Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Current issues

Article - depression - homelessness, poverty, long hours, stress, not
enough funding for schools and hospitals and the poor, wake up this a
depression - Emperor bump says ship them to china
King panda saya buy a national housing program and welfare

Problem - no line up of people to buy line of ecom products
Make the site yourself
Needs kit
Push - print ad, banners, printed = business cards
Pull - site with examples, testimonials, walk through, buy now
Add marketing person
Add romanian marketing / tech writer person in timisoara whose english
writing is good

Jeannie june plan kp plan:
Year 1 write and publish emails - 10,000 members
- bed time stories - fights hunger, poverty, homelessness (mark hume
g&m), injustice, crime, greed - the evil bump vs king panda
- mail list
- and reverse psychology - don't forward this email
- sign up and get them in sequence, rate it, comment
- Jeannie june pays neo code
- syndication deals
Year 2 make interactive email game - 60,000 members
- add real heroes from the news
Year 3 make flash movies 300,000 members
Year 4 make interactive flash and merchandise 1e6

Pitch ideas as r&d projects for Neo code to do for others
Clearcube and wireless vga and usb

Problem - No home:
Oqo slow for my huge mailbox
Hiptop 6mb mailbox with no find a lobotomy
Mikes machine as josh terminal server home away from home
Replace oqo
Wireless usb and wireless vga with battery

Problem - communicate goals around servers and hosting
Goal - ownership - own the budget, own growth, own costs, own some
- would photos help?
- would freemind help?

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