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Firefox updates to the mac to replace camino / safari

Fed up with lack cool extensions for camino / safari, but think firefox
is ugly and miss the multiline bookmark bar of camino?

Get the mac firefox themes
Get the mac firefox url progress
Make chromeUser.css multiline bookmark bar
Add imacros
Add extension
Add gmail space extension
Add greasemonkey extension with youtube and google video download file
Add google bookmark sync extension

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Richard III - Bamburgh Castle

What am I hoping and wishing for?

What am I hoping and wishing for?

I want my self respect
I want to like myself
I want to like what I do
And know I am doing the right thing

I don't want to be angry
I don't want to be a monster
I don't want to yell and scream

I don't want you to be angry at me
I don't want you to be a monster
I don't want you to yell and scream at me

Even though bad things happen
I still believe in happiness

I don't want to be your curse
If I can't be your hero, I don't want anything

I would rather be lonely
And have my liberty
And my sense of self respect

Then trade those things
For money and misery

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

And I said - be the producer you want to be

And I said - be the producer you want to be
And I want to be the james burke / carl sagan / david suzuki of
civilisation collapse eschatology

I want a show for adults
And a fairy tale show for kids

And I love radio
I love TV
And I love film

But radio / pod cast - I can take you there in your imagination

Who is here?

David suzuki
Bill rees
Ronald wright
Birute galdikas

And there is more

Friday, November 30, 2007

What right have i

I call her names
She calls me names

I hurt her feelings
She hurts my feelings

I said squid
She says ochingo

Lets call the whole thing off

A regular friday night party
Doesn't end well
Everyone tired
Children unhappy to go home at 9.30pm

I thought it funny
To compare me and her to our friends as characters from winnie-the-pooh
And not in a mean spirited way
But laughing and accepting who she is
I named her eyore, sad and gloomy and depressed
And then changing my mind
I named her rabbit, a busybody, always anxious and busy, poking her nose
in others business, who means well but isn't very nice

And may before that, or after that
A christmas tree
Her But plastic is better
Him No alive one is better
Her But you have to kill it
Him you mean like your favorite bacon?
Her but the mess the needles
Him why have kids? Just have an abortion

And then
At home
The tears
The crying

How could I
Be so mean
And cruel
In front of friends, clinets, potential customers

Is it so wrong?
I want to uplift not putdown
I don't like being putdown anymore either

Not now

I have the right to argue
And discuss
And remonstrate her

I have asked her before to consider being kind, and loving and caring

But its not her nature

I ask her to go
More than once
I turn off the light

Until finally leaving
How could you - on my birthday

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Princess and pirates

Needs special event timer
Needs solo battle timer

Need more chance sticks -pick one up and then place a new one

Solo battles
Word scramble
Mini puzzle - count pieces connected
Geometric pieces make into this shape
Map game - point to places

Storm - people get moved to new places
Move money - money gets shifted 1 or 2 places left or right
Move stars - stars get moved 1 or 2 places left or right

Need to buy a ship for a pirate to move into
Need to buy a castle for a princess to move into

Pirates and princesses have a chance of helping you get more money when
you win, or losing less when you lose

Dwarves and fairies have a chance of making jewels cost less

Big idea

Tell stories kids are known too like
- fairy tales
- a little scary

Talk about the origin of life
Of death
Of money
Of power
Of fame
Of taxes
Of war
Of work
Of civilization
Of civilization collapse
Of banks
Of evolution of species
Of our survival
Of our one breath
Of inflation and depression that causes the poor to do environmental
damage to make a living since nothing is left

Big idea

Tell stories kids are known too like
- fairy tales
- a little scary

Talk about the origin of life
Of death
Of money
Of power
Of fame
Of taxes
Of war
Of work
Of civilization
Of civilization collapse
Of banks
Of evolution of species
Of our survival
Of our one breath

Big idea

Tell stories kids are known too like
- fairy tales
- a little scary

Talk about the origin of life
Of death
Of money
Of power
Of fame
Of taxes
Of war
Of work
Of civilization
Of civilization collapse
Of banks

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Please gov't give me a loan for $400 million

Please gov't give me a loan for $400 million
I manufacture auto parts too
The canadian dollar is too strong
And I want to move my factory to mexico
Please help

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Jared diamond civilisation collapse eschatology

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What ever ideas come in to me head

Funny robot chicken
Doddlewood bump
Attacks politicians
For being too simple and not cunning
Need to extract more rent
Need to serve corporate masters better
Beat them up for not extracting enough oil and gas
For not making planet hot fast enough
For not exterminating species sooner and faster
Doodlewood bump, emperor, job is to kick politicians asses that we know
Why aren't you building whore houses in vancouver so we can exploit
street people and immigrants?
Why isn't crack and meth legal like cigarettes so manufacturers can put
warning labels on the product - may cause permanent brain damage, not
for pregnant ladies etc
Why aren't they building casino's on the ferries?
Why aren't they drilling in the pacifc off haida gway?
Why aren't they allowing more fish farms?
Why don't they just keep canadian soldiers home, and randomly shoot the
lower ranks and give the money saved to the widows?
Why not sell the hospitals so the doctors can charge the sick what ever
they can pay?

Emperor bump and noodlehead - go to china

eb = emperor bump is like a con, a fast eddy, dr frankenstein, dr
strangelove. Speaks like death, darth vader, and grim, BUT WITH
AMBITION. Eb wants to rule the world. He wants dominion. He wants to
save thie world and keep it safe in his kingdom, but his ideas consume
lots of energy, are overly complicated and have unpredictable unintended
nh = noodlehead is like charlie chaplin, jackie chan and forrest. Speaks
like a monster truck announcer, a game show announcer, and a fm dj. He
wants do no harm and make incremental changes. He wants to spread the
risk across many people to make a stronger system.

Eb - noodlehead - you won't be able stop me this time. My legions have
successfully fooled your spy satellites, and have drilling rigs in new
locations in the amazon, the arctic and the antartic. Soon our oil
production levels will double and then triple, and the worlds people
will rise out of poverty because of the energy I have unleashed. The
whole earth will shine with energy.

Nh - it would truly be a miracle if you were able to pump oil - since we
faked all the exploration company data for those locations.

Eb = fool! Imbecile! What have you done! Children will die without that

Nh - I will not let you risk the remaining species on the planet on a
gamble. You have already committed specicied hundreds of times.

Eb - you don't understand. The ice age is coming after the heat wave. We
need the fuel to survive. I am building biospheres.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dream remembered

I have joined an online community
There are cultish overtones
(Maybe peace enlightenment etc.)
And the spiritual leader is woman
She isn't running the day to day
Instead she is lecturing

At an orientation or a small meeting
I am told personally
That she sometimes the nicknames
A2anne34 or A2person34 with generic icons
Or jacqueline with a wide brimmed round grass hat icon with a blow

Then I started to play
I found jacqueline's house and went into a photo of a beautiful beach
with trees, and blue ocean and a path

I walked on the path to a 1 storey white common greek style building
around a courtyard
The courtyard was filled with brilliant blue water
With a path to center island
I walked on to the center island
A key floats in front of the locked box
I open the box

Now I am in a city by the ocean
A road winds alongs the shore
on the left is the shore crowded with houses built higher and higher
On the right is the ocean
The shore zigs and zags around a bay
So to my left the road disappears
I see the bay and then far off I see the road again
And to my right the road disappears around a sharp bend
I must be on a point
In front of me is the ocean
And in the distance mountains climb out of the ocean, covered in dark
green mantles
A camera with a zoom lens bumps my chest
As a pair of orcas steams in to my view
I do my best to take their picture
Operating the zoom, focus and pointing camera in right direction
And they are gone
I hear a bark and look down
To find a beautiful small seal at my feet
I try to take a photo but the zoom lens makes it impossible to get a
really good shot
Why is the seal on the house side of street?
I look around and notice 2 more
This must be the baby seal
What must be the mother seal is so thin it is grotesque
She must be starving but still trying to feed her children
There is an old lady watering her roses not far from the seal
"Why don't you feed them?" I ask.
"Not my problem," she says.
I take out my cell phone and lookup marine animal rescue.
I take a picture with my cell phone and email it to them.
Then I call them.
They say the will send a crew. I say I am going to wait. They say they
don't know how long it will be. I say again I will wait.
And I wait.

Dream remembered

I have joined an online community
There are cultish overtones
(Maybe peace enlightenment etc.)
And the spiritual leader is woman
She isn't running the day to day
Instead she is lecturing

At an orientation or a small meeting
I am told personally
That she sometimes the nicknames
A2anne34 or A2person34 with generic icons
Or jacqueline with a wide brimmed round grass hat icon with a blow

Then I started to play
I found jacqueline's house and went into a photo of a beautiful beach
with trees, and blue ocean and a path

I walked on the path to a 1 storey white common greek style building
around a courtyard
The courtyard was filled with brilliant blue water
With a path to center island
I walked on to the center island
A key floats in front of the locked box
I open the box

Friday, November 16, 2007

Come to Vancouver! Get tasered at the airport!

Come to Vancouver! Get tasered at the airport!

Are you looking for thrills and adventure?

Why settle for tired and monotonuos airports that don't provide any
special service?

At YVR, you will be greeted by 4 RCMP officers who will chase you
through airport, corner you, and taser you a minimum of 2 times!

Spaces for this special vacation package are limited, and demand for
this unique tour is high, so to avoid disappointment, book now!

To reserve your place, call or email your local MP today!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Intuitions of a special person

- be aware of people that put you down - you are special - as are all
things - you need to treat yourself with care

- breathing connects you to your body - which you are not taught - you
have been taught to be outside your body - be in the body to be in the

- be in the body every day - just showing up brings insights

- be aware of people that make you stressed out - you need people to
help you relax and be calm

- invest in good people in the office and data centre, so you can meet

- what if the body is the soul, or the unconscious and by breathing you
connect with it and allow information you stored for processing to be

- what if the earth is to you what your body is to your mind

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

rumpletstiltskin simplified version

retold by joshua scott paul

Once upon a time, a poor oil and gas producer named loman miller, was out drinking with his Bilderberger buddies. One by one they all got to bragging about their children, and loman, who was so proud of his daughter Jeannie, bragged that his university educated daughter would be a good wife for the president, as she had invented a way to synthesize straw into oil.

One of his friends or enemies told the president, who had Jeannie quietly and efficiently kidnapped on grounds of national security and had her put in a top security facility with all the latest equipment put at her disposal - for her "safety."

The president came to visit her, "Synthesize this straw in to oil for the good of the nation in 30 days, or you and your father could be abducted by enemies of the state and executed." The president continued to mock her, "Of course if you succeed I would be happy to ask your father for your hand in marriage," she was told with a sneer.

First one week passed, then two weeks passed. The third week passed. A few more days flew by, till it was the night before - and still she couldn't synthesize straw into oil.

From out of nowhere a little man appeared. He looked her up and down and said - 'what will you give me if I synthesize this straw into oil?'

Jeannie said 'I have nothing to give you.'

'Give me that gold necklace around your neck,' the little man told her.

'But that was my mother's necklace. It is all I have to remember her by. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie pleaded.

'What good is the necklace if can't save your life? Do you think the executioner will not slip it from your neck after he shoots you in the back of the head? Would your mother want you to keep the necklace and lose your life instead?' asked the the little man.

'What if you run away after I give you the necklace?' she asked.

He gripped her neck with surprising speed and strength - 'I could take it now,' he said and then let go.

'Take it then,' she said slipping it over her head.

He put the necklace around his neck, and set to work configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers, and as he worked he began to sing a lullaby. And the lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums soon put Jeannie to sleep.

The dawn broke, and the president came and saw that the straw had been synthesized into oil.

"A fluke. It could happen to anyone. Put this into my strategic petroleum reserves, and move her in to a larger facility. This time give her more straw!" The president turned to Jeannie, "Synthesize this straw in to oil for the good of the nation in 30 days, or you and your father could be abducted by enemies of the state, tortured and executed. Your not getting away that easily. You will need to do it again. I don't know how you did what you did, but you won't be able to do it a second time!"

First one week passed, then two weeks passed. The third week passed. A few more days flew by, till it was once again the night before - and still she had nothing done.

From out of nowhere the same little man appeared. He looked her up and down and said - 'what will you give me if I synthesize this straw into oil?'

Jeannie said 'I have nothing to give you.'

He said 'Give me that gold ring on your finger.'

'But that was my mother's wedding ring. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie pleaded.

'What good is the ring if can't save your life? Do you think the executioner will not slip it from your finger after he shoots you in the back of the head? Would your mother want you to keep the ring and lose your life instead?' asked the the little man.

'What if you run away after I give you the ring?' she asked.

He gripped her hand with surprising speed and strength - 'I can take it now, just like I could have taken the necklace last night. And I didn't run away last night did I?' and then let go.

'Take it then,' she said slipping it off her finger.

He put the ring on the necklace around his neck, and set to work configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers, and once again he began to sing a lullaby. And the lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums soon put Jeannie to sleep for a second time.

The dawn broke, and the president came and saw that even more straw had been synthesized into oil.

"Put this into my strategic petroleum reserves. Now move her in to the largest hangar we have and this time make sure you give her all the straw you've got!"

Just like every other time she was told "Synthesize this straw in to oil for the good of the nation in 30 days, or you and your father could be abducted by enemies of the state, brainwashed, tortured and executed."

First one week passed, then two weeks passed. The third week passed. A few more days flew by, till it was the night before - and still she hadn't been able to synthesize straw into oil.

In the hangar Jeannie busied herself configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers. She couldn't give up. But nothing was working. The straw was being turned in to mud.

Something was missing, but what?

She's seen straw synthesized into oil twice - she knew it was possible. but she just couldn't make it work. there were too many combinations. she couldn't figure it out.

for millions of years humans have survived disasters, jeannie thought to herself, she could survive this small disaster. not an ice age. not a meteor. not a solar flare. not a disease or a volcano or a tsunami. just converting grass into gas. just a few more tweaks and she'd have it. but it's impossible. its too far away.

jeannie, too exhausted to cry slides her back down the side of the machine and puts her head in her arms.

As she was starting to go to sleep a familiar voice says to her 'what will you give me this time, if I synthesize all this straw into oil?'

'I have nothing left. You have taken everything, I have nothing left to give.' she said.

He looks her in the eye and says 'Give me your first child.'

'I couldn't do that. I will not do that. I would rather die than give you my child. What kind of mother would sell her child's life to save her own? Have mercy.' Jeannie pleaded.

'Who knows,' the little man says, 'maybe you will never have a child, what harm can come of it? Anyway you are going to die if you don't give me a child. At least if you give me a child - you will have had a child - a child to pass on your destiny - and your child may have a chance at a better life than you. How can you deny that child their chance at fighting inequality?' said the little man.

'What if I run away after I give birth?' she asked.

'I will hunt you down and kill you, I will kill your child, I will kill every last one of your family, I will kill your friends, and I will kill everyone who ever knew you, until every last memory of you is gone.' he says.

'Take it then,' she said, 'if i have i child it will be yours.'

He then set to work configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA sequencers, and he began to sing a lullaby. And soon the lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums soon made Jeannie sleepy. But this time she was ready, and she stayed awake and recorded everything, and finally at long last all the machine was done.

The dawn broke, and the president came and saw that all the straw had been synthesized into oil.

"Good. Put this into my strategic petroleum reserves. Now you will marry me."

Within the year, the president and jeannie had married and a beautiful baby boy was born.

Remembering her promise to the little man, she doubled spending on white house security.

One day the little man appeared and said "Lady, I have come for the child."

But she refused, begged for mercy, and finally threatened to kill the child rather than have the child taken from her.

"I will have mercy on you, with one condition - you have 3 days to guess my name."

Immediately Jeannie dispatched every resource at her disposal out looking for clues, hints and threads.

The next day the little man came and she guessed. But every guess was wrong...

Jeannie redoubled her teams efforts, increasing the bounty placed on the information leading to locating the little man's name.

The next day the little man came again and again she guessed. Again every guess was wrong...

Jeannie redoubled her teams efforts, doubling the bounty placed on the information leading to locating the little man's name.

And finally, improbably, because this is a story, one of her security teams was able to locate the missing link and find out his name.

The little man pranced in, eager to collect his bounty when she bent down and whispered his name.

His fury was so great at hearing her say his name, that he tore himself in two.

The End.

oil $90 dollar 30 year low - Google Search

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Do high oil prices presage inflation? The evidence from G-5 countries Business Economics - Find Articles

Hundred dollar oil, five percent inflation, and the coming recession | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse

Like its news - constraint to the economy is energy

Low us dollar hides high oil prices from us consumers before election

Artificially Low us dollar hides high oil prices from us consumers
before election

Yes canadian dollar is a petro commodity dollar, and going up.

But pre election, dollars stays down to drive exports / jobs / profits
up, and gas prices down - since oil is priced in us dollars.


Why am I in rangeun
I don't know

There are of course skyscrapers and slums

But in my dream the street people I meet
Under the bridge overpass
Are caucasian
Like the street people I see every day in the downtown east side
Except these people are disfigured and deformed

I haven't made accomodation plans
And the street I am on has 3 places to stay
All have signs pointing to the basement, where there is a "door" made of
corrugated iron covering a dark hole
These doors are smaller than half size doors
The upper building doors are bigger
Just the places to stay doors

I pick the one that has a ground level front desk
It is half height as well
And it is old and poor shape like everything on the block
There are two middle aged ladies behind the desk
The skinny one is in front of the opening that serves as a window

For some reason I try to ask how much rooms cost in spanish
She answers in english
As she leans forward
I look at the small swelling of her breasts
The cost is less than 10 cents a night

Next thing I know

I am watching Rangeun's king torture chamber
I believe he is taking me on a tour
He is dressed in privates fatigues but with the shirt buttons undone and
gleaming boots
He has shoulder length black hair with a wild mustache
He looks charming

The first cell
I watch from a camera inside the cell facing the door
The guards enter to prepare the captive
Ziploc ties across the eyes
Ziploc ties hands behind the back
And I don't see it but I assume ziploc ties around the knees

I see the captive is waiting on the tv
The king enters
The prisoner attacks with his head
I can't see anything

Next I see another captive already prepared
This one is bowed and kneeling
Is this one me?

We leave the cell and are standing in front of a cell door
And the king says to me this prisoner is on amphetamines just like me
Beyond the door is the jungle
Perhaps its inside, perhaps its outside with a fence
The king and I are running
The kings prisoner is a leopard
Staying ahead of it requires copying the king
Who is running on top of the fence with cat chasing us along the bottom

Sunday, November 11, 2007

If I were to die tomorrow, what would my wish be?

If I were to die tomorrow, what would my wish be?

Is it fair to say at the beginning that a whole lifetime is a tomorrow?

But wait I will answer as common sense dictates.

My first wish is tell my children, and all the worlds, the secret truths
about the world, that adults don't want them to know. All roads lead to
destruction, and all destruction leads to new roads. So that they may be

Where do all roads go? The gas station.

Everything they ever wanted to know about cars and gas stations, and how
the rich are eating the heart of the world, and drinking its blood. And
how though the heart and blood have given the murderers power, it has
cursed and enslaved them. Unfortunately, we are now all on one boat, and
if we don't change direction we will die.

Second, is my wish to love and be loved in return. To be happy with
someone, and have someone be happy with with me in return. Happy,
laughing, and singing.

Third, invent and profit from the mass production of some aspect of
material cultural, that leaves the world a better place than when we
found it.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Emperor bump, noodlehead and pirate panda

"The gang wars in vancouver are attracting too much attention. Some
people are asking for the port police to be reinstated - which would be
a major setup to my world domination plans," said emperor bump.

"Not as much as set back as legalizing it would," said noodlehead.

"True. Call the PR firms, and have them create press releases and
contact university criminology professors to deflect the increasing,"
said bump.

Noodlehead took out his phone and began dialing. Emperor bump, took his
own phone and checked the appointments just as someone started knocking
- just in time.

Pirate panda entered and bowed.

"Pirate panda go to vancouver and bring peace quickly. I want you to
take at least 1 of my best legion's. I want it done quickly and

"What do you want left?" said pirate panda.

"Remove the middle from all factions - I want the bosses officers all
removed. Leave the generals to worry about the soldiers loyalty,"
emperor bump smiled.

"We won't leave the bosses with a single a officer. They will be
helpless," pirate panda.

Save the best for last

Save the best for last
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

I have run
And I have hid
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

I didn't want
To be caught
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

And find my dreams
Were all for naught
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

I'd rather keep my dreams
To myself
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Then live them out
And use them fully
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Never a slave to love
will I surrender
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Never will I be defeated
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

A dream deferred
I will always be
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

A seed full of
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Spending my precious days
On useless acts and wasted things
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

To afraid to really live
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

What is the path
To escape this prison
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

I have been stuck here
Way to long
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

The labyrinth has its hold on
But yet I can shake it free
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Joseph campbell has whispered me
Follow your heart go be free
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Kahlil gibran has whispered me
Follow your heart go be free

Serge kaheli king has whispered me
Follow your heart go be free
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

But still my feet are dragging me
My earthly hungers overwhelm me

Breathing deep I find release
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

The power within is called upon
To break the bond to break the spell
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

The future the future
The frightened self cries
How can we live?
So many will die
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Its the material things
That chase my now
The sons the daughters
Food for all
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

I have to trust the voice inside
The voice that scares me
The voice that's wise

I will listen to the voice
Like for the very first time
Listen first to what it has to say
Believe that comes what may
Everything will be ok
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

And that I really do deserve love
And the best
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

What I am is good and great
No longer need to procrastinate
Do the things I want to do
And honour them because I want them
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

And give myself permission to
Give myself permission to
Hey nonny
Hey nonny

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Review for PPC - Brother aims low and scores big!

Review Brother hl-4040cn
Street price < $399
21 pages per minute
USB and ethernet
Direct camera printing
Rated at 35,000 pages per month
250 paper tray capacity
Operating costs are approx $0.04 per page for monochrome, and $0.14 per
page for colour.

Biggest missing feature
Duplex printing

Banding win printing solid colours is acceptable for office use but not

Ease of use and driver config

Why should you care that a month ago we got the newly announced Brother
network colour printer?

Because it sucks less then your old inkjet or black and white laser.

But your inkjet isn't broken, and neither is your black and white laser
printer, why should you switch?

When did that stop you before? Did your last digital camera die before
you bought a new one? How about your car?

You sold the one on ebay or craigslist and bought the new one.

Why do you need it?

You don't need it. Just like you don't 2gbs of ram to run vista, or just
like you don't need a wii, or just like you don't need an ipod.

Its just more convenient not to get ink on your fingers.

Really - I don't need a color printer for business - and you can't use
this printer for photos.

So what's the point?

The point is, when do decide to replace your old laser printer - what
are you going to pick, a monochrome printer or a colour?

I want to print what I see on the screen.

So a reasonably priced colour printer does that.

Very highly recommended for home office user
Highly recommended for small 10 to 15 person office or department as
main or 2nd printer

Brother aims low and scores big!

Review Brother hl-4040cn

Why should you care that a month ago we got the newly announced Brother
network colour printer?

Because it sucks less then your old inkjet or black and white laser.

But your inkjet isn't broken, and neither is your black and white laser
printer, why should you switch?

When did that stop you before? Did your last digital camera die before
you bought a new one? How about your car?

You sold the one on ebay or craigslist and bought the new one.

Why do you need it?

You don't need it. Just like you don't 2gbs of ram to run vista, or just
like you don't need a wii, or just like you don't need an ipod.

Its just more convenient not to get ink on your fingers.

Really - I don't need a color printer for business - and you can't use
this printer for photos.

So what's the point?

The point is, when do decide to replace your old laser printer - what
are you going to pick, an cheaper b

Monday, October 29, 2007

When will the meek inherit the earth? Draft

When will the meek inherit the earth?

(Set black. Spotlight on single chair. Dad is seated. Wife and 2 kids
stand around chair pointing guns at dad.)

Dad: ok. I won't move.
Kid1: Increase business deal flow.
Dad: please don't.
Kid2: maximize return on investment
Dad: do all of you have to?
Wife: sell the value proposition
Dad: why do I have to work all the time?
Kid1: increase shareholder value
Dad: I don't understand how the think they can get a return since the
weather changes so much
Kid2: decrease cost per lead.
Kid1: increase conversion ratio
Wife: improve retained earnings
Dad: can I get some fresh air? A glass of water? A piece of toast?
Wife: you're not meeting your quarterly revenue targets
Kid1: you're sandbagging your sales forecasts
Kid2: your new lead volume is below expectations
Dad: give me a better territory, the lead list is stale, the market is
saturated, the objection handlers are weak and the value propositions
Kid1: a great cook doesn't complain about what's in the fridge
Kid2: a genius can make something out of nothing
Kid2: Execute!
Wife: Execute!
Kid1: Execute!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Netsuite - 25 things

1. They have a direct sales model like dell.
2. Direct sales team compensated only one 1 year deals
3. Direct sales team earns nothing on renewals
4. Every partner I talked to had fought or knew someone who had fought
with direct sales team
5. Deals lost always in excess of 60k - with commissions at 30%
6. Direct implementation team charged client 60k for 12k implementation
that had to be redone
7. System failed after importing 2 million leads
8. System support 5 decimal places - not 6
9. Weak multicompany
10. Find a partner system removed from website because it competes with
11. Due to recurring revenue model, partners bullied because they are
afraid to have their recurring revenue lost if they have their partner
status revoked
12. Skyytek is a franchise system of partners
13. Netreturn is master licensee for austrailia
14. Sirius satellite radio canada wouldn't sign due to hosting outside
15. One of the new partners in my class is fighting with netsuite over
240k customer - $60k commissions
16. Clients not wanting to renew because of poor direct implementation
are seeking partners to re-implement - but unhappy about spending again
17. Partners seeking partners to do custom ecommerce
18. Direct sales team discounts licenses upto 80%, and pads
19. Clients leasing 3 year deals, past 5 year on premsises software
maybe cheaper
20. Sage accpac and accpac crm really good, more expensive and missing
21. Mid market partners need ecommerce experts
22. Netsuite doesn't share partner directory with partners - dating site
23. Partners want an association of software as a service vendors for
netsuite, salesforce dot com, intaact, plex and sugarcrm - that company
reps are forbidden to enter and subscribers are forbidden to share
24. Canadian tax law forbids books to off premises, and remote acceess
means off premises - yet customers have been audited by ccra without
25. Big companies wanting Quickbooks migrations common

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life?

So many people realy don't know. They guess. Or they believe stories.

But many people think the meaning of life is a mystery and that it is a
question that doesn't have an answer.

Are we not the result of millions of years of evolution?

Are we not the result of life trying to make more life?

Are we not the lifes solution to date to the problem of staying alive in
the universe?

Are we not the result of billions of years disasters?

disdasters happen and we adapt and respond and thrive.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

planet in peril - Google Search

We have been Sold out for generations already

We have been Sold out for generations already

So much could have been done to make the world better

People with resources and power have only been making short term

How have I sold my childrens future?
A $30,000 car used up my line of credit.
Why I am responsible?
The car and gas companies spend billions.
But I bought it.
The car feels good.

King panda and the sad elephant need your help

Marcia / Alisa - please edit...

Cogangi and the centre for healing human cognitive development

King panda and the sad elephant need your help


Help king panda and the sad elephants teach kids about past human
civilisations, what happened to them, what they could have done
different, and what we can learn from them.

Help king panda and the sad elephants teach kids how to cook food that
feeds the planet.

Help king panda and the sad elephants teach kids how to make wise buying
decisions by exposing the means of production.

1. You are making a treasure hunt, see
2. The game is played by email.
3. The players prove their answers by forwarding additional emails they
have received by following clues.
4. Ask me what kid, pirate, captain or king panda would do. Or what the
sad elephant would do.

Friday, October 19, 2007

And in our wake, the waste of our consumption

And in our wake, the waste of our consumption

Pollution is not the right word
Posion is not the right word

When we ate eden, and babylon and ur
When we stripped them we made them deserts

When we ate rapa nui aka easter island,
We left the stone heads and not a single tree

But the exxon valdez spilling crude oil

Monday, October 15, 2007

How to organize admins

How to organize admins

Using odesk / elance / scriptlance

Makes teams of functional admins
0. Nut admins
1. Nagios monitors
2. Bacula admins
3. Retrospect admins
4. Firewall/vpn admins
5. Vmware admins
6. Ve admins
7. Lamp / Shell troubleshooters


I am on ship with bad guys
I am in a mech suit, so are they
I am faster and quiter than them
And I take all 300 of them out
I return to my orbiter
I discover the ship is the mech
I didn't take it out
The ship puts a virus in the orbiter
Which cooks us

Too scrambled but
9 nearly identical peep shows girls
Distract the officers and nco's
While the missing 10th
Is found in her landing pod near the castle
By a robot patrol
She takes all three out by suprise and speed

Forest walk in england
A birthday party
There is a long stone racetrack with curved embankments
I wander off the trail unaware of the time
One of the parents finds me and we head back
Crossing a stream and climbing over a electric fence that is turned off
We meet another dad who is going in wrong direction and bring him along

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Cell charger new car
Paint house
Finish garage
Corporations have souls
It is purgatory without love
I am without love
I want courage, nobility, sacrfice

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

3am dream -

Working late one night, all my staff had gone home except the new
sysadmin who was showing me what a good job he had done organizing and
cleaning up the server room. He had done a really good job putting
everything away. I offered a few suggestions and encouragements.

It had been dark outside for a while, and it was time to go, when the
phone rang. Normally, I would be nervous, wondering which client was
calling to complain about a server failure, but I had just reviewed the
monitoring system so I was sure everything was fine.

I answered the phone curious to see who it was. It was the building
maintenance guy, he sounded surprised to reach me, and explained he had
called the wrong number by mistake. I hung up and turned to the new
sysadmin who was waiting patiently and said it was strange for him to

Then there was a knock on the door. We looked at each other, but neither
of us was expecting anyone.

"Who's there?" I asked through the door.

No answer.

Who could it be? What did they want?

Maybe it was a mistake.

But my heart started to pound, and my stomach began to burn.

I looked through the spyhole and saw two huge guys I had never seen
before in front of the door.

Immediately I put the chain on the door, but before I could finish the
door exploded backwards and they were in the room staring at us.

I knew it wasn't good that they weren't wearing masks.
I knew it wasn't good that I had talked to the building maintenance
I knew they were here for something, and they were going to get it.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Tuesday focus - joshua's performance review

1. Ruby / squeak / java
2. Filemaker devs offer - free host, server scheduler scripts, profile
match in / match out
3. Freetriptrade
4. Netsuite
5. Slfa / fae / westpoint / ubc / bsia
6. Hr staff replacement
- can lloyd pay his way? With slfa
- is bill paying his way?
- is lou?
7. Year end financial performance
8. Hosting performance
9. Call centre
10. Eml lang
11. Video mag

Sunday, October 07, 2007

What one thing can I do that would solve all my problems?

Need more excercise
Need more acting
Need more laughing
Need more selling
Need more study about civilsation collapse
Need more study about consuming the world pure
Need more king panda
Need more adventure hunts with letters

Shopping channel
While riding a bike
Video magazine
In custome
To get clues

Debit cards suck - don't use them - I had $500 stolen on saturday and $500 stolen today

Debit cards suck - don't use them - I had $500 stolen on saturday and
$500 stolen today.

I have no idea how they got my PIN.

And I am liable!

Since I reported it I am won't be liable for the $500 the guy will
probably take out tomorrow - because they can't actually cancel my

Credit cards protect consumrs better.

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sun house St John the revelator

Sun house St John the revelator
Who's that riding
John the revelator

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Youtube for saturday night v4

Dvd video magaZIne

Stomping tom sudbury saturday night
Gordon lightfoot wreck of edmund fitzgerald
Commandy cody Hot rod lincoln
Guns of brixton clash,
blue angel squirrel nut zippers
The doors texas radio
squirrel nut zippers ghost of stephen foster
squirrel nut zippers hell
Pizzicato five lupin 3rd
Spiderman orginal cartoon theme song
Cowboy bepop opening
Straightener killer tune
Supertramp the logical song
Hall and oates rich girl
Wierd al yankovic the saga begins
Men at work who can it be now
Michael jackson don't stop
Justin timberlake my love
Quannum I changed my mind
Mr scruff get a move on
St germain rose rouge live
America a horse with no name
Joni mitchell big yellow taxi
Eagles hotel california
Old man ludecke quit his job
Dylan - subtaranean homesick blues
The doors la woman
The guess who american woman
Kanye west Gold digger
Aerosmith dream on
Police roxanne
The stones sympathy for the devil
The who behind blue eyes
Run dmz
Run dmc walk this way
Stone can't you hear me knocking
Zz top sharp dressed man
Trooper where here for a good time
Paul simon Diamonds in the soles of your shoes
Barenaked ladies the night I fell asleep at the wheel

Use aim chat with text to speech for podcast

Source code hit v2

Bank in france
Uses software from vancouver
New release has new special features
Random crashes
Can't be reproduced
Can't send data
Have to send source
So source team deployed with source on laptop
Laptop hit
Counter agent was so hot, what could I say
At the same time the owner is taking the company private
He alreadys own 70%

Name brand products at made in china prices

Mac os x text to speech - for pod cast - or for chat

Mac os x text to speech - for pod cast - or for chat

Korean dream - future build

Grilled beef sandwich
Home stay camping
And wifi pc stream station on craigslist

Thursday, September 27, 2007

jatropha vs camelina - Google Search

Dream job - renewable oil and gas producer

Dream job - renewable oil and gas producer

1. Jatropha farmer
2. Waste water Algae farmer
3. Biodiesel producer
4. Gas station owner

King panda's garden of eating kingdom

King panda's garden of eating kingdom


===Cooking segment===
# Visit apple barn and pick apples
# Go to safeway and pick shell
# Go to starbucks and pick syrup
# how to Make pie at home

===story segment===
# go to oil and gas production sites, spills,
# go to gas stations
# rumpelstiltskin how to make straw into biodiesel story

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Joshua scott paul artist site

Drawings - king panda, sad elephant, geometry
Photographs - bread shoes
Stories - ...
Videos - slides
Poetry - ...
Writing - scans
Plays - ...


A mac
Running a web server, applescript, php, quicktime and keynote


A linux xen / vmware image
Running a web server, php, flash, quicktime

Monday, September 24, 2007

=?UTF-8-STRICT?Q?Company_Grabs_Mining_Rights_to_Premier=E2=80=99s_?= =?UTF-8-STRICT?Q?

I want to mine
I want to mine
I want to mine

'War Brewing' over Mining Rights in Rural BC :: News ::

I want to mine
And exploit the earth
Faster than the others
I want to get there first
And stake my claim
Why shouldn't I get rich?
Why should I suffer and be poor?
I want my chance at prosperity

Friday, September 21, 2007

Re: and to save the world,

i have a better idea - they should call it an oil bank - like the US strategic petroleum reserves or japans. just like currency is backed by gold that never moves from the new york federal reserve bank - this is oil that never moves. ie. your deposits are safe.

On Sep 21, 2007, at 10:57 AM, MacDonalds wrote:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cast of characters

Emperor bump - dark master of the multiverse
Poop man - grunting I got to poo
Noodlehead - game show host - joy happy

Friday, September 14, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Conversation with neocodedragos

The world is dying
And I am crying
Because I don't know what to do

Its not my problem
I didn't do it
Its not because of me the world is dead

We have to make the factory owners
Drink the water from their plants

We have to make the car owners
Breathe the air from their tail pipes

neocodesoftware: I habe 2 kids
neocodesoftware: I know I wants to do more
neocodedragos: i mean you need to change others as well, influence them
neocodesoftware: Yes
neocodesoftware: I have a site
neocodesoftware: About teaching people about how past cities died
neocodesoftware: Because the rich kept taking and taking
neocodesoftware: And never gave anything back to the land
neocodesoftware: For millions of years
---------------------- 7:41 am ----------------------
neocodedragos: you know.. im lost there, influence others - i cant
neocodesoftware: The rich extract maximum resources from the land
neocodedragos: i think most effective is take 1 and make him good
neocodesoftware: Exactly
neocodedragos: than you and him -> 2 others, etc
neocodesoftware: Different people work on different scale
neocodesoftware: Some are good 1 on 1
neocodesoftware: Some are good 1 on 30
neocodesoftware: Some are good 1 on 1 million
neocodesoftware: Like film and music stars
neocodesoftware: Thank you for reminding me of my duty
neocodesoftware: Your duty is influence ana
neocodesoftware: My duty is influence my family
neocodesoftware: The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious
virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own states.
Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families.
Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons.
Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts.
Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in
their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first
extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay
in the investigation of things.
neocodedragos: im reminded every day
neocodesoftware: Things being investigated, knowledge became complete.
Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts were sincere. Their
thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then rectified. Their hearts
being rectified, their persons were cultivated. Their persons being
cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families being
regulated, their states were rightly governed. Their states being
rightly governed, the whole kingdom was made tranquil and happy.
neocodedragos: and im inbetween running and figthing
neocodesoftware: From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people,
all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything
neocodedragos: but im not doing anything.. i mean nothing really
neocodedragos: the world is big, im alone, no plan,
neocodesoftware: ecclesiastes
neocodesoftware: That's my favorite old testament book
neocodesoftware: And that's exactly what it talks about
neocodesoftware: So
neocodedragos: wheres that "" from
neocodedragos: ok
neocodesoftware: Yesterday bill was saying same to
neocodesoftware: The long quote is lao tzu - confucious
neocodesoftware: Chinese guy - hundreds of years old
neocodesoftware: He was saying what you are saying
neocodesoftware: "I am sick of the world. This world is making me
neocodedragos: thinking there were so many better than be before me how
can i/you change anything now
neocodedragos: when theres more men and more indifference
neocodedragos: anyway
neocodesoftware: I talked about my web site idea
neocodesoftware: Beg borrow buy
neocodesoftware: Which is about teaching people how to share
neocodesoftware: And use what things we have already
neocodesoftware: And no and buy new stuff
neocodedragos: too soon
neocodesoftware: ?
neocodedragos: that wont work when things are ok for most
neocodedragos: or most powerful
neocodedragos: you need war and disasters to go to that
neocodedragos: i hope im wrong but i dont think anything will change w/o
neocodedragos: and im afraid (?) to go and speak
neocodedragos: to people
neocodesoftware: People in vancouver feel it now
---------------------- 7:51 am ----------------------
neocodedragos: get them to listen etc
neocodesoftware: We feel the environment is a disaster
neocodedragos: oh, weather? that nothing
neocodedragos: you have heat, clothes, worm cars
neocodesoftware: Al gore feels its a disaster
neocodesoftware: New orleans was a disaster
neocodedragos: did you ever felt like putting orders in thoughts and go
before a crowd and make them see your way?
neocodedragos: do you think you would have changed anything?
neocodesoftware: Of course
neocodedragos: i want to make a pet shelter
neocodesoftware: That's my dream
neocodedragos: i want ana to do the same for homeless people - i cant do
that because i hate people
neocodedragos: what would i change with that? nothing really
neocodedragos: the world is too big, if you understand what i mean
neocodesoftware: Its not that
neocodesoftware: How did you them evolve?
neocodesoftware: The problem is overpopulation
neocodesoftware: Here the shelters neuter or spay the animals
neocodesoftware: To reduce population
neocodedragos: i dont like it but mine would do that too
neocodesoftware: Weather / disaster / future / new orleans
neocodedragos: the world is perfect, numbers are controled by nature but
we changed that..
neocodedragos: how can you go home and sit at your tv when you know
someone else near you doesnt have food?
neocodesoftware: no
neocodesoftware: Your are wrong
neocodesoftware: This isn't new
neocodesoftware: Before cities
neocodedragos: i hate ppl - so im little touched by that, but i have
seeing animals like that
neocodesoftware: Before agriculture
neocodedragos: but i *hate seeing
neocodesoftware: Thousands of years ago
neocodesoftware: When we were hunters
neocodedragos: yes - starvation is nature control
neocodesoftware: We killed thousands of horses
neocodesoftware: By making them run off cliffs
neocodesoftware: That's is about 20,000 years ago
neocodesoftware: You are a killing machine
neocodesoftware: You are the result of millions of years of evolution
neocodedragos: where are you going with
neocodesoftware: You are the best killing machine this planet has made
neocodesoftware: Know yourself
neocodesoftware: How long have people been building cities?
neocodedragos: yep, but isnt this a paradox - i want to kill everyone/me
to leave the planet clean
neocodedragos: why?
neocodesoftware: We are killers
neocodesoftware: Inside we are jesus and we are hitler
neocodesoftware: Kill them all
neocodesoftware: But save the kittens
neocodedragos: ive lost power - if battery dies im offline
neocodesoftware: Ok
neocodesoftware: Haha
neocodesoftware: Ttyl
neocodesoftware: Better shut down
neocodedragos: im still asking
neocodedragos: how can you go home and sit at your tv when you know
someone else near you doesnt have food?
neocodedragos: when im home
neocodedragos: i just dont think about it
neocodesoftware: Because I have to feed my son
neocodesoftware: I have to feed my wife
neocodedragos: if i do i would go to the conclusion i cant change
neocodesoftware: I have to feed my daughter
neocodesoftware: Jesus doesn't say that
---------------------- 8:01 am ----------------------
neocodedragos: or go to some insane race to purify thoughts of ppl
neocodesoftware: Buddha doesn't say that
neocodesoftware: Mohammad doesn't say that
neocodesoftware: Redemption
neocodedragos: ok
neocodesoftware: Forgiveness of sins
neocodesoftware: Exactly
neocodedragos: when im out and i see some dog that is skinny
neocodesoftware: You feel you are a sinner
neocodedragos: you have no idea what you can see around here
neocodedragos: i just give it any food i have on me
neocodesoftware: I see drug addicts
neocodedragos: or buy if i have money
neocodesoftware: Every day
neocodesoftware: Eating garbage
neocodesoftware: They are like human animals
neocodesoftware: On the street
neocodesoftware: I work in the poorest area in north america
neocodesoftware: The drug addicts
neocodesoftware: Live in garbage
neocodesoftware: Shit on the street
neocodesoftware: Google "downtown eastside addicts"
neocodedragos: do you think you could change one?
neocodesoftware: Or "vancouver downtown eastisde addicts"
neocodesoftware: No
neocodesoftware: I have had friends that turned into that
neocodesoftware: They are like babies
neocodedragos: i know there are organizations to do that.. but theyre
not very efficient if there are still drug addicts on the streets
neocodedragos: constant attention
neocodesoftware: Their families
neocodesoftware: Are the problem
neocodesoftware: They are children
neocodesoftware: Of some mom and some dad
neocodesoftware: That doesn't care for them
neocodesoftware: Orphans
neocodesoftware: And they know that
neocodedragos: i still think me/you are a sinner
neocodedragos: still
neocodedragos: because its not only about making yourself good
neocodedragos: its about changing everyone
neocodesoftware: And they go into the world of drugs
neocodedragos: think it like a team
neocodedragos: would you be able to win a baseball match if the team
neocodedragos: its a stupid example but its easiest for me
neocodesoftware: No
neocodesoftware: I get it
neocodesoftware: For me
neocodesoftware: J. K. Rowling
neocodesoftware: Author of harry potter is best example
neocodedragos: and you cant make yourself better of you walk around
those drug addicts everyday
neocodesoftware: Of what a writer can do
neocodedragos: because they will always make you suffer seeing them
neocodesoftware: Yes
neocodedragos: media is powerful but its just pleasing
neocodesoftware: But do I want to help them to ease my suffering
neocodedragos: write a book about saving the world and how to do it and
see how successful youll be
neocodesoftware: Or truly ease their suffering and give them what they
neocodesoftware: No
neocodesoftware: She wrote that book because she was starving
neocodesoftware: And couldn't feed her daughter
neocodesoftware: She wrote a story of good vs evil
neocodedragos: i have no idea, im not a fan, just saw the movie
neocodedragos: ok
neocodesoftware: stories change the world
neocodesoftware: Capitalism is a story
neocodedragos: talking like this just reminds me.. but i dont know if
theres any point
neocodesoftware: I just want to leave the world better than I found it
neocodesoftware: But is that because I want to be proud of myself?
neocodesoftware: Is that noble?
neocodesoftware: Do I just want to be noble and heroic?
neocodedragos: i dont want any, i want to be happy
---------------------- 8:11 am ----------------------
neocodesoftware: You see the skinny dogs on the street
neocodesoftware: But you don't see the hundreds of thousands of
prisoners being tortured
neocodesoftware: Everyday
neocodesoftware: Man is only cruelest to man
neocodedragos: i dont care about ppl i said so, they did this
neocodedragos: if not actively, then by ignorance
neocodedragos: i saw a movie in the news here some years ago, i still
see it
neocodedragos: a dog tied up on something like a cross with chest
neocodedragos: and a soldier training to kill on him
neocodedragos: stabbing him
neocodedragos: they didnt censor it
neocodesoftware: Ouch
neocodesoftware: I can't watch that
neocodesoftware: I am canadian
neocodesoftware: Because my parents
neocodesoftware: Escaped from the usa
neocodesoftware: When my father was drafted to kill vietnamese
neocodesoftware: I am born a pacifist
neocodesoftware: I will not serve the king
neocodedragos: its either kill or change, if you dont do anything
actively youre guilty of ignorance or not having courage
neocodedragos: you can kill evil or change it to good
neocodedragos: i really mean that, think about it
neocodedragos: leading by example is nothing if you dont lead
neocodesoftware: Or you can resist
neocodesoftware: Resistance is good too
neocodedragos: and i dont lead, you dont lead, not enough power
neocodesoftware: Coca cola spends billions
neocodesoftware: To lead people
neocodedragos: youll just die eventually
neocodesoftware: Yes
neocodedragos: more good is turned around that otherwise
neocodesoftware: I want to lead people to buy healthy products
neocodesoftware: Products made by free people
neocodesoftware: Not products made by slaves
neocodesoftware: Products made with gifts of the earth
neocodesoftware: Not products made with things stolen from the ground
neocodedragos: if you want that then do it, i wish someone would tell me
that too
neocodesoftware: Are there any 800 year old trees in your country
neocodedragos: im telling it to myself, maybe it will work eventually
neocodesoftware: Yes
neocodedragos: you know, youre only judged by results, right?
neocodesoftware: Yes
neocodesoftware: I hope I can make enough money
neocodesoftware: So that I can feed my family
neocodesoftware: And do beg borrow buy
neocodesoftware: Teaching people to share and buy only freedom
neocodedragos: wrong approach, i know its wrong and still hope to it
---------------------- 8:21 am ----------------------
neocodedragos: make more money -> do more good
neocodedragos: money is evil so you wont ever do more good
neocodedragos: because
neocodedragos: making more money - being more selfish
neocodedragos: to get more and more
neocodesoftware: I want to keep my house
neocodesoftware: But probably I cant
neocodesoftware: Too expensive
neocodedragos: it will change you
neocodedragos: you need to help yourself before hoping others..
neocodesoftware: You help yourself
neocodesoftware: By helping others
neocodesoftware: That's the lesson of the wise
neocodedragos: but i mean - trying more money to do more good is not the
neocodedragos: exactly its not about money
neocodesoftware: Yes
neocodedragos: now i need to understand that :-)
neocodesoftware: Just do it
neocodedragos: because its so easy to say it
neocodesoftware: In a way we can afford
neocodesoftware: We need to do it with what we have
neocodesoftware: Google "stone soup story"
neocodesoftware: We have enough
neocodesoftware: We have everything we need
neocodesoftware: How can I rearrange things
neocodedragos: i told him ill do it today
neocodesoftware: You got it
neocodesoftware: That's the story
neocodesoftware: I have everything I need already
neocodesoftware: Its hidden
neocodesoftware: But I have it
neocodesoftware: Just look harder
neocodedragos: i know, its funny in a way..
neocodesoftware: That book "shock doctrine"
neocodesoftware: Is how the rich you disasters
neocodesoftware: Use disasters
neocodesoftware: To chang the world
neocodesoftware: To make themselves richer
neocodesoftware: stone soup
neocodesoftware: = the power of stories
neocodesoftware: = teaching people to share
neocodesoftware: = my favorite thing

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rumpelstiltskin / Rumplestiltskin v12

Rumpelstiltskin / Rumplestiltskin

An end of the world eschatological cataclysm, in which love, the
ultimate sacrifice makes all the difference in the world, where the
strong and mighty and proud and glorious are humbled, in dozens of
pages, with hundreds of words, and thousands of letters.

1. Once upon a time there was a poor old oil and gas producer named
Arthur Miller who depended on his daughter to troubleshoot the exhausted
oil fields that were always breaking down due to equipment failure and
sabotage. his daughter jeannie was very smart, clever, cute and feisty.
Has to be cute. Has to be feisty.

But she was so sick and tired of filling tanker trucks, keeping the
mercenaries focussed, and so sick and tired of keeping the pumps working
all day so she and her old father could earn enough money to eat. The
pumps were always breaking, the oil was always coming up either too
strong or not strong enough, or not at all, the staff were always
getting sick, getting shot or getting blown up, or just not showing up
for work, politicians always asking for more money, the mercs always
wanting more gear, environmentalists always protesting, and lawyers
always getting in the way. Not too mention the endless attacks of the

She was sick and tired of being poor, of not having enough to eat, of
having to pay too many taxes without sufficient representation, of being
constantly afraid of being kidnapped, of having to watch her father work
his whole life to take care of her and not being able to take care of
him now he is old, of the dishonest producers getting rich, of her
mother dying before she was old enough to know her, of not getting to
enjoy the life the other girls her age were enjoying - the parties, the
clothes and the guys.

And she was always, always, coming up with ideas to make them better off
than she is now.

So she sings "swinging on a star." "Would you like to be better off than
you are?" while she works on her plans for alternative energy sources,
for a more equal distribution of wealth, a reduction in global warming,
a reduction in pollution, a new ecosystem for the endangered species,
and ultimately a reduction in population, all the while increasing the
energy consumption per person.

her father, knew she was a dreamer, and that she couldn't accept that
the world was unfair and would stay unfair no matter how hard she tried
to change it.

2. One day when the president, his secret service agents, and some of
his share holders, and the police were driving by in their suvs, she
makes her father run out and kneel before the president's hummer with a
truck with a few barrels of oil on it. The police stop the convoy, and
take him down (face down in the pavement), and after he had been
truncheoned, frisked and handcuffed, the president waves the ss off and
asked what he wanted, the poor oil producer told the president what
Jeannie had asked him to him say - 'my lord, these barrels are but a few
of the many barrels that my daughter has made by spinning straw in to

3. The president ordered the police that she be brought to him at once.
The secret service searched her and her plans, and then she courtsied to
the president and told him that of course she couldn't spin large
quantities of straw into oil yet but given enough funding, and here she
took out her plans, that by slighlty increasing taxation on oil and gas
usage he could raise levies to build processing plants that would
convert plants in to biodiesel and maintain the economy and avoid the
coming collapse of civilisation brought on by peak oil.

4. The president was not a nice man. He hadn't stayed president by being
nice. And he didn't like being made fun of (straw into oil -
ridiculous!) in front of his lords by anyone - though she was soo cute,
and obviously clever - he was furious and he wanted his revenge on her
by showing his lords that no one could get the better of him. 'Please
teach this man a lesson for interrupting us
and leave him in the street,' he said, and some of his accompanying
guards immediately started to pummel her father, who was being held by
two polices and beaten by two others. Turning to Jeannie, who was being
held back by two other police, he said 'and as for the girl, throw her
in the dungeon, provide her with a lab and straw, and bring me her head
tomorrow if she hasn't processed the straw into oil.'

6. In the lab, Jeannie sat with her back to the technicians and the
straw and cried and cried and cried. She was upset with herself and
wished she was back at home with her father processing the barrels of
oil into gas or pumping the oil into barrels instead of being locked in
the sterile, soulless prison-lab waiting to die.

7. After the technicians had gone home for the night, she had time to
feel truly miserable about dying the next day and leaving her father
alone - suddenly there was a knock on the lab door, and in came a small
strange man. Strange because he was so small and strange because he had
opened the door, but she hadn't heard the turn key turn to unlock it. He
looked her up and down and said - 'what will you give me if I synthesize
this straw into oil?'

8. Jeannie tried to wake herself up - 'I must be dreaming this. I must
be still asleep in my bunk-bed in the refinery.'

Jeannie said 'I don't have anything to give you.'

He said 'Give me that gold necklace around your neck.'

'But that was my mother's necklace. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie

'What good is the necklace if can't save your life? Do you think the
executioner will not slip it from your neck before he removes your head?
Would your mother want you to keep the necklace and die?' said the the
little man.

'What if you run away after I give you the necklace?' she asked.

He gripped her neck with surprising speed and strength - 'I could take
it now,' and then let go.

'Take it then,' she said slipping it over her head.

He put the necklace around his neck, and set to work configuring the
equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw into the DNA
sequencers, and he began to sing a lullaby. And soon the lullaby, the
sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping of the vacuums
soon put Jeannie to sleep.

9. The sound of the prison door crashing open made Jeannie wake up in a
start. She rubbed her eyes and stood up. The technicians were coming in
to the lab, in front of the executioner and a guard. The technicians
stopped, and were standing in the room with dumbfounded looks on their
faces. The straw was all gone, and in its place was a barrel of oil.
They were excited, and pushed the guards and the executioner out of the
room and closed the door again.

10. The prison door opened again, and in walked the president with some
of his investors. The president blinked and gulped and rubbed his eyes.
He had brought with him some of his science advisors who whispered with
the technicians and amongst themselves. He had brought a priest
who wasn't sure it wasn't the devils work. He had also brought his
master refiners. The refiner poured some of the oil into a glass. He
looked at it, smelled it, stirred it, and tasted it, checking if it was
oil. He brought out his briefcase and ran a sample through a portable
spectrometer. Then he turned to the president and nodded.

10. A sly and crafty look fell over the president's face. 'So,' he said,
'you can synthesize straw into oil. You weren't lying after all. I will
put your talents to good use.' But Jeannie protested - 'my lord, I can't
synthesize straw into oil! It wasn't me - I swear! It was the little man
- he came in and did the work. I gave him my ring.' The president
frowned, and then called to the guard outside the door - 'security, get
me the director of the secret service this instant.' The head of the
secret service appeared on the guards cell phone, 'sir, what is it?'

'Jordy, did anyone enter this room last night?' asked the president. The
director of the secret service said 'no sir. I posted these two agents,
and reviewed the security tapes myself since you informed me of the
special event. and no one has come in or out.' The president nodded, and
the director signed off.

11. 'Jeannie Miller, it wasn't you that spun this gold? Was it the devil
that helped you as my chaplain believes? Did the director of the secret
service forfeit his life by failing in his duties and let the devil?'
the president laughed unpleasantly. 'Tonight I will move you to bigger,
better guarded lab, with more straw that my chaplain has sprinkled with
holy water for you to synthesize on your life in to oil, and we will
shall see what will shall see.' With that the president, very pleased
with his cleverness ordered the oil transferred to his Strategic
Petroleum Reserves and Jeannie moved to a larger medium security

12. Jeannie lay surrounded by straw heaped all around her. Was that
small man really the devil? Then she thought of her dying tomorrow. Then
she thought of all the people she would never see. She thought of the
husband she would never meet, the child she would never have, and the
grandchild she would never spoil. She wondered what having her head cut
off would feel like. She wondered what would happen to her body. She was
doing her best to stay awake since it was to be her last night alive. As
she was starting to go to sleep a familiar voice said to her 'what will
you give me, if I synthesize this straw into oil?'

13. She opened her eyes. It was the little man. She made to run and
pound on the door - but the little man caught her by the wrist with an
iron grip. 'No,' he said. She opened her mouth to scream - when out shot
his other hand, and covered her mouth so she couldn't breathe. 'Not that
either. Will you behave?'

14. She nodded and at once he let her go. 'What are you doing here? Who
are you? Where do you come from? Why are you helping me? Do you always
hang out it prisons
waiting for women to show up that need straw synthesized into oil?'

The little man said 'I want something just like you. You want to live
don't you? What will you give me to keep your neck attached to your

'I don't have anything to give.' she said.

He said 'Give me that gold ring on your finger.'

'But that was my mother's wedding, the only thing I have left that was
hers. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie pleaded.

'What good is the ring if can't save your life? Do you think the
executioner will not slip it from your finger before he removes your
head? Would your mother want you to keep the ring and die?' said the the
little man.

'What if you run away after I give you the ring?' she asked.

He gripped her hand with surprising speed and strength - 'I can take it
now, just like I could have taken the necklace last night. And I didn't
run away last night did I?' and then let go.

'Take it then,' she said slipping it off her finger.

He put the ring on the necklace around his neck, and set to work
configuring the equipment, programming the computers, feeding the straw
into the DNA sequencers, and he began to sing a lullaby. And soon the
lullaby, the sound of the spinning separators and the hypnotic pumping
of the vacuums soon put Jeannie to sleep for a second time.

15. [ king appears - 2 times - still could be luck - need to reproduce
feat one more time to be a fact and has her thrown into a larger

16. [ jeannie alone - sure she is going insane - tries to work on the
project - but some details evade her - and things go poorly]

17. [jeannie worse than ever - the little man appears - nothing left to
give eh? give me your child then - and he completes the machine]

18. [king appears - overjoyed - jeannie has finished the machine and has
documented it - and they get married - but her father wont move]

19. [the little man returns for the child that is born - the agents
aren't fast enough and can do nothing to catch him - but she puts
herself in front of her child or she puts a gun to her head and he
relents - but a delay only - guess my name - 3 guesses or the child is

20. [multiple recon teams are sent out and come back empty the first 2
days - driving the mother insane - worse is the thought to lose her
child than her own life]

21. [the night before the day she will lose her child her father and his
mercs are out partying in a whore house, where the little man is singing
his own song, her father calls to tell her]

22. [the next day - the little man appears - penetrating layer after
layer of security and mercs, and bows before her - and she guesses his

23. [jeannie gives the little man visiting rights]

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Rumpelstiltskin / Rumplestiltskin v11

Rumpelstiltskin / Rumplestiltskin

An end of the world eschatological cataclysm, in which love, the
ultimate sacrifice makes all the difference in the world, where the
strong and mighty and proud and glorious are humbled, in dozens of
pages, with hundreds of words, and thousands of letters.

1. Once upon a time there was a poor old oil and gas producer who
depended on his daughter to troubleshoot the oil fields that were always
breaking down due to equipment failure and sabotage. his daughter
jeannie was very smart, clever, cute and feisty. Has to be cute. Has to
be feisty.

But she was so sick and tired of filling tanker trucks, and so sick and
tired of keeping the pumps working all day so she and her old father
could earn enough money to eat. The pumps were always breaking, the oil
was always coming up either too strong or not strong enough, or not at
all, the staff were always getting sick, getting shot or getting blown
up, or just not showing up for work, politicians always asking for more
money, security always wanting more gear, environmentalists always
protesting, and lawyers always getting in the way. Not too mention the
endless dirty tricks of the competition.

She was sick and tired of being poor, of not having enough to eat, of
having to pay too many taxes without sufficient representation, of
having to watch her father work his whole life to take care of her and
not being able to take care of him now he is old, of the dishonest
swindlers getting rich, of her mother dying before she was old enough to
know her, of not getting to enjoy the life the other girls her age were
enjoying - the parties, the clothes and the guys.

And she was always, always, coming up with ideas to make them better off
than she is now.

So she sings "swinging on a star." "Would you like to be better off than
you are?" while she works on her plans for alternative energy sources,
for a more equal distribution of wealth, a reduction in global warming,
a reduction in pollution, and ultimately a reduction in population, all
the while increasing the energy consumption per person.

2. One day when the president, his secret service agents, some of his
liege lords, and the police are driving by in their suvs, she makes her
father run out and kneel before the president's hummer with a truck with
a few barrels of oil on it. The police stop the convoy, and take him
down (face down in the pavement), and after he had been truncheoned,
frisked and handcuffed, the president waves the ss off and asked what he
wanted, the poor oil producer told the king what Jeannie had asked him
to him say - 'my lord, these barrels are but a few of the many barrels
thay my daughter has made by spinning straw in to oil.'

3. The president ordered the police that she be brought to him at once.
The secret service searched her and her plans, and then she courtsied to
the president and told him that of course she couldn't spin large
quantities of straw into oil yet but given enough funding, and here she
took out her plans, that by slighlty increasing taxation on oil and gas
usage he could raise levies to build processing plants that would
convert plants in to biodiesel and maintain the economy and avoid the
coming collapse of civilisation brought on by peak oil.

4. The president was not a nice man. He hadn't stayed president by being
nice. And he didn't like being made fun of (straw into oil -
ridiculous!) in front of his lords by anyone - though she was soo cute,
and obviously clever - he was furious and he wanted his revenge on her
by showing his lords that no one could get the better of him. 'Please
teach this man a lesson for interrupting us
and leave him in the street,' he said, and some of his accompanying
guards immediately started to pummel her father, who was being held by
two polices and beaten by two others. Turning to Jeannie, who was being
held back by two other police, he said 'and as for the girl, throw her
in the dungeon, provide her with a lab and straw, and bring me her head
tomorrow if she hasn't spun the straw into oil.'

6. In the lab, Jeannie sat with her back to the technicians and the
straw and cried and
cried and cried. She was upset with herself and wished she was back at
home with her father processing the barrels of oil into gas or pumping
the oil into barrels instead of being locked in the sterile, soulles,
and scientist infested prison waiting to die.

7. Before she had time to feel truly miserable about dying the next day
and leaving her father alone - suddenly there was a knock on the lab
door, and in came a small strange man. Strange because he was so small
and strange because he had opened the door, but she hadn't heard the
turn key turn to unlock it. He looked her up and down and said - 'what
will you give me if I process this straw into oil?'

8. Jeannie tried to wake herself up - 'I must be dreaming this. I must
be still asleep in my bed in the refinery.'

Jeannie said 'I don't have anything to give you.'

He said 'Give me that gold ring on your finger.'

'That was my mothers wedding ring, the only thing I have left that was
hers. Don't ask for that,' Jeannie pleaded.

'What good is the ring if can't save your life? Do you think the
executioner will not slip it from your finger before he removes your

'What if you run away after I give you the ring?' she asked.

He gripped her hand with suprising speed and strength - 'I could take it
now,' and then let go.

'Here take my mother's gold ring,' she said slipping it off her

He put the ring on his necklace, and set to work feeding the straw into
the spinning wheel, and he began to sing a lullaby. And soon the
lullaby, the sound of the spinning wheel and the hypnotic spinning of
the wheel soon put Jeannie to sleep.

9. The sound of the prison door crashing open made Jeannie wake up in a
start. She rubbed her eyes and stood up. The executioner and a guard
were standing in the room with dumbfounded looks on their faces. The
straw was all gone, and in its place was solid gold thread. They were
scared, and closed the door again.

10. The prison door opened again, and in walked the king. The king
blinked and gulped and rubbed his eyes. He had brought with him some of
his ministers who whispered amongst themselves. He had brought a preist
who was sure it was the devils work. He had also brought his master
goldsmith. The goldsmith went down on his hands and knees and felt the
solid gold thread. He looked at it, smelled, and he bit it, checking if
it was gold. He hit it with his hammer and weighed it on his scale.
he turned to the king and nodded.

10. A sly and crafty look fell over the king's face. 'So,' he said,
can spin straw into gold. You weren't lying after all. I will put your
talents to good use.' But Jeannie protested - 'my lord, I can't spin
straw into gold! It wasn't me - I swear! It was the little man - he
in and did the spinning. I gave him my ring.' The king frowned, and and
then called to the guard outside the door - 'guardsmen, bring me the
captain of the guard this instant' The captain of the guard came
running, and panting said 'sire, what is it? What has happened?'
'captain, on your life, did anyone enter this room last night?' asked
the king. The captain starting shaking 'no sire. I posted these two
guards and no one has come in or out.' The king nodded, and the captain
relaxed and looked around for first time and was shocked.

11. 'Miller's daughter, it wasn't you that spun this gold? Was it the
devil that helped you as my chaplain believes? Did my captain of the
guard forfeit his life by failing in his duties and let the devil?' the
king laughed. 'Tonight I will move you to bigger, better guarded
with more straw that my chaplain has sprinkled with holy water for you
to spin on your life in to gold, and we will shall see what will shall
see.' With that the king, very pleased with his cleverness ordered the
gold transferred to his vaults and Jeannie moved to a medium security

12. Jeannie lay surrounded by straw heaped all around her. Was that
small man really the devil? Then she thought of her dying tomorrow.
she thought of all the people she would never see. She thought of the
husband she would never meet, the child she would never have, and the
grandchild she would never spoil. She wondered what having her head cut
off would feel like. She wondered what would happen to her body. She
doing her best to stay awake since it was to be her last night alive.
she was starting to go to sleep a familiar voice said to her 'what will
you give me, if I spin this straw into gold?'

13. She opened her aways. It was the little man. She made to run and
pound on the door - but the little man caught her by the wrist with an
iron grip. 'No,' he said. She opened her mouth to scream - when out
his other hand, and covered her mouth so she couldn't breathe. 'Not

14. She nodded and at once he let her go. 'What are you doing here? Who
are you? Where do you come from? Do you always hang out it prisons
waiting for women to show up that need straw spun into gold?'

joshua paul, handlemaker
neo code software - 100,000 year old ideas for 100,000 year old
604 638 0668 phone 604 638 0666 fax
288 - 425 carrall street vancouver bc v6b 6e3 canada

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Big picture - have fun with kids

Big picture - have fun with kids
Detail - troubleshoot the problems
Know the problem - emperor doodlewood bump
Solutions - king panda
Actions - sing, paint, tell others, cook, recycle, reuse, reduce, board
game, treasure hunt, write letters

Sing song (the world is dying), tell a emperor doodlewood bump story
(rapa nui), tell a king panda lives story (battery recycling)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

And I looked over the kingdom of man

And I looked over the kingdom of man
And I saw the building of a great necropolis
The frenzied work of slaves
Hurrying to complete the tombs of their masters in time for the

I saw whole cities and continents being prepared to be sacrificed
Great tombs built for the kings
And many small tombs for their legions of servants and their slaves

I saw whole species and phylums burned in the furnace of the combustion
The holocene extinction event
Entire ecosystems destroyed
The polar ice caps melted

In my dream

In my dream
I bow before the god-emperor
Though I do not serve him
And could destroy him and his empire
I honour and respect him
Yet that would not stop my blade from removing his head
For I am humble and obedient

Yesterday - I feel my behaviour was arrogant and offensive towards one
of my clients that I sell internet connections to. They are my
god-emperor, and I must obey them as their humble servant without
arrogance or irony. The fact the they are the only client with this
symptom is irrelevant to obedience or humility, because they feed me
crumbs that I build my house.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Organism: digital posters / Neo code marketing

Own, produce, market the letters / podcast / game / site / digital
By outsourcing for emerging english speaking markets
How to own it?
Allow each production company one aspect, or episode

What's the story
The end of the world
Cities die
Peoples die
Species die
Products die
Companies die
Lets look at why