Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Othello dances in my head
With romeo and juliet
Kate winslet and dicaprio
Baz luhrman doesn't rhyme
With rumplestiltskin


China is in civil war once again
And othello protects hong kong and kowloon
in the background the countryside starves and burns

No water
No rice
No weapons

The city and the country
The tide turns in the country's favor

Othello does he best to smoke them out
But despite his lords expensive weapons
They have the numbers, and the IEDs

Where do the capoeira fighters burst in?
Or the break dancers and the rappers?
Or the diva opera singer who won't record la wally?
Of course make room for the cook and the thief and his wife and her
Or the self aware statesman from antigone?
Or the engineer who makes the book of the seed?
Or the giant, the greatest swordsman and the sicilian?

I know that desdemona, meets the little prince who asks her to "desine
moi un mouton"

I know that othello trusts iago with his life, and that he given him all
his secrets

I know that iago loved desdemona first, and saw them love, in a way he
could not love, and the sight of creation stirred satan in his breast to
devour him

I know that othello does not know his father, his mother was a virgin
and a slave, and he was found by fighting monks sworn to serve the
emperor who took him to train at shaolin temple, and all the monks were
against it

I know that the emperor attempted to kill all the monks and got most of
them - and that he betrayed his teachers to fight for the emperor in
hong kong rather than stay in country

I know that othello feels like an outsider every minute of his life. He
knows has never stopped running. He knows he has never stopped fighting.
He knows that he has no home. He knows that has never had a home.

I know that desdemona loves him, the outsider. She loves him because he
sees her and loves her and fought for her and risked his life for her,
and would die for her.

I know that desdemona does not how deeply hungry othello is. How deeply
he must posses her. How deeply has to own her.

It is only you - old gore crow

Alisa / Alphonse - edit please

It is only you - old gore crow
gnawing at my heart

gnaw gnaw gnaw
all you want
it shant stop beating
for all your biting and tearing
does not but make it

Which is I divine your purpose
to make more meat for your craw

I speak too plainly
When I say

Death is a farmer pruning his tree
to make more buds for fruit to eat
taking pains not to kill the tree
but spurring it to greater prosperity

just a frank herbert wrote
in the dosadi experiment

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Capt. Panda and the Case of the missing Thieves

One day, after getting home, having dinner, and weeding the garfden,
Capt. Panda was reading Guns, Germs and Steel, when all of a sudden the
palace prison siren went off.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

Storyteller = healer = shaman = why aren't you where you want to be

Why tell stories?
Why is it a real job?
Why is productive?
Why isn't all the time and money spent on movies instead basic science
or health care not money just flushed down the drain?
Why are stories some times the only thing we've got?
What are stories?
What the shadows on the cave wall?
What are the paintings in lescaux?[sic]
What are the pyramids?
What is the space station?
What are hydrogen fuel cells?
What is the new world?
What is Canada? Or America?
What are religious writings?
What am I?
Or fiction?
Lies worth living for?
Lies worth dying for?

What's true is everything I eat I turn into shit.
That's true.
What's true is I will die and no one will remember me.
That's true.
What's true is my story will not have a happy ending.
That's true.
What's true is I am a tired, mean and cranky husband / father.
That's true.
What's true is that my life is a prison and my heart is my hands that
have been scratched to stumps clawing at the walls to get out.
That's true.
What's true is that I want to sing more, and dance more, and laugh more
and work less.
That's true.
What's true is that I am mortgaged to a bank and I have sold my soul for
40x140 foot square patch of earth.
That's true.
What's true is that I love Neo and Jeannie more than anything.
That's true.
What's true is that I am selfish and undisciplined and like to stay up
till 3am writing stories to myself because it is my dream.
That's true.
What's true is Monica and I struggle to be kind to each other after
every long stressfull day.
That's true.
What's true is that I am hungry for stories.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Email access filesystem - or email shell?

Email access filesystem - or email shell?

Joshua Paul

Saturday, May 13, 2006

On my mind

Neo code game - numbers on your invoice?
Or enewsletter

Got idea for burget joint - why not for Neo code? Hosting, or
development or whatever

Hosting is good

Game plays on email, ftp, web, blogs and control panels


Mike and dave no billing
Lots of good stuff in the pipe again
But nothing has come out the shute


iCal doesn't sync to the web, can access it from my pc when my pb17 is

Doesn't sync with my hiptop

Need to make or produce ical to hiptop


Lots of tickets
Need to use buzilla
Clients use it directly
Self signup
Submit and resolve inside


Joshua Paul

Friday, May 12, 2006

the joy of new things

i'm a part time sysadmin again
my full time guy left - ISP / custom software network admin - not exciting enough
mail doesn't work, create new environment, back this up etc etc...

what have i picked up?

fixing mailboxes: mail -f /var/spool/vmail/[host]/mail/[user]
typically a corrupt file just needs to be fixed to start with a from again

putting mailbox files together: cat file1 file2 > file3
or even more exciting: zcat file1.gz file2.gz > file3.gz
and the cool zless, zgrep etc...

or course making SSL certs via rapidssl.com recipe
or fixing broken apache configs - that worked yesterday
or restoring and backing up 175MB mysql databases

but i still can't figure out how to set md5 password hashes from the command line for mailbox files - too basic i guess for me to find in google

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Knife-wielding devil teddy bear rampages through eBay | The Register

Buy the story not the product

Thursday, May 04, 2006

If you don't like what you are getting, stop what you are doing

If you don't like what you are getting, stop what you are doing

Are you wishing for enlightenment?
Do you expect to find it in online games?

Will making your own game be enlightening?

I played
Fiumaccio and santa paravia - pdp8 game
Taipan - apple ][

Kingdom of loathing, which started it all for me again online

An open source game legend of the green dragon
Simple but fun. Maybe too simple. But with tutor.

Then I played smokymonkeys.com javascript diablo clone. Impressive
graphics and game - but a clone. Paced to slow? Too repetitive?

I checked out urban dead. Clunk interface. Not immediately fun.

Then looked at graal, and banja. Too many hoops to jump through before

I did not learn guitar, or study korean, study for fm8 certification, or
meditate, or clean my files. Or work, or look for work. Or prepare
learning materials for my kids. Or sleep.

I still want a game that:
- gives you points for making content - for example linking the chain of
consumption for the all roads wiki
- gives you points for fighting real monsters - human trafficking,
corruption, pollution, hunger, greed itg and itrw
- gives you points for recycling and sharing items itg and itrw
- isn't just random numbers but not just zork or myst or quake or civ3
or starcraft
- but doing any of that - how has it made the world better or suck less?