Monday, June 11, 2007

Ct Day 1

Marketing fund - they don't know how to make it work
- they had it

Founder - successful franchisor
- they sold an accounting franchise
- they just sell a franchise
- what does a franchisee want?

How to plug elance etc in computer troubleshooters

ConnectWise - arnie - $40k
24 techs
Intelligent entreprise workshop
Goal - 6 techs, 2 teams, 1 team lead and two techs

hard drive recovery

Tech in others countries taking the support calls
- indians taking calls deploying chinese guys

Level platform - Zenith - plus connectwise plus monitoring
Help desk - $18/user
Back end support
Best managed - 2 options
Or ingram micro - not good
Or tech data - not good
Need managed services

Add outsourced accounting - sell accounting services

On site techs - take the bus in uniform
Managed services / monitoring
Help desk call centre
Back end server call centre + 2 level 3 techs

Big need for level 3
With kvm over ip

Netwings in calcutta - ct india
Ct egypt Egypt mcse techs $100/month

Level platforms - 2 weeks investment = choice

How to franchise out ecommerce sales using ct?
And hosting?
And elance

Sales cycle - small business 5 to 10 staff, 2 month sales cycle,
projects 2k to 8k

Mary meeting own 4 franchisors (as investor 1/3) + ct usa

Break fix tech = 6k to 10k = level 1

Lou = daily billing goals
Daily emails in the morning of yesterdays billing

Use the mom and pop pc shop
to outsource work and source of leads
Pc sales

Partner with store fronts to collect pcs for carry in service - like dry
Like ups - there is a program for it and help you promote

Customer service - expectations are exceeded

Sell the data copy machine

Service centre - drop off

Break/fix - difficult model
Residential pressure from $29/month remote services, plus geek squad
Retail service centre model - across the street from a best buy
Managed services - open to lots of businesses

Utility company
Managed services
Intelligent entreprise

Remote Monitoring - hosted best
Remote control - hosted best
Pc support - sicklebrook and pc helpline

Why is ct pushing best?
Monthly income for them

Plus helpline
$14/user month

Ink and toners sales is good

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