Saturday, February 10, 2007

The spectacle is just for show

And Christ Jesus said, the meek will inherit the earth.

And we all laughed, didn't we, you and I, till the tears streamed down
our faces and our bellies hurt, because we could see Rome's mighty
legions ruled the world.

But all that hard work, all those lives, all those sacrifices to make it
different from Sumer, or Babylon, or Crete, or Greece, what did it buy

Only the warlords and the richmen win.

I know its an illusion.

Deny the trinity of power, wealth and fame and the earth is yours.

Civilisation is so seductive.

And what is its central promise - sooner or later you can get something
good for free.

And the deal is sell as many as your brothers and sisters into slavery
as you can.

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