Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fast eddy and the myth of the myth of progress

Dear rulers of the world and their subjects,

You have acquired wealth the likes of which the world has never seen.
Your power and might is vaster than any human has ever had before.

Perhaps at your command the three gorges dam has been built, afghanistan
invaded, iraq invaded, a giant particle accelerator at CERN, and the
human genome sequenced.

But still how can you be sure anyone will remember you when you are
gone? Can you be sure that your empire will be remembered as long as
that of Sumer or Egypt, though they had but a fraction of your wealth
and power?

The world is waiting for you to bend it towards some noble purpose for
which you will be forever remembered.

Global warming is catastrophe of heroic proportions that calls you to do
epic deeds will always be remembered.

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