Saturday, September 13, 2014

2 Distraction

to distract constructively; 
to distract in ways that are in themselves satisfying; 
to do things that are intrinsically gratifying

Niven Professor of Humane Letters in Psychology(Ph.D. Ohio State, 1956)
401A Schermerhorn Hall

310 Schermerhorn Hall

At 84, instead of slowing down, he’s preparing for his American book tour and fielding questions from Polish journalists.

His secret seems to come straight from the marshmallow test: distraction. “It’s to keep living in a way one wants to live and work; to distract constructively; to distract in ways that are in themselves satisfying; to do things that are intrinsically gratifying,” he says. “Melancholy is not one of my emotions. Quite seriously, I don’t do melancholy. It’s a miserable way to be.”