Saturday, June 16, 2007

Upside down and inside out - ct day 4

Upside down and inside out
I am

My stomach burns like ice
The top of my head and around my eyes feel bigger than my body
My ears are filled with the distant noise of traffic that isn't there
My heart is beating hard and heavy
And my eyes are sad and want to cry

Sleep does not want me tonight

I have been empty
Chasing fullness

Instead of being full
And sharing everything I have

So where is the truth now?

In my fear of being myself

But who will buy me?
What shall I eat?
What shall I give my family?

My first thought is of the wordless wonders
I want to give them
Then I want to give Neo code quotas
And set expectations for myself and others

And are things different? Are things changed? Or always they always the

What have I learned?
I want to give myself peace.

I was reminded to listen and care, and put others needs first, and that
the more you give the more you get.

For managed services plans I want to give companies 5 to 25 with
revenues of $5e6 a free cleaning while I make a presentation, and a
keyboard, a mouse and a mouse pad as a thank you.

For fm hosting I want to give fsa members hosting. Please send me your
files. I can give that message by invitation and flyer and website.

For custom development I want to give companies with 50+ employees and
$5+e6 a custom accounting, sales or hr report they need. I can give that
message by phone.

For b2c ecommerce I want to give homeopathic doctors free stores. I can
give that message by flyer.

For b2b ecommerce I want to give manufacturers with $10e6 free stores. I
can give that message by flyer and email and letter.

For digital posters I want to give medical associations with 200+
posters free digital posters. I can give that message by phone.

For myself I want to give a wordless wonder randomantra (with an
intermission) to an audience. I can give that message by projector, and
laptop, and car in parking lots.

For myself I want to give performances of out of the past collapse, with
cooking, and karaoke, and a mystery.

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