Monday, August 22, 2005

World of the day and nightworld

Madame Ping in Diamond Age says there are only two industries, the
industry of things and the indsutry of entertainment

I say the root of all evil is the production of luxury products

The Coast Salish tooks slaves to produce luxury products for their

The Confederate States took slaves to produce cotton for Europe

The Banana Republics tooks slaves to grow bananas for Europe

But those words are night words

The day is flesh
And the night is spirit

The day is dry
And the night refreshes

Every day the body dies and decays and is eaten

Plato the cave - shapes and meaning from the ancient dead
Socrates ephaedra [sic] that letters and writing will destroy our minds

As rock has done
As waltz has done
As novels have done
as movies have done first silent and then talkies and finally
As video games are doing now

In the dark is the way
The older senses
The older brains surface as the cerebral cortex shutsdown (-h now)
And smell, and touch and taste and hearing rise in importance in
comparison with seeing

In the dark night of the movie theatre
We seek the fragrant oil laden popcorn to delight our noses
And revel in the tasting chewy licorice
But why the touching? And holding hands?

The night world provides meaning for the day

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