Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Storyteller = healer = shaman = why aren't you where you want to be

Why tell stories?
Why is it a real job?
Why is productive?
Why isn't all the time and money spent on movies instead basic science
or health care not money just flushed down the drain?
Why are stories some times the only thing we've got?
What are stories?
What the shadows on the cave wall?
What are the paintings in lescaux?[sic]
What are the pyramids?
What is the space station?
What are hydrogen fuel cells?
What is the new world?
What is Canada? Or America?
What are religious writings?
What am I?
Or fiction?
Lies worth living for?
Lies worth dying for?

What's true is everything I eat I turn into shit.
That's true.
What's true is I will die and no one will remember me.
That's true.
What's true is my story will not have a happy ending.
That's true.
What's true is I am a tired, mean and cranky husband / father.
That's true.
What's true is that my life is a prison and my heart is my hands that
have been scratched to stumps clawing at the walls to get out.
That's true.
What's true is that I want to sing more, and dance more, and laugh more
and work less.
That's true.
What's true is that I am mortgaged to a bank and I have sold my soul for
40x140 foot square patch of earth.
That's true.
What's true is that I love Neo and Jeannie more than anything.
That's true.
What's true is that I am selfish and undisciplined and like to stay up
till 3am writing stories to myself because it is my dream.
That's true.
What's true is Monica and I struggle to be kind to each other after
every long stressfull day.
That's true.
What's true is that I am hungry for stories.

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