Saturday, December 11, 2010

Goodnight Dune

From a picture from College Humor
then from a post on 4chan that i can't find
then screenshotted to imgur -
then posted to

File : 1292042048.jpg-(61 KB, 550x472, Goodnight Dune.jpg)
Anonymous 12/10/10(Fri)23:34:08 No.293808XXX

Goodnight Dune,
Goodnight spice plume,
Goodnight sand storm obstructing the moon.

Goodnight Maker and goodnight sietch,
Goodnight Arrakeen and the shield wall breech [sic].

Goodnight House Atriedes, goodnight CHOAM,
Goodnight blue-eyed Fremen who call Arrakis home,

Goodnight gom jabar
Goodnight Sardukar [sic]
Goodnight 'thopter (which is a flying car).

Goodnight Baron and goodnight Duke
Goodnight Gurney Halleck and goodnight lute.

Goodnight Chani and Muad'Dib too.
Goodnight me and goodnight you