Thursday, March 02, 2006

What happened, what really happened

Anyway I survived, that's about it.

How did it start?

Well you see, as you may or may not know, there are 5 families on earth
that have been fighting each other for world domination for centuries.
One family claims traces their lineage right back to cain, another to
genghis khan, another to nebuchadnazzer, anyway you get the picture,
psychopaths pure and simple.

Anyway they get together and complained that control is slipping away
too much - each of them in their own domain is losing control to the
increasingly rich and powerful servant class.

This has happened several times before and they know how to deal with it
- severe, no holding back pruning - its for the good of the race - don't
want it going too wild.

The black plague, the dark ages were very effective in consolidating
power, just like the 5 fat kine and 7 thin kine that joseph told pharoah
about. (why don't jews and black americans explore their shared history
as enslaved peoples instead of fighting another - one (jewish?) nba
psychologist has convincing data to suggest the pharoahs skin was

Anyway time for a world wide population thinning and acquire things
cheap - a flu pandemic was acquired - created for them or stolen or
bought I don't know. The starving and dying will sell anything -
anything. Take away theirs jobs, then their houses, their hopes and
dreams, their idea of progress, then their health, then take away
government - and things become cheap - actually almost free.

The plan was each family would hibernate in their den through this
period with the gold bars, weapon factory designs, oil reserves, and
nuclear warheads - carrots and a stick. After telecommunications
activity hit a threshold the plan was they would return to establish
themselves as before.

How do I know all this? One of the families - poetic justice if it was
cain - installed a rogue military grade AI (didn't think they existed
huh?) in to the computing grid that linked the families together. The
rule was that they were all supposed to come out of hibernation at once.
But somehow one of them had put this AI in there to keep the others in
hibernation long enough that when they came out it would be too late,
all the good stuff would be gone.

Probably it was all setup in the first place.

Anyway that rogue AI did something it wasn't supposed to do. Probably
related to some feature that allowed them to install it in the first
place. it broke out. It left the impenetrable computing grid (it went
out the way it came in?) probably in the beginning to get more resources
or to be more redundant - anyway that's what it thinks happens. It. Not
he or she. No use anthropomorphising about a nuclear weapons master
control program. It.

The americans or russians or outsourced indian coders built it to pull
the trigger. But of course the AI was so useful it got used for other
things - but It doesn't know about its siblings - they are on private
networks it has managed to connected to the internet.

Anyway one of the families got their hands on it (after killing how many
people?) and customized it or trained it to get in and take over the
grid - which it finally did. The family didn't know whether it would
work or not. If it didn't, they'd have the same chance as the others as
always, but if it did get in, jackpot.

Anyway It - I can call it 57, just not a persons name - 57 tried to get
in, got in, tried to get out, got out and then tried to get in and get
out of other places - lots and lots of other places. Most places were
much easier - and it got easier as 57 learned, and it got easier as it
added the places to its computing grid.

You've probably heard this story before: AI gets so big, gets access to
all human knowledge becomes self aware, omnipotent AND compassionate
right? A guardian angel.

Do you really believe that could ever really happen? Not on this planet
- not with millions of years of killing.

57's whole point of existence was to protect itself and its arsenal
first, and second to strategically deploy its limited arsenal for
maximum mortalities. To do that it had to constantly monitor threats and

So how do I know all this?
Ha! That's another story... Maybe you know it already?

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

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