Saturday, November 11, 2006

Mini review: skype video

Product: skype video,

Competitors: ichat, msn video

Pros: its works through firewalls where the others fail, zero config,
cross platform, single platform for chat, voice, and video
Cons: "laggy," no support for multi way video chat, client doesn't
support aim, msn, icq or yahoo, should be able to be embedded in a web

Price: free

What I recommend: a supported webcam (see, mac os x or win
xp, and headphones with integrated mic.

Why it works: eBay bought them for billions, so they can afford to make
video chat work

What's it good for: no idea. I still feel uncomfortable with video chat.
Maybe the lag is embarrassing, it leads to crosstalk. Also audio drop
outs suck. I imagine it would be fun to use with a wireless portable
with builtin webcab like a vaio.

Review: I work with web strategist Jason Agouris from,
and for an upcoming meeting he thought video conferencing would be best.
We had tried iChat AV in the past without success and this time was no
exception - despite each of us successfully connecting to apple's test
ichat av accounts which loop there ads - that is an idea for something -
anyway we couldn't connect each other. Jason suggested skype and after
quitting ichat and downloading the most recent version - it worked
right away.

Rating: go get it. It works.

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