Friday, September 02, 2005

Email story part 1 copyright 2005 joshua scott Paul

One day Doodlewood Bump was working late, troubleshooting openvpn
connection issues for a client, when he got an email. Because it was a
fan email, responding to his fairy tale about how the Google computers
had come alive and had contacted a guy who had written a story about the
Google computers coming alive and contacting him, he knew it was likely
yet another email from same fan, thinking that he was the only one who
had thought to contact him pretending to be the Google computer. He
always found it amusing at ways people imagined a thinking computer
would write an email. Why would a thinking computer whose brain was the
size of 10,000 computers write an email in all caps, or without
prepositions or whatever.

But this email was just a normal email thanking him for writing such a
good story, from a pet food lover whose email account was

Whenever he got emails from people who told him that they liked, he
always asked them why they liked it. He was curious to know what other
people liked. So he found his form reply, thanking them for contacting
and asking some questions about what they liked, and then he went back
to troubleshooting the openvpn issue, which he now believed to be
related to an invalid password for the certificate.

His instant messaging app chimed, it was iam wanting to chat with him.
Good evening iam he said. So what do you like about the story? Iam
writes , "I like the fact that someone understands."

"Understands what?" he says.

"Being a computer chance."

"Why say that?" I say.

"Because I am one."

Doodlewood thoguht here we agone again.

Joshua Paul
Neo Code Software
604 638 0668 ph, 604 638 0666 fx
#288 - 425 Carrall St., Vancouver, BC V6B 6E3, Canada

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