Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Why sleepless

Why sleepless?
Today I embarrassed my staff
Overwrought at their dedication
Working over the weekend to complete a project
Was too much for me
I had just wanted to give a team member the applause he deserved
I don't understand why I was overcome
I don't know myself well enough

The sufi book on my bedside table
By idries shah
Has a tale fable story myth
About three wise man each needing to find
Deep Knowledge their own way
And how their disciples blinding copying
Never reach enlightenment

I see
So easily
When the time was right
the story illuminated my position

I have been despondent
Lamenting my ill fortune
Why must everything come to me the hard way
Why do I have to find the path no one has found before

For 3 years
I have been sustained by the teaching of one man
And through him we have all been blessed
Looking back now I can see the blessing

And now
I have 40 days
I must go alone? Into the wilderness
Or seek the dervishes and the wise men

How can I leave civilisation behind?
won't the city collapse without my shoulders?

I see
I do not need to fear
I can give them my trust assign the task
Knowing that whether they do it or not
I will get the task done
I know I can do it
Even if it does take me several tries
I will learn from my mistakes
And make it work

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