Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The ancestor's wail / the ancestors wall

How can I personify evil for my writing?
How can I perosnify good for the web?

Evil corrupt empire paints itself in blood as just and humane
It has built roads all over its empire to allow movement of its troops
and tax collectors
The forces for good inside it have been reduced
(Human empires)

Again and again we are thrust out
From our homeland
from our ancient home in earth's marine volcanic vents 2.5 billion years
ago (taq's tale from the ancestor's tale r. Dawkins)
To my parents homeland in pasadena 35 years ago

We evolve or die in the jungles viet nam
Or die in the streets of baghdad

Stay and fight and die
Or run
Or walk
Or brachiate
Or think
Or talk
Or predict
Or create
Or buy
And keep evolving

Keep eating the dead
It is what we know
We are the result of genes that have survived at least 2.5 billion

But I guess we are older
If it is no coincidence
That the macroscopic resembles microscopic

And the solar system is the womb of our birth
And the earth our mothers egg
And the comets our fathers sperm bringing water and carbon
And the asteroids death

And 40,000 years an ice age coincided with jared diamonds great leap
forward that he chronicles in guns germs steel
Hominids cro magnons left no art before this
But these weren't just ornaments
They left luxury items that were used as gifts to prevail over other


And on a island mammals shrink in size to conserve size in order to
preserve a viable population size


The video mags
Wrestle bacchus
All roads
365 hours of content
No 1 way to reveal it all
Are they are enough affordable producers
Creating illuminating content
That consumers can appreciate
At least 1
I can make it myself
With a dvd burner, folders, photos, movies, rainbow movie navigation,
slides shows, song, locked files, emails, hand written letters, sms, 1/2
biz cards (photo 1side, txt 2side) and posters


I want to do public service announcements
I want to direct creative and technical teams
With photography and models - bread shoes and flowers - and live

That tell stories
Stories that require action
Djinni - asks me - you have three wishes - what would they be?

A: first wish would be to live honourably
Q: what do you mean by that
A: do no harm and do unto others as you have them do unto you. I do not
want to knowingly or unknowingly profit from the exploitation of others.
I do not want the goods that I purchase or consume to pollute the world
or harm others. I do not want the production of the goods that I
purchase or consume to pollute the world or harm others. In fact I want
the goods that I purchase to clean the world and heal myself and others.
In fact I want the productions of the goods I purchase to clean the
world and heal myself and others.

A: Die honourably
Q: what do you mean?
A: I thought I meant dying without regrets, but I am not that selfish. I
want to die having loved and been loved in return. I am ready anytime
even though I can never have enough. I love now, and am loved in

A: Save the world
Q: how is this different from live honourably?
A: living honourably is passive.
I want billion dollar silicon wafer plants AND clean drinking water AND
reverse greenhouse warming AND reward 1 child families AND tax luxury
items more for social services AND telecommunication satellites AND
dominion of over our bodies reproductive or euthanasia AND all drugs -
recreational pharmaceuticals included - are medicines and should be
available with prescription for purchase from pharmacists AND oppression
and tyranny should be opposed with laughter and non-violence AND
renewable and sustainable and affordable access to electrical generation
- the seed AND to honour our ancestors all the way back to the dawn of
life that the act that our inception recreates with egg and sperm

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